The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4231: Honghuang Ancient Beast

Rumble! !! !!

The roar of Bingyu Hanchan continued.

It seems as if some power is being excited within him.

"Isn't this Hidden Cicada really easy?"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes stared at the icy chimera with a bright light.


A few seconds later, a thunder sounded.

A terrible chill erupted from the body of the Chilled Cicada, rising directly into the sky.

Suddenly the sky was blocked by ice.

At this time, a terrifying blood power emerged from the body of the ice soul, forming a terrible power.

The Hidden Cicada has grown several times directly.

A pair of crystal clear wings released a terrible cold.

Terrible coercion erupted on him.

Even Xiao Yifeng felt tremendous oppression.

"So strong blood veins !!!"

Xiao Yifeng stared at the Binghan Hanchan, his eyes flashed with a touch of fineness.

At this moment he realized that the Apparition Cicada was not just an ordinary Apparition Cicada.

Then it cannot withstand the energy impact of the ice marrow.

Can also burst out such terrible blood power.

Soon a mysterious ancient blood power erupted from the Ice Cicada.

The strength of this Apparition Cicada directly entered the ranks of the holy beast, and then hit all the way.

Within a few minutes, he stepped into the ranks of the Supreme Beast again.

At this time, the cold air from the body of the ice soul was enough to freeze the world.

Even Xiao Yifeng had to use his whole body to resist.

Click! Click! !! !!

As the icy air spreads.

This snowy mountain is directly covered by a thick layer of ice.

Then the icy air spread out around this snowy mountain.

In a blink of an eye, everything within 100,000 miles was shrouded in ice.

The 100,000-mile radius was directly covered with a thick layer of ice, completely sealed by ice.

All the buildings within 100,000 miles, the mountain peaks, including the powerful warriors and the Zongmen forces, were all frozen by the ice.

Even the supreme strong can't escape this frozen ice.

There is no resistance at all.

In a blink of an eye, this tens of thousands of miles became an ice world, and everything was sealed by ice.

In this snowy mountain, Xiao Yifeng was frozen straight at this time.

The eight fire flames in his body covered him all over.

Can't withstand such terrible ice.

Huh! !! !!

Then the whole body of this icy chinchilla shone a bright light, and it turned into a human shape directly.

At this time, the icy chill turned into a human figure, and also changed from a previous girl into a mature and **** woman.

She wore a blue palace dress as if she had grown up overnight.

Now the human form transformed by Binghan Hanchan exudes a sacred and noble atmosphere, showing a bit of ancient charm on his body.

The terrible frost of ice on her body also disappeared.

"the host!!!"

At this time, Binghan Hanchan came to Xiao Yifeng in a respectful cry, his voice was crisp and sweet.

"It's changed a lot when you take it once !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the Apparition and said inexplicably.

"This ice marrow has helped me to stimulate the bloodlines of the ancient and wild animals in my body."

Said Bingwei Hanchan.

"The bloodline of the ancient savannah?"

Xiao Yifeng looked startled.

"Masters should know that there is another flood season before ancient times."

Said Bingwei Hanchan.

"Of course I know that."

Xiao Yifeng nodded.

"In the era of floods, there was a very terrible and powerful beast called the ancient floods."

"Every ancient beast in Honghuang contains the blood power of mystery and horror."

"Its talent and potential are stronger and scarier than the Emperor Beast."

"By the time it really grows up, this great ancient beast will be more terrifying than the immortal emperor."

"But even in the flood era, the ancient flood beasts were extremely rare and rare."

Binghan Han Chan said one by one.

"You mean you are an ancient monster in the wild wasteland?"

Xiao Yifeng said, staring at Bingmo Hanhan.

"That's right, I'm not a Cicada."

"It's the Frozen Ancient Cicada with the blood of the ancient beast."

The Xuanbing Gu Chan said.

"Icy ancient cicada?"

Xiao Yifeng's gaze fixed, his eyes flashed with brilliance, and his heart seemed very surprised.

I didn't expect that the Hidden Cicada, who was not eye-catching before, had such a strong identity.

Turns out to be a rare and rare ancient beast in ancient times!

Fortunately, in the ancient world, Xiao Yifeng accepted the ice ancient cicada.

Otherwise, wouldn't he have missed a Honghuang ancient beast.

"You are now stimulating the bloodline power of Frozen Ancient Cicada, so you know all this?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the ice ancient cicada and said.

"Yes Master."

"But my blood power of the ancients of the wild wasteland has not been fully awakened, only a third of it."

"If fully awakened, it would be comparable to the Immortal Emperor, or even stronger."

Said Frozen Ancient Cicada.

"My luck is very good, I did not expect that there is a Honghong ancient beast nearby."

Xiao Yifeng said with a smile.

"By the way, master, the wild ancient elephant next to you is most likely also an ancient wild animal."

Then Hanbing Gu Chan said.

"Ancient barren elephant is an ancient beast?"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flickered.

"Well, it's quite possible."

Said Frozen Ancient Cicada.

Then Xiao Yifeng's eyes flickered.

The history of the wild elephants before was extremely simple. The other party also said that the body has mysterious blood power, but it has not yet been excited.

So even this wild ancient elephant does not know its origin.

Now it seems that this wild and ancient elephant is very likely to be a flood and ancient animal.

If this wild ancient elephant is also a flood ancient animal, then Xiao Yifeng's luck is really a big explosion.

"By the way, do you know anything else about the Flood?"

Xiao Yifeng said looking at Hanbing Gu Chan.

Although he knew the existence of the flood era.

It is also known that his mother was the reincarnation of the flood mother in the flood era.

But he didn't know much about the flood era.

"Master, there are not many records of the flood era in my awakened memory."

"I only know that the flood era is a peak era that is a hundred times stronger than the ancient era."

"It took three epochs in that era to suddenly disappear."

Said the ancient ice cicada.

"An epoch?"

Xiao Yifeng wondered.

"In the era of floods ~ ~ A century is 100 million years !!!"

Said Frozen Ancient Cicada.

"Doesn't that mean that the flood era has ended 300 million years?"

Immediately there was a shocked look in Xiao Yifeng's eyes.


Frozen Ancient Cicada nodded.

At this time Xiao Yifeng looked very surprised.

It hasn't been a million years since the fall of his first life, plus the million years he has experienced before.

Coupled with the early days of ancient times, I am afraid that the total history is less than 10 million years.

The flood and drought era has a history of 300 million years.

This gap is really big! !! !!

. Wonderful book house

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