The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4279: The fruit of the origin

Huh! !! !!

Instantly, Wei Yan's body disappeared here.

He left directly.

Now he is seriously injured and can't compete with Xiao Xiuxiu.

Continue to stay, there is only a dead end! !! !!

Seeing Wei Yan escaped like this.

The expressions of Tiandi and the two remaining Wei emperors have changed.

They turned and fled.

Xiaoxiu rushed over at this moment.

He opened his blood basin and opened his mouth, forcibly devouring the two great emperors of the Wei tribe.

At this moment Tiandi saw this scene.

He even urged the secret method to increase his speed sharply.

Turned into a streamer burst towards the distance.

Xiao Yifeng immediately chased out.

At the same time, both this minor repair and Tianhou chased after the Emperor.

Several streams of light across the sky of heaven, fast enough to make people outrageous! !! !!

In an instant, this emperor crossed over half of the heavens.

Xiao Yifeng and others are still chasing after each other, making it impossible for them to escape, and the other party is getting closer.

For a while, Emperor's face was very ugly.

His gaze swept forward, his eyes flashing.

Suddenly, the emperor gritted his teeth and made a decision.

His body rushed quickly in one direction.

Xiao Yifeng and others followed directly.

Soon this emperor came outside a gloomy valley.

Immediately, he stepped into it without hesitation.

At this time Xiao Yifeng, Xiao Xiu Xiu and Tian He arrived here.

"No !!!!"

Just as Xiao Yifeng was about to enter, Tianhou hurriedly stopped.

"what happened?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the Queen in puzzlement.

"This place is a forbidden area in the heavens. This forbidden area is very dangerous."

"There were a lot of great emperors who entered and never came out again."

"It's terribly dangerous !!!"

Tianhou looked at Xiao Yifeng and said in a deep voice.



"Then we have to go in and see !!!"

There was a smile of evil charm in Xiao Yifeng's mouth.

He stepped into the forbidden area without fear, followed by Xiao Xiu Xiu.

And Tianhou's eyes flickered, and she also stepped into the forbidden area of ​​heaven.

When Xiao Yifeng stepped into this forbidden area.

Suddenly a murky atmosphere enveloped them.

Let them feel involuntary in their hearts.

Xiao Yifeng, two beasts tight, with a wary expression on their faces.

A burst of roar soon sounded.

Immediately, a horrific killing shrouded them.

The monstrous killings swept away.

Xiao Yifeng they touched a killing array.

The horrific killing power came and blasted directly towards them.

Xiao Yifeng, Xiao Xiu Xiu and Tian Hou have shot to resist the killing.

Among them, Xiao Xiu's self-cultivation skyrocketed, and the heart-warming Shura gas erupted.

He directly resisted this killing force.

boom! !! !!

At the same time this little repair gathered the strength of the whole body.

The blood power of the Shura Emperor in his body broke out completely, and he went directly to this killing array.

As a roar rang, the killing trembled fiercely.

boom! !! !!

boom! !! !!

boom! !! !!

Xiao Xiu Xiu urged all the forces to burst out three terrible attacks.

It was finally destroyed.

Xiao Yifeng and they continued to move forward, but now they can't find where the emperor is.

Murder and danger are everywhere in this killing array.

However, they were all eliminated by Xiao Yifeng.

"what is this?"

Suddenly, Xiao Yifeng's eyes narrowed.

The nine star souls in his mind trembled slightly, and he noticed a special breath.

"Master, there seems to be very powerful energy in front of me !!!"

At this time, Xiaoxiu also noticed something.

He pointed at a cave ahead.


Xiao Yifeng said directly.

They rushed towards the cave ahead.

They stormed into the cave.

I don't know how long they have gone, as if they have been walking down for tens of thousands of meters.

Roar! !! !!

A loud beast roared.

A terrible emperor was released from it.

A fierce and cruel emperor beast appeared in front of Xiao Yifeng.

This emperor beast looks like a mutant lion.

A pair of eyes stared at Xiao Yifeng with a fierce light.


There was a thunderous applause in the mouth of this beast.

"You guys, you are not strong, but your tone is not small !!"

Xiao Xiuxiu looked at the Emperor Beast and hummed, it rushed directly to it.

boom! !! !!

Instantly, the two beasts fought together in the cave.

This cave seems to have some special protection.

Even the two Emperor Beasts were unable to destroy the cave.

Although this emperor beast is fierce and terrible, he is not an opponent at all in the face of Shura emperor beast.

After hundreds of strokes, this emperor beast was directly consumed by minor repairs.

Xiao Xiu Xiu devoured this emperor beast, and his strength also rose greatly.

They continued deep into it, and soon a cave appeared in front of the three of Xiao Yifeng.

In the center of this cave, there is a stone platform.

A fruit flickering with bright white light emerged on this stone platform.

A mysterious and heartbreaking breath permeated from this fruit.

"This ... what is this power?"

"So powerful !!!"

Tianhou and Xiao Xiuxiu looked at this fruit.

There were doubts and surprises in their eyes.

"This is the power of the origin?"

"Is this the fruit of the origin !!!"

At this moment Xiao Yifeng looked at the fruit, his eyes flashed with brilliance.

Then he said in shock.

"Fruit of origin?"

Tian Hou stared at it and said helplessly.

"That's right, this is the fruit of the origin that is condensed by a trace of the power of the heavens, and it is a peerless treasure !!!"

Xiao Yi Feng Shen Shen.

Every world has its original power.

This original force is the most important energy to maintain the normal operation of the world.

Equivalent to the life of a world.

Before that, Xiao Yifeng got the flame of the flames from the flames of the flames.

And the fruit in front of it is the fruit of the origin, which is agglomerated by the power of the heavenly origin.

It contains a trace of the power of the heavens, enough to call it a peerless treasure.

Once the fruit of this origin is brought out, it will be enough to stir the whole world of stars.

Caused by the battle of countless star emperors ~ ~ After all, the power of the world, this is a huge temptation for any martial arts strong.

In this starry sky, countless martial arts powers are trying their best to get the power of the world.

This will allow them to break through to a higher level.

Once they know the existence of this origin.

How can we not be crazy to compete! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng did not expect the birth of the root cause in this forbidden area.

It seems that there is the original power of heaven.

This forbidden area is obviously not simple.

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