The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4314: destroy

"Wo Ji Frozen !!!"

Hanbing ancient cicadas drink directly.

One pair of wings is madly inciting, and a cold air is pouring from him,

The ice energy between the heavens and the earth all rushed towards here.

寒 The ice energy in the entire Beizhou area is all flowing at this moment.

Under the control of this ancient ice cicada.

The void in front of him was completely frozen.

The destructive storm formed by this method, which was displayed by the Supreme Elder, was directly frozen.

This terrible ice seal is spreading towards this void.

Immediately the look of the powerful of these four forces changed, and their bodies retreated madly.

And the elder Fengqing Pavilion felt a deep crisis.

When he wanted to retreat, a chill went straight into his spinal cord.

His cold body shivered fiercely.

Suddenly, the elder of Fengqing Pavilion was completely frozen.

The puppet, including its space, was completely frozen.

This void seems to have become an ice world.

The other members of the 24 major forces and the disciples of Chen Ge were shocked, and they were all stunned.

Click! !! !!

A loud crackling sounded soon.

All of these ice pieces shattered and turned directly into nothingness.

At the same time, the elder of Fengqing Pavilion also vanished into nothingness and completely annihilated.

I watched the Taishang elder of Fengqing Pavilion killed like this.

四 The power of these four forces includes other elders or ancestors in their ancestors.

The expressions were solemn, and the expressions looked very ugly.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became extremely depressing.

"No wonder even the people in my heavenly palace dare to start, there is an emperor beast !!!"

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded in the void.

Then a group came out of the air, led by Xu Kun, the palace's owner.

I saw the Lord of the Heavenly Dust Palace appear here.

The looks of those in the dusty sky and the other four forces are changing.

"Master Xu Gong, why are you here?"

Xun Chentian hurriedly punched his fist and said to Xu Kun, the host of this palace.

"Why am I here? You have a big temper in the Heavenly Dust Palace !!!"

"I kindly want your daughter to marry my son, so that Dust House will be protected by the Heavenly Dust Palace."

结果 "In the end, you hurt my third elder in the Heavenly Dust Palace."

"Don't you put my heavenly palace in your eyes, right?"

Xu Kun looked at Chen Tian with a cold drink.

His eyes were filled with deep anger, and a terrible breath erupted in his body.

When the people of the four major powers heard the words of the Lord of the Heavenly Palace, they looked all happy.

They didn't expect that the Dust Pavilion offended even the Heavenly Dust Palace.

尘 This time the dusthouse is completely finished.

As for this dust and other dust elders heard Xu Kun's words.

They looked very ugly, their eyes flickered constantly.

"I'm a man, do you have a comment?"

Xiao Yifeng walked over at this moment, watching Xu Kun, the host of the Heavenly Dust Palace, coldly.

Huh! !! !!

Immediately, Xu Kun's eyes flashed with cold cold killing gazing at Xiao Yifeng, and the horrifying air shrouded him.

The space around Xiao Yifeng condensed, as if imprisoned, he felt a thick suffocation.

Although the master of the Heavenly Dust Palace, Xu Kun, has no strength, he has not stepped into a godless realm.

But he has approached infinitely infinitely.

Xun Qi's understanding of the state of no **** is even better than the elder Fengqing Pavilion.

"Young man, you are the first person I have ever dared to talk to me !!!"

"But if you dare to say such things, you will bear the corresponding price."

"Provocate my Heavenly Palace, die !!!"

Xu Kun watched Xiao Yifeng shouting word by word, his eyes flashed with cold chill.

The power of the horror of the avenue of law came, killing Xiao Yifeng in an instant.

At this time, Tian Shi and others and the ancient ice cicada shot.

They broke out with a full blow.

Rumble! !! !!

The forces of the two sides collided and the void burst.

The terrible energy turned into a shock wave and spread toward Dust House.

Ji Chentian and others looked changed.

They shot one after another and destroyed this terrible aftermath of energy.

然 Otherwise, let the aftermath spread.

The entire Dust House will be destroyed.

Stepping stare! !! !!

With a single blow, Tian Shi and others were all blasted back.

Their faces turned pale, all spurting blood.

As for the cold ice cicada's body is also trembling.

虽 Although its strength is strong, it has already consumed a lot of its power just to deal with the elders of Fengqing Pavilion.

Today, Xu Kun is even better than the elder elder, which makes it difficult for the ancient ice cicada to cope completely.

After all, its blood power awakening time is short.

It has not fully controlled its power.

Otherwise, given its time to practice and control, the strength of Frost Ancient Cicada will be more terrifying.

"Every enemy of the Heavenly Dust Palace will die !!!"

"Including your dusthouse !!!"

"Let's all die !!!"

Xu Kun stood in the void, high above him, drinking coldly.

His eyes flickered with cold killing intention.

Boom! !! !!

The monstrous Diwei erupted from Xu Kun.

Suppressed directly towards the entire Chen Ge.

Obviously Xu Kun is going to destroy the entire Dust House.

"Tianchen mark !!!"

Xu Kun sighed coldly, his hands twitched, and a Yinxie Shi unfolded.

Rumble! !! !!

The energy of the heavens and earth and the power of the principle of the avenue madly gathered towards Xu Kun.

Condensed into a square seal directly under its control.

Formed with this square seal.

A wave of coercion against the sky burst out from it.

Suddenly, all the soldiers in Beizhou felt this terrible oppression.

They all looked startled, and their faces changed greatly.

In the five kingdoms of Beizhou, the other three top powers and the other five first-class powers are all shocked.

They rose into the sky, opened up a strong idea and swept toward the direction of Dengge ~ ~ At this time, the people of the Diange disciples looked at this Fangyin and formed.

恐惧 The look of fear in their eyes.

Wu Chentian and others looked very ugly.

坤 Xu Kunshi exhibited this blow.

The power of the outburst has been comparable to the attacking power of the Supreme Emperor, terrifying! !! !!

"Destroy it !!!"

Xu Kun waved his hands, directly urging this statue of Heavenly Dust to blast down towards Dust Pavilion.

He is going to destroy Xiao Yifeng and the entire Dust House.

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng's look was ugly, and his eyes kept flashing.

的 The ice beads in his body glowed with light, and a mysterious power would be excited.

The icy ancient cicada next to him is going to forcibly inspire the blood of the ancient beasts in his body.

轰轰 轰轰! !! !!

I was at the threshold of this moment.

There was a sudden thunder in the dusthouse.

A monstrous breath erupted from the dusthouse.

Ps: temporarily two changes today, continue four changes tomorrow

Uh ...

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