Elder, Girl Chen, we all heard about what happened in Chen Ge before. "

"Our palace owner was supposed to bring someone to help him in person."

"It turned out that the people of the four major forces all retired, so we didn't come over."

Said the three elders of the Heavenly Dust Palace.

"The three elders are polite and tired of the Lord of the Heavenly Dust Palace."

The elder said lightly.

"Our palace lord feels that although the four major forces have retreated this time, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not make a comeback."

"In order to prevent them from paying attention to the Dust Pavilion again, our palace master came up with an idea."

"I don't know what the elders and dust girls like?"

The three elders said.

"What idea?"

Elder Chen and Yueyue Chen looked curiously at the three elders in Tianchen Palace.

"Let Chenchen marry the son of our palace master, and the two forces will marry."

"In this way, we have the patron of the Heavenly Dust Palace. I believe that the four major forces will never dare to fight against Lord Chen."

The three elders of the Heavenly Dust Palace said directly.


The elder Dust Pavilion changed his look, his eyes flickered.

As for Chen Yuetong's look changed continuously.

What she was about to say, then Chen Hao rushed in.

"No, Yue Tong can't marry you Second Master !!!"

Chen Hao looked at the three elders of the Skydust Palace and called directly.

"Chen Hao must not be rude !!!"

Elder Chen said quickly.

"You are the most talented genius in Chenge for more than 100,000 years."

"I've heard of you, but thousands of years old have already stepped into the ranks of the saints.

"It is indeed a gifted man with great talent."

"But sometimes even genius can't control something."

"Because you are just a genius, you are not really a strong person."

"Some things are beyond your control."

"Our palace master wants to make Dust girl his daughter-in-law.

"It's the only way you can survive in the dusthouse !!!"

The three elders of the Heavenly Dust Palace looked at Chen Hao coldly.

Immediately Chen Hao's face was very ugly.

What else did he want to say.

As a result, the three elders exuded a terrifying breath on them, making them speechless.

"I need to discuss this with the cabinet elders."

Said the Elder Chen.

"What else to discuss, if not for the point of connection between Chen Ge and Tian Chen Gong."

"Dust Girl wants to join our Heavenly Dust Palace. Our Heavenly Dust Palace may not yet agree."

"Aren't you going to take advantage of such a good opportunity today?"

"Missing this opportunity, whether you can continue to exist in Beizhou, it is not necessarily."

The elders said coldly.

"Without the existence of your Heavenly Dust Palace, no one would dare to touch the Dust Pavilion !!!"

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded here.

Xiao Yifeng came in with both arms.

"Gong Xiao !!!!"

Elder Chen and Yueyue Chen hurried to him.

The three elders in the Heavenly Dust Palace looked at Xiao Yifeng.

His frown frowned, and with a look of discomfort in his eyes, he said coldly, "Who are you? How dare you interject."

"I like to interject, how?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the three elders and smiled.


Immediately, the three elders in the Heavenly Dust Palace sank, and there was a flash of anger in their eyes.

With a wave of his palm, the strength of terror broke out, and Xiao Yafeng blasted away.

boom! !! !!

Immediately, a horrific ice storm came.

Suppress directly on the three elders of the Heavenly Dust Palace and kneel on the ground in oppression.

His face was pale, and a wow of blood spewed out.

At this time, Hanbing Guchan stood beside Xiao Yifeng, with a cold face.

"What if I interject?"

"You disagree?"

Xiao Yifeng walked in front of the three elders in the Heavenly Dust Palace.

He slapped out with a slap, and a clear slap sounded against the elders.

"You ... so brave, do you know who I am?"

The three elders yelled at Xiao Yifeng.

Snapped! !! !!

"I do not want to know!!!"

Xiao Yifeng slaps out again and sighs coldly.

Seeing this, the looks of Elder Dust House and Dust Yuettong have changed.

Chen Yuetong looked at Xiao Yifeng with a look of worship.

Chen Hao looked at Chen Yuetong's expression.

His expression was bleak, his face was very ugly, and his eyes were full of unwillingness.

"Just come to mention your relatives, don't make it look like you must be married."

Xiao Yifeng looked at the three elders coldly.

Then he stepped aside and sat down.

"Old elder, this kid is from your dusthouse? Is this your decision?"

The three elders of the Heavenly Dust Palace stared angrily at the elder Chenege, who looked helpless.

"Three elders, I will not marry you Master Tianchengong."

"Please forgive me today !!!"

Then Chen Yuetong looked at the three elders and said directly.

"Okay, good, I remember what happened today !!!"

The three elders groaned gloomily.

His cold eyes glanced at Xiao Yifeng, and he left his sleeve.

"Thank you Xiao Xiaozi for making the siege !!!"

Chen Yuetong thanked Xiao Yifeng.

"He's a siege, which totally made our Dust Pavilion completely offend the Heaven Dust Palace."

"Our Dust Pavilion was already at war with those four forces."

"Now offending the Heavenly Dust Palace, the trouble is even greater !!!"

Chen Hao hummed coldly.

"You like Dust Girl, the people in this Dust House are going to force Dust Girl to give them to the young master."

"But you can't even protect a woman you like, and still have a face talking here?"

"If I were you, I would have been killed !!!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Chen Hao and said politely.

Chen Hao was almost angered by Xiao Yifeng's words.

His expression was bleak, and he was staring at him with hatred.

"I'll go first. If the skydust palace dares to come, I'll help you clean up."

Xiao Yifeng said, got up and left here, followed by the ancient ice cicada.

"Yuetong, this ..."

The elder looked at Chen Yuetong and said helplessly.

"It's okay, there will be nothing when there is Xiao Xiaozi."

Chen Yuetong said directly.

And in Tianchen Palace, one of the four top forces in Beizhou.

"Isn't there such a thing !!!"

The Lord of the Heavenly Dust Palace stood angrily, and the three elders stood before him.

"Palace Lord, this Dust House doesn't look at you and the Dust House at all."

"I don't think you need to be polite with them at all, anyway, Dust is dead now."

"Our ancestors haven't been able to retreat anymore ~ ​​www.ltnovel.com ~ We don't have to worry about that friendship with them."

"Destroy Dust Pavilion directly and take that treasure !!!"

The three elders looked at the Lord of the Heavenly Dust Palace and said.

"You go down first. I'll plan this out."

The celestial palace master said in a deep voice, his eyes were shining, thinking about something.

In an instant, night fell.

In the dusthouse, Chen Hao flushed and walked here, full of alcohol. To watch the new chapter of the debut zui, please go to Tangkexing --- Mobile address:

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