The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4443: Terrible Prince Chu

"Anyway, on behalf of the Chu dynasty, I would like to thank the Emperor Xingkong for his help !!!"

Then Chu came to Xiao Yifeng and said.

"I have a good relationship with Chu Yu and Chu Mo. Don't be so polite !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said lightly.

"I heard the wind talk about you."

"See you now, the Emperor of the Starry Sky, and it really has a good reputation !!!"

Chu Hou looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"Emperor Chu?"

"I wonder where he is now?"

Xiao Yifeng curious.

For this man who is called to be comparable to him.

Xiao Yifeng is also very interested.

"I do not know either!!!"

Chu Hou shook his head.

Boom boom! !! !!

At this time above the sky of the virtual **** realm.

Rumbles of roar rang out.

This is the voice of the Chu dynasty and the three dynasties fighting.

"How is this going?"

Chu Yu could not help saying.

"This is your elder brother who is leading the army to fight the other three dynasties."

Chu Hou said.

"Other dynasties?"

Chu Yuzhen is different.

"Now your father is not here. The other major star dynasties and Emperor Pavilion want to take the opportunity to destroy my Chu dynasty.

After the cold road.

"This **** group of guys, I'll get rid of them !!!"

Chu Yu said coldly at once.

Chu Yu rose into the sky and rushed out of the virtual **** realm.

"This girl is too aggressive."

Chuhou frowned.

"It's okay, I'll see."

Xiao Yifeng said, he also rushed out of the virtual **** realm, Wushen and others all followed behind.

Soon they left the virtual **** realm and came to the sky of the **** domain.

At this moment, a very fierce battle is going on in the starry sky of the God Domain,

Countless corpses floated in the starry sky, and many of them were still missing.

The battleship energy between the Chu dynasty and the three dynasties was used up.

They fought fiercely face to face.

Three dynasties, an army of 1.5 million warriors.

The Chu dynasty also sent nearly 500,000 warriors here.

The Chu dynasty fought an extremely fierce battle with them.

Among them, Prince Chu first took the lead and took the golden sword to battle the three emperors.

He was covered in blood, full of horrific killing and monstrous warfare.

"Kill me, Prince Chu !!!!"

At this moment, Yuwenba in the Star-Cut Dynasty looked at Prince Chu with a cold eyes and yelled directly.

Then he waved a pair of sledgehammers and rushed towards Prince Chu.

All of a sudden, all the great emperors of the three dynasties rushed to the Prince Chu.

As long as the prince Chu was killed, the army of Chu would not break.

"Prince !!!"

At this time, several great emperors of the Chu dynasty appeared before the prince.

"You all back up to me !!!"

Prince Chu said coldly.

"I solved them myself today."

At this moment, Prince Chu's face looked coldly at the strong rushed by the three dynasties, he directly drank.


The Prince Chu exclaimed with a cold face, and a terror of murder erupted on his body.

Holding a golden sword, he rushed out and fought fiercely with Yu Wenba and others.

Boom boom! !! !!

Prince Chu's, one enemy ten.

Earth-shattering fighting broke out between the two sides.

The entire starry sky was broken.

Endless space turbulence appeared, and the terrible momentum shook the audience.

At this moment Xiao Yifeng, Chu Yu and his party appeared here.

They looked at this scene.

Xiao Yifeng's expression seemed very calm, after all, in ancient times, he had seen many such battles.

But Chu Yu saw such a big battle for the first time, and there was a look of shock in her eyes.

"Brother !!!"

Chu Yu stared at Prince Chu, who was fighting fiercely with the three great dynasties.

"Miss, the prince will not let others participate in his battle !!!"

Just when Chu Yu was about to rush past.

The strong of the Chu dynasty rushed to block the road.

"Your big brother is not bad. It's no problem to deal with these people."

Xiao Yifeng looked at Chu Yu and said.

His gaze was on the prince Chu in the distance, and his eyes were shining brightly.

Prince Chu's strength is so horrible, his body contains mysterious blood power, but also has a strong physique.

The combat effectiveness is very scary! !! !!

Even the dozens of the three great dynasties above the godless realm joined forces to attack.

He still couldn't hurt the Prince Chu. Instead, he was backed away by the golden sword in the opponent's hands.

"Master, this Crown Prince Chu is not easy !!!"

At this time, Wu Shen stood beside Xiao Yifeng, watching the Prince Chu said involuntarily.

"As the Prince of the Chu Dynasty, naturally it will not be simple !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.

Boom boom! !! !!

With the prince Chu's display of a martial art of horror.

A tens of thousands of golden sword-mans tear the starry sky towards the great emperors of these three dynasties.

A series of roaring explosions came out.

Suddenly, the entire starry sky was destroyed.

The horrible Jianmang blasted down.

The three great empires have urged all their forces to resist ~ ~ but were swallowed up instantly by this golden swordman.

Huh! !! !!

Eventually this golden swordman fell.

Only the strongest of the three dynasties left Yu Wenba to urge a trick to escape.

All the others were killed.

Watching this arrogant lordship displayed by Prince Chu's arrogance, the horrible swordman who swallowed the mountains and rivers.

All four dynasties were stunned.

Hehehehe !! !!

Prince Chu coughed for a while.

"You **** it !!!"

Then Prince Chu's eyes glanced at Yu Wenba.

He waved his sword again and killed him.

boom! !! !!

Yu Wenba took out a piece of jade and crushed it.

A ray of light burst out from it, turning into a figure in the void.

This figure shot back to Prince Chu's bang again and again.

"Brother !!!!"

Yu Wenba screamed as he watched the figure.

This man is Yu Wenji, the lord of the Star-Cut Dynasty.

"I did not expect that Prince Chu's strength is so powerful that he is indeed the son of Emperor Chu !!!"

Yu Wen and Prince Chu said with a look of dignity.

Prince Chu's face looked at each other coldly.

"I will kill your prince today."

"The Chu dynasty who lost the Emperor Chu and the Crown Prince will be self-defeating !!!"

Yuwen and looked at the Chu Prince coldly.

With a wave of his hand, the whole starry sky shuddered.

Although this is just an incarnation of the other party, it contains a terrible power.

It can be seen how powerful the true power of the Lord of the Star Slayers is.

"Brother !!!"

Seeing this, Chu Yu's look changed and she rushed up, but was stopped by Xiao Yifeng.

"give it to me!!!"

After Xiao Yifeng said, he went straight out of the air.

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