The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4254: War 3 women

Now that the host has just retreated, let's have a drink. "

"It's a celebration of the owner's smooth exit !!!"

Zhao Mengjie then said.

"That's a good idea."

Xiao Yifeng nodded.

Zhao Mengjie then called for a drink.

"I wonder if Yuling Fairy and Miss Tianhai can drink?"

Zhao Mengjie looked at the two women holding the jug and said.

"of course can."

Yuling Fairy smiled, and Tianhai Youruo nodded.

"Okay, then let me see how your three women drink?"

Xiao Yifeng held the wine glass and smiled at the three women.

"We toast the host !!!"

Tian Hai Youru said with a glass.

The three women and Xiao Yifeng directly had a drink.

In a blink of an eye, Xiao Yifeng drank dozens of drinks.

This wine is very strong, Rao is the powerful strength of the three women.

They were all flushed and flushed.

The three women looked very charming with a somewhat charming gesture.

Especially Zhao Mengjie, the whole body is close to Xiao Yifeng.

Fragrance of fragrance poured into Xiao Yifeng's nose, letting Xiao Yifeng's evil flames burn inside.

"Master, let me toast you again."

Another dozen cups,

Both Tianhai Youruo and Yuling Fairy are a bit dead.

They were lying on the table stumbled.

At this time, Zhao Mengjie sat directly on Xiao Yifeng's lap and said to him holding a wine glass.


Xiao Yifeng said directly.

The two toast.

After drinking this glass of wine, Zhao Mengjie stared at Xiao Yifeng with charming eyes.

"Come, master, I feed you a drink."

Zhao Mengjie said.

She drank a glass of wine herself first, and then suddenly blocked Xiao Yifeng's lips.

The wine in his mouth transitioned into Xiao Yifeng's mouth.

Xiao Yifeng was so provoked by Zhao Mengjie, and a moment of drunkenness poured into his brain.

He grabbed Zhao Mengjie and kissed each other tightly.

Soon the two kissed and fell to the side of the bed.

These two people directly act as the jade fairy and Tianhai Youruo if they do not exist.

A battle began in this room.

A fierce battle started directly.

And halfway through the battle.

Yuling Fairy and Tianhai Youruo were directly awakened by Zhao Mengjie's voice.

When they looked away, they saw an unsightly scene.

Immediately the faces of the two women changed.

Their faces were blushing, and their expressions changed constantly.

Both women are dumb, and they don't know what to do.

The pictures of Xiao Yifeng and Zhao Mengjie on this bed gave them too much shock.

"Master they are awake."

At this moment Zhao Mengjie glanced flushed at the two women, and said to Xiao Yifeng.

Xiao Yifeng looked at the two women with an awkward look.

I was stunned by this bath look just now.

He had forgotten that there were others in the room.

As a result, the two of them directly performed a live chunchun palace for Yuling Fairy and Tianhai Youruo.

This is simply too awkward.

"Then we go out first."

At this time, if Tian Haiyou stood up and said, she would leave here.

Huh! !! !!

The next second, Zhao Mengjie's body suddenly stood in front of the two women.

"You all watched, did you plan to leave like this?"

Zhao Mengjie looked at the two women with a sinister smile.

"You ... what are you doing?"

Tian Hai Youruo and Yuling Fairy looked at Zhao Mengjie stuttered.

The two women's heartbeat was very fast.

The two of them were still in an aggressive state at the moment.

"Since you have all seen it, it would be better to serve the host with me."

"It is a great honor to serve the Emperor of the Starry Sky."

Zhao Mengjie smiled, and she waved her hands suddenly.

Dorattle sounded suddenly.

The clothes on Tianhai Youruo and Zhao Mengjie were torn directly.

In an instant, the two women were not in the dark.

Xiao Yifeng watching this scene secretly swallowed.

The fire in his body, the stimulation of alcohol, and the stimulation of the picture in front of him, even more burning.


With his clothes destroyed by Zhao Mengjie.

Both women's faces changed.

"come together."

Zhao Mengjie looked at Tian Hai Youruo and Yuling Fairy with a smile.

She directly grabbed the bodies of the two women and came to the bed.


Seeing this scene, Xiao Yifeng was also shocked, and his face changed continuously.

"Master, I can't bear your spoils alone, let's have them both."

"They saw it anyway, and I believe that the Yuling Fairy and Miss Tianhai must also be willing to serve the host."

Zhao Mengjie looked at the two women and said.

"It is naturally my honor to serve the Emperor of the Starry Sky."

At this moment, the fairy Yuling blinked and looked at Xiao Yifeng.

"As long as the host doesn't dislike me."

Tianhai Youruo said.

In today's situation,

The hearts of the two women already felt about Xiao Yifeng, and the expression of drink was directly expressed.

The next thing naturally came to pass.

At this time Xiao Yifeng had burned himself,

Since both women agreed.

In addition, their perfect bodies stimulate Xiao Yifeng's brain.

He decisively threw the Yuling Fairy and Tianhai Youruo.

With two special sounds.

Tian Haiyouruo and Yuling Fairy, two beautiful women, were turned into young women by Xiao Yifeng.

Zhao Mengjie, Jade Spirit Fairy, Tianhai Youruo,

These three women are among the most prominent in the status, strength, and appearance of all the women in the spirit world.

Favored by countless spiritual men.

But no one can win any one of the three women.

Today, Xiao Yifeng has won all three women.

There is also a mixed battle.

If this comes out,

Absolutely make the whole spirit world man jealous of death.

This battle lasted for more than five hours.

Xiao Yifeng stopped fighting until the three daughters could not work.

The more people do this, the more they do it,

Xiao Yifeng is more energetic the more he works,

So that in the end these three women are completely unbearable.

They collapsed on the bed, their foreheads covered with sweat.

The three women were so tired that they could not speak.

Xiao Yifeng then got up and walked outside.

When Xiao Yifeng left, Zhao Mengjie looked at the two women and smiled:

"I help you fulfill the wishes in your heart and become the woman of the Emperor of the Sky."

"Should you thank me?"

I heard Zhao Mengjie's words ~ ~ The jade fairy and Tian Haiyou glanced at each other with complicated eyes.

"Don't you look down on me before?"

"I feel that by selling my body to win the joy of the Emperor of the Sky, I can become the vice leader of this alliance."

"Now you two are the same as me. I'll see if you still look down on me?"

Zhao Mengjie watched the two women hum.

"Zhao Mengjie is really deep in your mind."

Tian Hai said quietly.

"thank you."

Zhao Mengjie smiled. Watch the new chapter of the debut zui, please go to the Tangke line --- mobile address

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