The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4246: Conquer the heavens

boom! !! !!

Seeing that the second elder of the imperial court was about to run away.

Xiao Yifeng stared.

He directly blasted the nine-day thunder in his hand towards the opponent.

During the nine days of thunder, the thunder ripped through the space, and an explosion sounded.

Instantly penetrated the body of the emperor of the imperial court.

Huh! !! !!

The second elder of the imperial court spurted blood.

His eyes widened.

Then the elder of the imperial court broke out,

Destroyed, no dead body! !! !!

A super emperor with a superior rank.

The second elder of Emperor Pavilion, the top force in the virtual world, died here.

Xiao Yifeng, the demon genius who was not in the realm of the great emperor, was killed.

This scene shocked the hearts of everyone present.

Xiao Yifeng stole the thunderous thunder for nine days, and he was separated from the five gods of thunder.

His strength returned to his original position.

His expression was pale and he was stunned.

At this time, the Empress Dowager and Mengyue came directly to his side and supported him.

"Master, are you okay?"

Lei Long came to Xiao Yifeng and said quickly.

"I'm fine."

Xiao Yifeng shook his head.

"Thank you for your help !!!"

At this time, Ni Tiancang came to Xiao Yifeng, thanking Shen.

"you are welcome."

"I have a request to save you."

Xiao Yifeng looked at Ni Tiancang and said.

"What do you want?"

Against the sky, Gaze stared at Xiao Yifeng.

"It's very simple, I fancy you and want you to follow me !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Ni Tiancang and said directly.

"I won't betray the Xuan Palace."

Ni Tiancang said directly.

"But Xuan Gong no longer exists."

"You're not betraying this."

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.

"Although the land of Xuan Palace is destroyed."

"But the people in Xuan Gong are still there, Xuan Gong is still there."

Anti-Cang Cang said in a deep voice.

"Xuangong will never exist."

"There will only be one force in the entire Xuantianjie, and that is Fengmeng !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said directly.

"Wind Alliance?"

Hear what Xiao Yifeng said.

The eyes of the ancestors, the ancestors of the Xuangong, and the other main powers of the Xuan Realm in the field were full of surprise.

"Xia Xuan Jie and Zhong Xuan Jie have already been won by the Feng Meng I founded."

"All their major forces have joined our alliance."

"Now, the forces of all parties in the Upper Xuan Realm have gathered here."

"I'll officially inform you that all forces in the Upper Xuan Realm must join the Wind Alliance."

"Of course you can not join, but the result of not joining is destroyed by Fengmeng."

Xiao Yifeng's eyes glanced at everyone present, and he shouted coldly.

Hear Xiao Yifeng's words.

The faces of the major forces present were constantly changing.

Their eyes flickered, and they were secretly thinking.

"I don't know where this guy is?"

"Ambition is so great !!!"

At this time the Xuangong ancestor looked at Xiao Yifeng and said helplessly.

"When you join Wind League, you will naturally know who I am."

"It's because you just helped Lei Long block that blow."

"I don't want to kill you, but you have to join Wind League."

Xiao Yifeng watched the Xuangong ancestor with a strong expression.


The Xuangong Palace master looked at what Xiao Yifeng wanted to say.

The result was stopped by the elder of the mysterious palace.

Then the elder of the Xuangong whispered in the ears of the Xuangong ancestors and the Xuangong Palace master.

Both of them looked changed.

"I didn't expect the son to even destroy the Qin people."

"It also regained the King Jietian, and even killed the Mu patriarch, one of the ancient people of the prefecture level."

"It's a serious injury to the old Mu chief, and it really is the talent of the heavens !!!"

This Xuangong ancestor looked at Xiao Yifeng and said one by one.

Obviously the elder just said exactly what he said.

"Now that you know this, it's best not to challenge my patience and limits."

Xiao Yi shouted coldly.

"I'm willing to join Wind League !!!"

Xuangong ancestor looked at Xiao Yifeng and said directly.

"My ancestor ..."

Hearing the words of the ancestor of the Xuangong, the main look of the Xuangong palace changed.

The faces of other Xuangong disciples are constantly changing.

"It's all right!"

This ancestor of the mysterious palace sank.

"Very good, you are very familiar !!!"

There was a smile of evil charm in Xiao Yifeng's mouth.

"what about you?"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes then turned to the other main forces of the Upper Xuan Realm.

"I Cang Leizong is willing to join Wind League !!!"

"My God Jiamen is willing to join the Wind League !!!"

Xiao Yifeng, the master of the genius who was one of the two top ten gates of the Upper Xuan Realm who was shocked and confounded by Emperor Xuan Tian's burial, looked at Xiao Yifeng first.

"My Helian family is willing to join the Wind League !!!"

He Lianba also looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

Looking at the Helian clan, Xuan Gong, Cang Leizong, these major forces have joined the Wind League.

The heart of the other powers is very unwilling.

But they can only endure this unwillingness to speak and agree to join the wind alliance.

After all, they have already seen Xiao Yifeng's horror.

And now there are nine Emperor Emperors, Emperor Jie Tian, ​​Supreme Leilong, who have terrible powers and orcs.

If they do not join the Fengmeng League, I am afraid their end is even worse than that of the Qin people.

In the end, even the two emperor Pang and Tianluo had to choose to join the Feng League and surrender to Xiao Yifeng.

Although their two great emperors are strong, they have the blood of the great emperor.

But even the Qin and Xuangong who are better than them.

One was wiped out by Xiao Yifeng, and the other also surrendered to the other party.

How could they contend with this son, it was just asking for their own way.

Although surrendering to others is very detrimental to the majesty of their emperor, it is always better than being destroyed.

In a flash, all the top forces in the upper world were surrendered to Xiao Yifeng and were willing to join the wind alliance.

Xiao Yifeng also won this upper world without effort.

Of course, all this is based on his ability to kill everyone.

If he does not have this powerful strength.

These forces cannot possibly submit to him.

"Haha, a big Xuantianjie, surrendered to a hairy kid."

"It's so ridiculous !!!"

At this moment a cold taunt, some harsh voices suddenly sounded here.

A **** light suddenly came.

A blood-haired figure wearing a blood-colored robe appeared here ~ ~ exuding a terrible evil spirit.

"Eater Eater !!!"

The queen ant who stood aside watched the man in the blood robe drink directly.

Obviously this man is the king of the ants.

"Queen, you're here too."

"I didn't expect you to step into the realm of the emperor, congratulations !!!"

The Emperor Eater looked at the Emperor Eater, with a wicked light shining in his eyes, sneering.

PS: Today is the New Year's Eve and the last day of the year. Please allow me one less chapter. At the same time, I wish you a Happy New Year and give everyone a Happy New Year, and the broken bone will be on the first day of the new year, which is February 5. The red envelope reward will be issued on the public account at noon at 12 noon, which is a bonus for everyone in the new year. If you do not pay attention to the broken bone prestige public account, please go to search for "broken bone crest" to pay attention. Issue a red envelope, don't miss it!

. Wonderful book house

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