The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4267: Revenge

"It's all because of you. You saw me as your most proud disciple."

"Since the **** against the sky was born, you have focused on training him and completely ignored my existence."

"You even want him to be the next head of the Xuan Palace."

"Why? I'm not willing !!!"

Cangming shouted with a sullen expression.

"So you secretly enter the battlefield and begin to control the taboo killing secretly."

"How did you control the formation method?"

This ancestor of Xuan Gong looked at Cang Ming and said.

"Sorry, ancestor, Cangming used to perform a secret technique on me, and let me tell you how to control this array !!!"

At this time, the elder of Xuangong kneeled directly in front of the ancestor of Xuangong.

"Now I'm in charge of this killing, and all of you are dead or alive."

Cangming sighed coldly at the crowd.

"Cangming, this is a treason !!!!"

The Xuangong Palace screamed in anger.

He rushed out towards Cangming and would take it down.

boom! !! !!

At this moment, in the battlefield in the Xuan Palace.

A terrible killing force came.

Instantly destroyed the Xuangong Palace Master with a blow.

The Lord of the Xuangong Palace was a great emperor, but he was destroyed by one stroke.

It can be seen that this killing array is powerful.

This killing array is a taboo killing array arranged by the first palace master of the Xuan Palace.

The power is terrifying, even the most powerful can kill.

Previously, Xiao Yifeng and the second elder emperor fought a battle. Although this Xuan Palace building was destroyed, the killing array still exists.

This killing line was originally used to deal with foreign enemies.

I did not expect to use it on my own.

"Go against the sky, let's die !!!"

At this time Cangming looked at Ni Tiancang and drank.

In his eyes flashed the cold and terrible killing intention.

Immediately he will urge this array to destroy the sky.

"Cangming, don't make mistakes again and again !!!"

Xuan Gong ancestor shouted at Cangming.

"I'm not wrong. You are wrong."

Cangming growled.

Immediately, this horrific killing force will burst out.

boom! !! !!

Just then, a thunderous roar burst out from the whole array.

This large array capable of killing the superior emperor was suddenly destroyed by external forces.

The whole array was destroyed instantly.

"how is this possible?"

At this time, Cangming was stunned directly, his eyes widened, showing an incredible look.

As this large array was broken, three figures stood in the sky above the Xuan Palace.

These three figures are all old men.

No coercion was released from them.

But the whole body of the Xuangong shivered.

They felt a more terrifying coercion.

Terrible coercion oppressed their bodies.

One by one felt a big mountain pressing on them.

Xuan Gong's ancestors watched the three men frown.

"Who are you?"

Cangming looked at the three men and yelled, his eyes filled with anger.

He managed to seize this opportunity to kill Anti-Sky Cang.

But it was so destroyed.

He naturally burned his anger.

boom! !! !!

The next second, Cangming's body was blasted by an invisible force, and it was directly turned into powder.

Death can be described as extremely sad.

He did not expect that he did not kill Ni Tiancang in the end, and he was buried as a result.

"Who are you?"

Xuan Gong ancestor looked at these three people, said with a somber expression.

"We are defending the law from the imperial court of the virtual **** world !!!"

"This is the elder of the Imperial Court of the Ethereal World !!!"

Two of the three left to speak first, and then pointed at the white-haired old man among them.

Hearing their words, the look of the Xuangong people changed.

The Elder Emperor came before, but was killed by Xiao Yifeng.

Even an idea incarnation of the emperor's pavilion was destroyed.

Unexpectedly, the Emperor Pavilion sent three strong men to come again.

Even the elder of the Emperor Pavilion was sent out.

The elder of the imperial court is much stronger than the elder of the second imperial court.

Even the strength of these two defenders has reached the strength of the superior emperor.

It can be seen that this imperial court is indeed one of the top forces in the realm of God.

"Before destroying my elder emperor, where is the kid who destroyed my emperor's idea? Let

"He comes out right away, or don't blame us today."

One of the left and right guardians drank directly, and the sound of thunder was spreading throughout Xuantianjie.

For a time, the eardrums of the warriors in Xuantianjie shivered fiercely, and they felt like they were deaf.

"Who is looking for your grandpa?"

After an instant, a playful voice came out in the void.

Xiao Yifeng embraced with both hands and walked over leisurely.

The others followed him all.

"Did you kill the second elder of the imperial court and destroy my idea of ​​the imperial court?"

An imperial court guard looked at Xiao Yifeng and yelled directly.

"I did it. Why? Come to Xingshi to confess?"

"I thought your Lord Pavilion would come in person."

"Unexpectedly, I sent you these little crickets."

Xiao Yifeng raised a sneer of evil charms in his corners of his mouth, and his eyes were bright.

"Kill you, you don't need to do it yourself."

At this moment, the elder of the imperial court looked at Xiao Yifeng with indifferent eyes.

"Do you think you can kill me?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the Emperor Pavilion coldly.

"I haven't shot it for more than 100,000 years."

"Are you qualified to let me take the shot, I won't know until I try."

The emperor of the imperial court sank.

boom! !! !!

boom! !! !!

The terror of the two emperor's guardians erupted from the upper emperor's coercion.

Terrible coercion once again enveloped Xuantianjie.

All the warriors of Xuantianjie once again felt great oppression.


The two imperial court guards looked at Xiao Yifeng and yelled.

The law of horror came, and went directly to Xiao Yifeng.

Rumble! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng wielded thunderous thunder for nine days.

A terror swept out, cooperating with the sky meteor **** thunder.

The power of these two avenue laws was destroyed on the spot.

"Good weapons, and God Thunder !!!"

"No wonder!!!"

The elder emperor looked at Xiao Jifeng's thunderous thunder in his hands, his eyes flashed with fascination, and he was startled.

Boom boom! !! !!

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng suddenly noticed that the queen ant attached to him had movement ~ ~ he summoned it directly.

A series of thunders sounded from the queen eater.

The queen-eater eater apparently had finished refining the energy of the queen-eater.

A terrifying breath emanated from the queen eater.

Its body suddenly became several times larger.

A more terrifying coercion was released from him.

Buzz ...

The next second, a sudden buzzing sounded.

The densely packed blood eater blasted out from the body of the queen eater.

PS: There are two days to go back to normal. The old book is not enough. You can look at the new book, Need for Demon Sinner. The two books add up to four more. The new book is almost a thousand.

. Wonderful book house

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