The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4468: Stunned

boom! !! !!

A dazzling Jianmang blasted away towards the Dragon Sword.

Immediately the look of the Dragon Sword changed.

A powerful long sword appeared directly in his hand,

Long Jian waved quickly to resist this terrible Jianmang.

However, the body of the Dragon Sword was backed up by the dazzling Jianmang.

The elder of the Longquan Holy Place snorted and spit blood.

With a look of horror in his eyes, his eyes went away.

I saw a man standing in front of him holding a sword indifferently.

This man is the sword emperor.

At this moment, the strong men of Lingbi Palace and the Chen tribe were startled.

And those who knew Xiao Yifeng secretly said: finally shot.

At this time, the wind was turning into a human shape, and the whole person exuded the elegance of Fenghua.

After transforming into Emperor Medicine, Feng Youyou now has the power of Emperor.

And more powerful than the average emperor.

It exudes a naturally attractive breath.


Feng Youyou looked at Xiao Yifeng and called.

"It's okay, with me, no one can bully you !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Feng Youyou and said directly.

"who are you?"

"I am the elder of Longquan Holy Land !!!"

Long Jian looked at the Emperor Jian with a solemn and heavy drink.

"Longquan Holy Land, in the ranking of ancient sites in the ancient times, even thirty can not get in."

"Sorry to shout in front of me !!!"

The sword emperor looked at the dragon sword disdainfully.


Heard the Emperor Jian so insulted Longquan Holy Land.

The elder of Longquan Holy Land looked angry.

He had a mighty power, and the power of the dreaded Emperor's Law came.

Dragon Sword directly urged the secret law forbidding, forcibly performing a horrific trick.

A sword contains all his emperor sources and powers of law towards the sword emperor, and a fatal blow is launched.

However, this dragon sword attack is no different from the ants in the eyes of the sword emperor.

"Master, are you killed?"

Sword Emperor looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.


Xiao Yi shouted coldly.

"it is good!!!"

The sword emperor nodded.

He swept out with a sword.

The sword seemed fluttering and felt no strength.

But when the strongest hit of the Dragon Sword hit the sword Emperor's random sword.

His attack was totally destroyed like a collapse.

Huh! !! !!

In the end, the sword emperor directly penetrated the body of the dragon sword.

With a splash of blood,

The protector of the Longquan Holy Land was killed by one sword.

His body exploded instantly, with no bones left.

Even his emperor infant was annihilated under the power of this sword.

Suddenly, the audience was shocked.

Especially Ling Ling Palace and the strong of the Chen clan were directly shocked.

And the median emperor who had ranted on Xiao Yifeng just now.

At this moment his eyes looked at Xiao Yifeng, thinking of what he had just said.

He trembled fiercely, his face paled instantly, and his forehead burst into cold sweat.

He didn't expect that there was such a terrible strongman around this young boy.

One sword killed the elders of the Longquan Holy Land, which did not dare to offend even the two ancient forces, Ling Ling Palace and Chen.

This is simply terrible! !! !!

And he just talked to him like that just now.

This is a dead end! !! !!

"Hey, it's too weak and boring !!!"

The sword emperor sighed.

Kill such a holy elder with his strength.

It is indeed anti-aircraft guns to hit mosquitoes.

As the elder of Longquan Holy Land was settled with a sword.

Xiao Yifeng's eyes glanced at Ling Ling Palace and the Chen people.

"Do you still want this emperor medicine?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the two ancient forces and smiled.

"You ... who are you?"

Ling Ye Gong Hu Fa watched Xiao Yifeng with a heavy expression on his face.

There was a dignified look in his eyes.

He was full of vigilance.

"You don't need to know who I am."

"But who dares to fight the idea of ​​Emperor Yao, this is his end just now !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.

Ling Ling Palace and the strong men of the Chen clan were silent.

At this moment they were filled with palpitations and fear.

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