The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4433: Starry sky fusion, the emperor reappears!

At this moment, everyone in the audience was immersed in the shock of the ancient Emperor Xiao Xiao's fierce fight against Honghuang.

At this time, Xiao Yifeng thought of something.

"Power of origin?"

"What is the source of Xiao Xiao's control?"

Xiao Yifeng secretly guessed.

He had previously noticed that Xiao Xiao contained a mysterious power in his body.

It was just that he could not know what power Xiao Xiao contained in his body.

Just now Honghuang ancient corpse said that Xiao Xiao contained the power of origin.

This reminds Xiao Yifeng.

Xiao Yifeng naturally knows the power of the source.

Various powerful constitutions have the power of origin, and the world has the power of origin.

But what is the underlying force contained in Xiao Xiao's body?

Can make Xiao Xiao so bad.

She is only a few years old.

It turned out that this mysterious and powerful ancient Emperor Honghuang could not fight even the eternal emperor had no resistance.

The power of its origins is too scary.

"What kind of evil do I have ~"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Xiao Xiao and muttered.

At this time Xiao Yifeng was very glad that Xiao Xiao was his daughter, not his enemy.

Otherwise he would really have a headache.

Can not figure out what Xiao Xiao's original power is, Xiao Yifeng no longer thinks.

His eyes turned to Emperor Xuan and Undead.

The ancient Emperor Honghuang ran away, these two guys are still there.

But at this time Xuan Emperor and the undead Emperor looked at Xiao Yifeng.

Their faces looked very ugly.

Now Xiao Yifeng is surrounded by martial arts and beast gods.

And the four ancient emperors they recovered, so many strong.

Even if the Emperor Xuan owns the floating slaughter tower, he may not be able to fight.

"Xuandi, are you here too?"

At this time, Wu Shen could not help saying that when looking at Xuandi.

"He has betrayed the Temple of Stars."

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.

"What? How dare you betray the Temple of Stars?"

Wu Shen sank, watching Xuandi scream.

"Xuan Emperor, release the Emperor Jian and Ling from the floating slaughter tower."

"Otherwise today I will let you smash corpses !!!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Xuandi and yelled directly.

"Want me to release them unless you die !!!"

Emperor Xuan's eyes stared at Xiao Yifeng with a cold-hearted killing intention.

"Xuandi, you are looking for death !!!"

Hear Xuandi's words.

Valkyrie was furious.

He waved his spear directly and blasted towards Xuandi.

Boom boom! !! !!

Emperor Xuan burst out of the floating slaughter tower and blasted with Wu Shen.

A series of roaring explosions rang out, and the void exploded again.

"Suppression of floating slaughter !!!"

Xuandi yelled angrily.

He waved his hands again and again, a spit of blood spewed out and fell directly into the floating slaughter tower.

With a loud bang, thousands of lights burst out in the floating slaughter tower.

The terrifying gas of slaughter erupted from it.

All the attacking power of Valkyrie was annihilated on the spot.

The floating slaughter tower banged directly on the **** of war and blasted him out.

Huh! !! !!

Wu Shen's body trembled, blood spewed out, his face paled.

Although this martial arts stepped into the eternal emperor realm, he also realized the avenue realm.

But in the attack just now, he has been injured by the ancient Emperor Honghuang.

Now facing the fourth floating slaughter tower in the Imperial Order.

Even though Valkyrie is powerful, it is difficult to resist.

"Xuan Emperor, betray the Temple of Stars, murder your master, you should be dead !!!"

"You can't escape today."

The beast **** looked at Xuandi with a cold drink, and he waved his hands.

The four ancient imperial beasts, such as Taiyin, Jiu, Sanzu Jinwu, Dipeng, and the top ten emperor beasts, broke out of horror and rushed towards Xuandi.

"Today I will put all of you into the floating slaughter tower."

"Let you all feel the horror of the floating slaughter tower !!!"

Xuandi roared.

He directly urged the floating slaughter tower, and it was necessary to collect the beast **** and the four ancient imperial beasts just as before the sword emperor Lingdi.

boom! !! !!

Just then, a roar sounded.

A little pink hand suddenly fell on the floating slaughter tower.

On the spot, he threw the No. 4 floating slaughter tower on the ground.

The owner of this pink toot is naturally Xiao Xiao.

"You want to kill me, it's time to fight !!!"

Xiao Xiao looked at Xuandi and scolded her, waving her little hand.

Snapped! !! !!

A crisp slap sounded.

Emperor Xuan was thrown directly to the ground by Xiao Xiao, a spurt of blood.

His entire face was blurred with flesh and blood, and he was extremely injured.

Seeing this scene, people around did not know what to say.

I saw Xiao Xiao's terrible power against that coffin just now.

Now watching Xiao Xiao shoot again, they are not much surprised.

At this moment Xuandi looked at Xiao Xiao with a look of fear.

"Xuandi, let the sword emperor Lingdi out !!!"

Xiao Yifeng watched Xuandi yell.

"The Emperor of the Starry Sky, did not expect the dignified ancient strongest."

"Now you have to rely on your daughter."

"It seems that the majestic starry sky, the king of the sky that suppresses countless powerful people really does not exist.

Emperor Xuan looked at Xiao Yifeng and hummed coldly.

"Xuandi, what are you talking about?"

Wu Shen yelled at Xuandi.

"Isn't it?"

"Star Emperor, are you capable of a serious battle with me?"

Xuandi shouted coldly.

"Yes, Star Emperor, do you have no ability to fight us now?"

"It's ridiculous to live on my daughter and my hand ~ ~ !!!"

At this time the undead emperor looked at Xiao Yifeng and mocked.

"You want to fight me?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the two men and said coldly.

"Yes, do you dare?"

Xuandi yelled at Xiao Yifeng.

"Master, you haven't recovered your strength now. Don't fight with them, they will give it to me."

The beast **** looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"Yes, hey, you want to kill them."

"Let me help you out."

Xiao Xiao said to Xiao Yifeng.

"No, since they want to fight me, then I will complete them !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said coldly.

boom! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng then waved his hands.

He was thinking something.

Suddenly a starry sky surfaced behind him.

Stars in the starry sky shine out.

"The fusion of stars and the sky, the emperor reappears !!!"

Xiao Yifeng shouted solemnly.

This sky map rushed directly into its body.

boom! boom! boom!


As the starry sky rushed into Xiao Yifeng's body.

There was a series of roars inside him.

Then Xiao Yifeng's strength began to skyrocket.

His previous state was just a saint state.

Now his realm is rising crazy.

Extreme! !!

Jiu Pin Extreme! !! !!

Great Emperor Realm! !! !!

In an instant, Xiao Yifeng's prestige broke out on him.

Then his realm of strength is still increasing madly.

Median Emperor! !! !!

High Emperor! !! !!

Immortal Realm! !! !!

Eternal Empire! !! !!


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