The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4250: No bones

Seeing the Great Emperor of the Blood Spirit Chamber of Commerce coming.

The look of the Dan Club and the leader of the Blood Vessel Alliance are constantly changing.

"In this blood world, there are people who have your blood spirit chamber of commerce."

Xiao Yifeng looked at the Blood Emperor Chamber of Commerce humming coldly.

"Young man, you have to obediently give me what you got in this Great Emperor Cave."

"You and these people around you can survive."

"No one will die in my hands today if not killed by both of them."

The Great Emperor of the Blood Spirit Chamber of Commerce looked at Xiao Yifeng and said coldly.

"Your Blood Spirit Chamber of Commerce is really difficult. I have killed so many of you."

"You still keep coming in front of me."

"It seems that only I uprooted your Blood Spirit Chamber of Commerce and killed them all."

"You will not continue to appear in front of me"

Xiao Yifeng watched the Great Emperor of the Blood Spirit Chamber of Commerce coldly hum.

Hearing Xiao Yifeng's words, the Blood Emperor Chamber of Commerce's great emperor powerman sank.

As for the people of Danhui and Blood Organism Alliance, they were all shocked, and they looked at Xiao Yifeng with incredible eyes.

"what did you say"

"You dared not speak badly to my Blood Spirit Chamber of Commerce."

"It seems you really want to die"

"That being the case, then you should die."

The Great Emperor of the Blood Spirit Chamber of Commerce stopped drinking.

A horrific thunder blasted directly towards Xiao Yifeng.

This thunder is exactly the rule of the thunder realized by the great emperor.

It contains horrific attacking power.


Sky demon blasted out with a punch.

He had no fear of the power of this avenue.

A punch contains the terrible power of the sky demon, which directly destroyed the power of this law.

One punch can destroy the power of the Emperor's rule of the road.

It can be seen how horrible the power of this demon is now.

At this moment, the **** chamber of commerce's great emperor had an incredible look in his eyes.


Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.

Immediately, the demon rushed towards the emperor of the Blood Spirit Chamber of Commerce.

Terrorist attack forces erupted.

The monstrous enchantment swept out, instantly covering the emperor.

This demon is a ferocious beast born from the fusion of the power of heaven and earth and the magic of the universe.

The talent is extremely powerful.

Now he has returned to the state of the emperor, and also fully demonstrated his combat effectiveness.


Less than half a minute, a deafening explosion sounded.

A cloud of blood sprayed out.

The Blood Emperor Chamber of Commerce's median emperor was directly blasted by a strong punch from the Devil.

The dead bones are gone.

Seeing this scene, the people of Danhui and Bloody Alliance were shocked.

Their eyes widened, showing an incredible look.

Apparently, they did not expect that a middle-class emperor of this **** chamber of commerce was killed.

This is simply incredible.

"Do you two want to die or live?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Danhui and the two Great Emperors of the Bloodline Alliance coldly.

"What do you want to do"

The two men stared at Xiao Yifeng and said with a look of solemnity.

"Now in the second blood domain, all the major cities have surrendered to me."

"Just two of you, what do you say I want to do?"

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.

"You are the leader of the wind alliance"

The two pupils shrank, their eyes filled with shock and looked at Xiao Yifeng.

They naturally knew what happened in the Second Blood Region these days.

A Fengmeng emerged in the air, directly regaining or destroying the cities of the second blood domain.

There has been a huge storm in the second blood domain.

It is just that the people of these two major forces did not expect that the owner of this Fengmeng would be such a young boy.

"Submit or die, you choose one."

Xiao Yifeng looked at the two people and said directly.

"There are great emperors in our power. You really want to be our enemy"

The great emperor of the Blood Chamber of Commerce said with a cold look at Xiao Yifeng.

"Looks like you want to die, right?"

"Then die"

Xiao Yifeng said coldly.

This day the demon shot directly, and a terrible punch blasted towards the emperor of the blood organ alliance.

The emperor's look changed.

He slammed the law of the avenue of wind.

The whole person turned into a breeze and fled away.

"Little White Snow"

Xiao Yifeng called directly.

call out

Immediately, this little white snow burst out and turned into a white light before her eyes.

The next second, a crackle sounded.

The body of the escaped blood organ alliance was directly blasted by Xiao Baixue's paw.

And the blood emperor Chamber of Commerce's great emperor ended in the same end.

The bones are gone, and the dead can't die anymore.

At this moment, the look of the remaining Danhui Emperor is extremely ugly.

Rao is a great emperor.

At this moment, his eyes were filled with a look of fear, and a deep fear came into his heart.

This feeling has never appeared since he stepped into the realm of the emperor.

"Do you want to go with them?"

Xiao Yifeng looked indifferent, as if a supreme overlord looked at this Danhui great emperor.

Although the Danhui strongman is high above him in the eyes of outsiders, he is an extremely honorable great emperor.

But in Xiao Yifeng's eyes, it is no different from an ordinary person.

"I'll wait to submit."

The Great Emperor of Danhui finally spoke.

"You are very interesting."

Xiao Yi wind coldly.

The Great Emperor of the Danhui Society secretly slandered:

If he doesn't know anything, he's afraid he's turned into a corpse at this moment.

"what about you"

Xiao Yifeng watched as Dan would sneer coldly with the other strong players in the Blood Organisation.

"I'll wait to submit."

The group said immediately, kneeling.

Even the great emperor was killed by the other's hand, and they naturally would not seek their own way.

"Heaven, you lead the others directly to take back all the Dan Club and Blood Organisation."

"If anyone doesn't, there is no pardon for killing"

Xiao Yifeng drank directly.

"Yes, master."

The devil nodded.

Immortal then left here with the others and the Great Emperor of the Danhui as well as other powerful men of these two forces.

They went to Danhui and Blood Organisation to prepare to completely recover these two forces ~ ~ while Xiao Yifeng and the rest returned to the city where Tiantu was located.

But as Xiao Yifeng returned to the city.

A crowd of unexpected guests ushered in the city.

This group of people is the one sent by the ancestor of the mysterious organization to capture the blood of the gods and broken bones.

It is headed by a man with a cold face and a cold and shady man's eyes.

He was wearing a trench coat, exuding a terrifying evil.

This wickedness around him was terrifying.

And he is the left-handed law sent by that organization.

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