The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4273: Broken bone remodeling

Bang bang

Boom Boom Boom

In a blink of an eye, eighteen roars rang above the heavens of blood.

These eighteen sounds shake people in the seven realms of blood.

There were even eighteen thunderous sounds in the starry sky where this **** realm was located, ringing through the eight realms of the whole **** realm.

The momentum looks very scary

For a time, the powerful forces of all walks of life in the realm of the gods were shocked.

They listened to the eighteen sounds, and their eyes were full of curiosity.

I don't know what happened.


At this moment, the endless thunder gathered in the room where the broken bones had been waiting, turning into a sea of ​​thunder.

A figure emerged from the thunder sea.

It was the broken bone with a broken bone all over the body.

But now the broken bones are bathed in this endless thunder.

The bones in his body started to move, as if remodeling.

Soon, eighteen mysterious rays burst out from the depths of the starry sky.

Like eighteen meteors across the horizon of the starry sky of the Divine Realm, rushing directly into the blood world.

In the shock of countless blood powerhouses.

The eighteen mysterious rays burst into the broken bone.

Suddenly there was a roar of sound in the broken bones.


An utterly scream of pain came from the mouth of the broken bone, and spread directly throughout the blood world.

With these eighteen mysterious rays enter the broken bone crest.

The broken bones of the whole body were directly crushed.

All these bones shattered.

Then under the power of this mysterious light, it began to re-integrate.

The formation of new bones is like the remodeling of broken bones.

With the force of Thunder into the broken bones.

It stimulates the bones in the body that have been broken into powder **** to reunite again, and then fuse together to form new bones.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yifeng's eyes were full of shocking look.

Although he has heard some legends of broken bones.

But now I have seen the magic scene of this broken bone remodeling.

His heart was still very shocking.

He didn't expect this broken bone to be so magical.

It was even possible to smash the whole body bones and reintegrate and reshape them, which was beyond his imagination.

"Broken Body"

At this moment, the mysterious people looked at the broken bone body, one by one look.

The old man in the lead had bright eyes and blinked.

As time goes by little by little.

The broken bones in the broken bones begin to reshape and transform into new bones.

This reshaped bone is golden yellow with a mysterious charm.

"The broken bones have been reshaped"

At this time, the eyes of the mysterious ancestor who had been searching for the blood of the Wu tribe and the broken bones opened suddenly.

His hands kept twitching with his ten fingers.

Immediately, the old man threw a seal with his hands.

A ray of light burst out of his mind and disappeared instantly.

The ancestor closed his eyes as if settled.

And in the blood world's second blood domain.

In an instant, an hour passed.

All the broken bones in the broken bone corpuscle were directly fused and remodeled, and turned into golden-colored bones.

The endless power of Thunder poured into him.

Above the sky, bursts of thunder sounded again and spread throughout the blood world.

For a while, the sky changed, the sun and the moon turned upside down.

As if the whole Qiankun had been reversed.

This terrible vision was naturally caused by this broken bone.

"Is this broken bone so powerful?"

Tiantu, Linghuo Emperor looked at this scene, his eyes were full of shock.

"Broken body, the day of remodeling, reversing the world and dominating the world"

At this time the leading old man among the mysterious people muttered to himself, staring at the broken bones.


Another hour has passed.

The broken bones in the broken bones were completely re-integrated and remodeled, turning into bones with golden light.

At this moment he was shining with dazzling golden light all over his body.

There was a roar of noise in his body.

An intimidating coercion swept away from him, directly toward the entire second blood domain.

Even spread towards the whole blood world.

For a time, the whole blood was trembling.

They felt a terrible oppression.

It was like a supreme mountain suppressing them.

They can hardly breathe under pressure.

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng and others felt this terrible coercion.

They trembled, their eyes gazing at the broken bones.

"So strong coercion, the broken bone body was so excited that it was so strong"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flashed with a shocking look at the broken bones.

Bang bang

Just then, above the sky.

A burst of thunder sounded again.

A terrible nine-day divine punishment reappeared.

Looking at these nine days of divine punishment, Xiao Yifeng's look was startled again.

This is the third time he has seen these nine days of punishment.

The first time was when Snowflake awakened the contraindicated body.

The second time was when Xiaoxiu Tianxiu broke through and became the Emperor Beast.

This is the third time.

This third time is when the broken bones and broken bones are excited and the broken bones are reshaped.

This also proves the horror of broken bones.

Otherwise it will never cause the jealousy of God to kill it.

And only if it is really against the sky is enough to endanger the entire starry sky, shaking the existence of the sky can lead to nine-day divine punishment.

Even the anti-Cang Cang, who was pregnant with a forbidden body before, was very anti-Sky.

However, Tiandao is just to drop the powerful thunderbolt to kill, nor did it lower the nine-day **** punishment to kill.

Once the nine-day divine punishment is lowered, it means that Tiandao will truly kill it.

Now this heaven sent nine days of **** punishment.

It is enough to prove that the broken bone body is terrible.


A terrible nine-day **** punishment blasted down towards the broken bone.

This divine punishment power is much stronger than the nine-day divine punishment power that Xiao Xiu Xiu received before.

It is even comparable to the nine-day magical punishment that Xiaoxue awakened from the taboo body.

With this terrible nine-day divine punishment and bombardment, it formed an extremely terrifying power.

Xiao Yifeng and others all stepped back a dozen miles.

The people in this city all felt the horror and palpitations.

They fled the city in fear of being caught.

Facing the bombardment of nine days' punishment, the city was destroyed instantly.

A huge deep pit appeared on the ground ~ ~ The broken bone crest floated here quietly.

The power of the nine-day divine punishment was directly on him.

The bones of his whole body were smashed on the spot.

As a result, the smashed bones in the broken bones were reintegrated and reshaped, releasing a dazzling golden light on the body.


It was another horrible nine-day **** punished and killed, and once again shattered the broken bone.

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