Huh! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flashed.

"how about it?"

At this moment Gou Jian looked at Xiao Yifeng and said helplessly.

"The other party's memory doesn't have much information about the Yongye League."

"But I do know that the Night League is secretly planning a major event."

"They seem to want to create a very powerful vein by some means."

"Use this bloodline to reach a new level."

Xiao Yi Feng Shen Shen.

"Making blood?"

"Is it because these people's blood is absorbed?"

Gou Shen Shen channeled, his eyes flickered.

"It should be, even the Emperor Chiyan was taken away by them."

"It's also because they found that the Great Emperor Chiyan contained extraordinary blood power."

"So they want to forcibly extract the blood power in the Emperor Chiyan."

"In this way, they create the blood of the sky they want."

"But until now, they haven't researched the bloodline of this kind of anti-sky."

Xiao Yifeng said lightly.

"Master, where is the ancestor now? Is he in danger?"

Yan Hao looked at Xiao Yifeng and said quickly.

"This opponent's memory was not mentioned."

"But Chi Yan's life is so hard, he doesn't finish the calf so easily."

Xiao Yifeng said.

"Do you know where the Yongye League headquarters are? What exactly are they from?"

"When I was in the first blood domain before, I never heard of this Yongye League."

Gou Jian said solemnly.

"The headquarters of the Yongye League is in an underground abyss in the middle of the first blood region."

"This underground abyss is called Bloody."

Xiao Yi Feng Shen Shen.

"Xuanyuan? The Yongye League headquarters is actually in Xuanyuan?"

Gou Jian looked startled, and frowned, Shen said.

"Where is this blood?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Gou Jian curiously.

"Xue Yuan is a forbidden place in the first blood zone."

"This place was born after the blood world after a great war in the late ancient times."

"It is said that in the original battle, there were countless great emperors of the blood world falling in this blood field."

"There is a river of blood under the whole blood."

"I heard that blood was gathered after the countless strong men of that war fell."

"Because of this, there are countless relics of the Great Emperor's soul there under the blood."

"Once an outsider steps into it, he will be invaded by this remnant soul, and eventually he will go into magic and lose his mind."

"Some will even be given away by the remnants of these emperors."

"In short, this blood source is very dangerous, and even the great emperor is afraid to get involved."

"The blood strongmen who once stepped into the blood are basically gone."

"Once you step inside, you never come out again."

Gou Jian said in a deep voice.

"This blood is so scary."

"Yong Yemeng's headquarters is actually in the blood, are they so great?"

Xuan Jun sighed.

"This Eternal Night League is a bit interesting."

"I'm looking forward to a trip to Xueyuan, to see this Yongye League."

There was a smile of evil charm in Xiao Yifeng's mouth, and his eyes were bright and brilliant.

boom! Boom! Boom!


Just then, thunder and roar rang out in the first blood in the distance.

The dazzling blood-colored rays rose into the sky and rushed directly into the clouds.

The whole first blood area was alarmed at this moment.

Countless strong people have emerged.

They looked at the vision, their eyes shining with surprise.

"This ... this is the blood mountain opened!"

At this moment, the three emperors of Jiujian, Tianquan, and Bloodknife looked at this scene.

They looked startled and shook.

"Blood Mountain? What is it?"

Xiao Yifeng and others were puzzled.

"Blood Mountain is a very ancient mountain in the first blood region. On the top of the Blood Mountain, there is a blood pool of five emperors."

Gou Shen said.

"Five Emperor Blood Ponds?"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flickered.

"In ancient times, there were five great emperors in the blood world."

"They practiced together, and finally realized the mysteries of Supreme Ruler on this blood mountain."

"They stepped into the realm of no-god together and became supreme emperor, which awe-inspired the whole world."

"Later, I don't know why, but these five Supreme Emperors suddenly disappeared."

"But they left a pool of blood on top of the Blood Mountain before leaving."

"The blood pool of the emperor left by the five of them is called the blood pool of the five emperors."

"The blood pools of the five emperors will open every 100,000 years."

"At that time, all the powerful men under the emperor can step into the blood mountain and go to the blood pool of the five emperors.

"Into it, absorb the blood of the five emperors to enhance their strength and impact the realm of the emperor."

Gou Jian said one by one.

"It seems that the blood pool of the Five Emperors is now open again."

Xiao Yifeng said.

"Yes, this is a sign that the Blood Mountain is opening and the blood pool of the Five Emperors is opening again."

"But it's not so easy to step into this blood pool. There are many levels."

"I entered the blood pool of these five emperors to break into the realm of the emperor."

Gou Shen said.

"That being the case, let's go and see."

Xiao Yifeng said, they and their group went towards this blood mountain.

At the same time, the forces of the first blood domain went to this blood mountain.

Most of them are without the emperor.

Almost all of the younger generations of the major forces in the First Blood Region went to the Blood Mountain.

Half an hour later, Xiao Yifeng and his party came to Blood Mountain.

A huge tower soaring into the clouds.

The peaks that could not see the peak appeared in front of everyone.

And this is Blood Mountain.

Near this blood mountain, an invisible coercion pervaded.

All warriors are oppressed from flying in the air and all fall to the ground uncontrollably.

"This contains the blood pool of the blood of the five great emperors on the mountain."

"But it can only go up, and there are still great challenges on this mountain."

"Every time the blood pool opens, there are no more than ten people who eventually step into the blood pool."

"I even stepped into the blood pool of the Five Emperors alone."

Gou Shen said.

"Xuan Jun, Yan Hao, Tiantu, follow me."

"Gou Jian, broken bones, you are waiting here !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said directly.


Everyone nodded.

Then Xuan Jun and others who did not step into the realm of the emperor followed Xiao Yifeng directly to the blood mountain ~ ~ at the same time, other powerful forces who did not reach the power of the emperor all ascended the blood mountain.

They all headed towards the top of the mountain, trying to step into this pool of blood and get the blood of the five emperors.

Hum! !! !!

And when Xiao Yifeng stepped on this blood mountain, he stepped into a new world.

The **** light shone before Xiao Yifeng's eyes.

Soon a world full of blood appeared in front of Xiao Yifeng. Watch the new chapter of the debut zui, please go to the Tangke line --- mobile address

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