In ancient times, everyone thought that the star emperor fell because of the hundred emperors on the star list.

But in fact, it is simply impossible for the 100 Emperors on the Starry List to reincarnate them.

One of the most important factors,

It was because a group of mean and shameless guys at that time shot at him! !! !!

The group of guys in the Xuanwujie feared that Xiao Yifeng would break through that step and overtake them.

That's why he took the opportunity to attack Xiao Yifeng.

Xiao Yifeng remembered this account clearly.

When he recovered the strength of the first life.

He would come to Void and go to that group of guys to figure it out.

What about the strong in the higher world?

Provoked him Xiao Yifeng, he had to die! !! !!

As for this primitive deity, there was no counterpart in the group that dealt with Xiao Yifeng.

However, depending on the strength of the other party, this person is definitely a top powerhouse in the void! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng has never stepped into the void before.

In this life, he will have to look into the void.

How does this higher world exist! !! !!

"Okay, let's go."

"Don't talk about what happened today !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the two women and said.

They left the forbidden area directly.

"the host!!!"

Outside the forbidden area, the Quartet emperor stood here.

Watching Xiao Yifeng appear, they hurried forward and shouted.

Three days later, in heaven, in a palace.

"Are you leaving now?"

Tianhou looked at the Queen and said.

"Well, Moyu is where I live."

"There are my men and my people there !!!"

The Queen said in a deep voice.

"Magic Realm !!!"

Hearing these two words, Xiao Yifeng flashed cold eyes in his eyes.

Before the first force of the magic prison, the demon master of the clan came to the ancient world to say to him and do.

He remembered it clearly.

And his son and Situ Qian are still in the hands of the Mozu.

At that time, Xiao Yifeng must go to the magic domain.

He wants to destroy the demons with his own hands! !! !!

"You go back to the demon realm to help me inquire about two people."

Xiao Yifeng said at this time looking at the queen.

"Who are you asking?"

The Queen looked at Xiao Yifeng with a curious look.

"A woman named Situ Qian and her one-year-old son, they are all in the demons."

Xiao Yifeng said.

"Among the Demons? What is their relationship with you?"

"Is it your wife and son?"

The Queen looked at Xiao Yifeng curiously.

"That's right."

Xiao Yifeng said lightly.

"How could your wife and son be among the demons? Isn't it ..."

The queen's eyes flickered, her eyes full of shock.

"You don't need to worry about the others, you just have to do as I said."

Xiao Yi Feng Shen Shen.

"For the sake of giving away the fruits of the origin, I promise you."

"But the Devil is so strong that even I can't compete."

"If you can't inquire, don't blame me."

The queen sinked.

"It's okay, I'll go to Moyu anyway !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.


Blood World.

First blood domain! !! !!

The avatar of fire took a group of people into the first blood.

This place is also the most powerful area in the blood world.

The true power and power of the whole blood world are all gathered in the first blood domain.

Winning here, the whole blood world is under Xiao Yifeng's control.

The first blood is full of strong blood evil spirit.

The entire sky of the first blood domain is blood red.

It gives a feeling of walking in Shura Hell.

Soon a huge mountain appeared in front of Xiao Yifeng and others.

But outside this mountain there are a group of armed soldiers guarding here.

"Stop, who dares to approach, kill without amnesty !!!"

Xiao Yifeng, as soon as they were close to the mountain, the warriors looked coldly.

"What's in this mountain?"

Xiao Yifeng said directly.


Immediately this group of people shot.

boom! !! !!

Immediately, Xiao Yifeng's horrific power broke out, suppressing this group of people.

This group is not the emperor's realm, and the guys in the emperor's realm are all suppressed and kneel on the ground.

Blood was spitting in each mouth, and fear was in his eyes.


Xiao Yifeng said coldly.

Then all of them explained.

It turned out that an Emperor Dan that could turn into a humanoid appeared in this mountain range.

Discovered by three powerful forces in this area.

They blocked the mountain and prevented outsiders from stepping in.

Then they sent countless powerful men to search for the whereabouts of the emperor Dan in the mountains.

"Di Dan !!!"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes glowed with brilliance.

Emperor Dan is an elixir that can only be refined by an emperor-level alchemist.

And even if the emperor-level alchemist wants to make emperor's Dan, it is extremely difficult.

Once Emperor Dan has passed through the plague of Emperor Dan, he can possess deity and transform into human form.

If other warriors take Di Dan, their strength can also be greatly improved.

If it is a lower emperor taking Didan.

Instantly step into the ranks of the emperor.

This is the power of Emperor Dan.

But now the imperial alchemy is extremely scarce.

In addition, refining Emperor Dan needs time, place, and people, and it also needs various precious and rare medicinal materials.

Therefore, it is not harder to make an emperor than to break through the realm of the emperor.

I did not expect that there was an Emperor Dan in this mountain range.

"This area is the west of the first blood region, with three superpowers."

"Tianquan Sect of Emperor Tianquan, Jiujian Mountain of Emperor Jiujian and Blood Gate of Emperor Xuedao."

"When I was in the first blood, they were the strength of the next emperor !!!"

Gou Jian looked at Xiao Yifeng and said one by one.

"Go, go and see, if you get this emperor and take it."

"You can quickly recover from the injuries and damaged Emperor in your body, and return to the realm of the Emperor again !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said looking at Gou Jian.

"You want to give me this emperor?"

Gou Jian looked at Xiao Yifeng in amazement.

"I can step into the realm of the emperor without the emperor. It doesn't matter if it is."

"You are my man now, and you can improve your strength, I am naturally just as happy !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said lightly.

"It seems I choose to submit to you, it is a very wise choice !!!"

Gou Jian said in a deep voice.

Xiao Yifeng stepped directly into the mountain ~ ~ also began to look for Emperor Dan.

In this mountain range, Xiao Yifeng encountered many strong men of three major forces.

They watched the emergence of a strange group of Xiao Yifeng, all questioning.

As a result, they were all killed by the demons.

"Boy, are you from Tian Quan Zong or Jiu Jian Shan, why haven't I seen you?"

At this time, a group of people appeared in front of Xiao Yifeng.

Headed by a young man in a scarlet gown, a look of arrogance looked at Xiao Yifeng and others yelling.

. Wonderful book house

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