The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4437: Dynasty war

Lot 4437

Along with star-cutting, violent flames, the 1.5 million troops of the three starry dynasties of Fenglei came to God's Realm to prepare for a battle with the Chu dynasty.

The atmosphere of the entire Divine Land seemed very heavy.

Especially in the realm of the virtual gods, all forces secretly have their own babies.

There was a depressive breath in the air.

Soon the Chu dynasty issued a notice:

The prince of the Chu dynasty personally took charge of the expedition and sent troops to battle the three dynasties.

"Anyone who dares to oppose the Chu dynasty must die !!!"

Prince Chu's standing on the sky of the virtual **** world.

Make a majestic sound, spread throughout the virtual **** world.

The mysterious Prince Chu directly led a group of strong and powerful troops of the Chu dynasty to leave the virtual **** realm.

Fight against the three dynasties in the starry sky of this divine realm.

In the sky of the gods, the star warships of the three dynasties surround the entire virtual **** world.

Soon the army of the Chu dynasty appeared here.

"The three dynasties of you have the courage to dare to commit crimes against my Chu family !!!

Prince Chu was standing in the starry sky, and looked at the army of the three dynasties coldly.

"Now the Emperor Chu is absent. You Chu Kingdom has nothing to fear."

"Today is the day that your Chu dynasty died !!!"

On a sky-class battleship of the Star-Cut Dynasty, a great Emperor of the Star-Cut Dynasty drank directly.

"You want to destroy my Chu dynasty, you haven't qualified yet !!!"

Prince Chu's disdain.

boom! !! !!

The next second, Prince Chu waved his hand.

A golden swordman pierced the void and blasted towards the emperor in the void.

As a roar came out.

The entire starry sky was chopped by this terrible swordman.

The star-cutting empire's powerful face changed.

He quickly mobilized the rules of the emperor to resist.

Rumble! !! !!

A series of roaring explosions sounded.

The avenue law of this star-cutting dynasty's great emperor burst out in the face of this terrible golden swordman's crumble.

His entire body was turned into powder by this sword.

One sword will wipe out a great power.

This hand shocked the people of the three dynasties.


Prince Chu's arm shouted as he held a golden sword.

"Go to war !!!"

Immediately the people of the three dynasties drank.

Boom boom! !! !!

The battleships of all three dynasties exploded with fierce attacking energy, blasting towards the Chu dynasty.

The side of the Chu dynasty also launched a counterattack.

These four dynasty forces fought an unprecedented fierce battle in the starry sky of the God Realm.

The endless roar continuously explodes above the void of the virtual **** world, shaking the warriors of the entire virtual **** world.

This battle lasted one day and one night.

Four dynasties, an army of nearly two million warriors fought and killed in this starry sky.

Facing the siege of the three dynasties.

The Chu dynasty came out with all their might and launched a **** battle with them.

At the same time that such terrible war broke out in Divine Land.

Orient family, in the hall of stars.

Xiao Yifeng emerged directly from the ancient seal of the starry sky.

A week passed outside.

In the ancient seal of the starry sky, decades have passed.

The aftermath of Xiao Yifeng's forced fusion of the sky map also disappeared.

His whole body recovered.

And this time, the realm of Xiao Yifeng even broke through to the point of the nine saints.

Break through three realms at once.

Now he was only one step away from the supreme state.

However, if they let the former strong men in the state know that his realm is only a saint, but they can kill the eternal emperor, they will absolutely be stunned.

Today's big realm gap is simply unthinkable for outsiders! !! !!

This battle spans multiple realms.

It is only possible to be a starry demon such as the Starry Emperor.

But now Xiao Yifeng feels the slow progress of his realm.

It is just that he has too much power to cultivate now, which makes it difficult for him to quickly advance.

Fortunately, he has a bunch of secret methods.

Otherwise, I don't know how many times he died.

"the host!!!"

In the Temple of Stars, the martial arts god, the beast god, the sword emperor, the spirit emperor, and Beigun shouted respectfully at him.

The strong men who watched the stars hall gathered here.

Can't help reminding Xiao Yifeng of ancient times, a crowd of strong men in the Star Hall stood here to worship him.

"It's a pity that God of War, Instrument God, Baidi and Yudi are not there."

"Otherwise, you can return to the scene of the peak of the Star Temple."

Xiao Yifeng sighed.

"The guy in Bailang doesn't know where to go, but Yudi has gone to the angel world."

Lingdi said.

"Has Tian gone to the angel world?"

There was a look of surprise in Xiao Yifeng's eyes.

"Yes, the Emperor Yu awakened a powerful bloodline power in the angel world."

"Summoned into the angel world, and now I don't know what happened."

Lingdi said.

One of the five emperors, Yudi, was an angel, who was defeated by Xiao Yifeng before and surrendered to the Star Hall.

I did not expect that now I have awakened the blood of angels and entered the world of angels.

"The God of God has always said that he needs to make a powerful weapon, but now I do n’t know where he went to ~~.

"As for God of War ..."

Speaking of God of War, everyone was silent, and the atmosphere at the scene suddenly seemed very heavy.

Everyone knows what happened to God of War.

At that time, God of War was besieged, and he was besieged by many ancient emperors.

In the end, his body was torn apart and severely maimed.

This is also a great sorrow for the Star Hall.

"Master, the enemies of God of War must be reported. If I hadn't waited for the master to appear before."

"I have destroyed all the old guys and their families who assassinated them."

Wu Shen yelled coldly,

"No one who killed Xingtian was allowed to move."

"I'll take care of them myself."

Xiao Yifeng said coldly.

"Master, I have inquired about those old guys, they are in Tianwu Starfield !!!"

Valkyrie said directly.

"Tianwu Star Field, I just want to go to Tianwu Star Field."

"I didn't expect them to be all there. In that case, it will be their death when I land in Tianwu Star Field."

"Dare to kill my Star Emperor so much, I will bury them all !!!"

Xiao Yifeng shouted with a murderous look on his face, surging with a towering murderous power.

"Yes, master, Xing Tian's reincarnation should now be in the dead."

"His body of war was sealed and killed in the dead."

"He wants to return to his peak strength, only to regain his body of war."

Said the beast god.

"Dead domain, it seems to have to go there."

"There are also Quartet beasts. They were also killed by traitors. Now they are suppressed by the seal and suffer a lot.

"We have to rescue it."

Xiao Yifeng said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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