The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4223: 1 fight alone

"You have seen the attacking force that erupted today."

"Now he still owns that treasure, and it is not easy to kill him unless Xuan Gong is willing to take it."

A palace master said lightly.

"As long as we are united, killing him is not a problem."

"Don't forget that there are Tian Luo and Pang people here."

"The two races are the emperor, and they must have a profound heritage."

"If you join forces to attack, you may not be able to kill this child."

"If you don't kill him, there will be endless consequences !!!"

Hei Yao snorted coldly.

For a moment, the eyes of the main powers flickered, thinking secretly.

In an instant, the day passed.

The next day.

Jiutian Xuan Palace, a palace.

Lei Zhi's avatar sat here, and thunderous leap suspended in front of him for nine days.

After a night of refinement control.

In the past nine days, Thunder Thunder has been controlled by Lei Zhi's clone for most of the time.

At the same time, Lei Zhi's avatar not only controls the Jiu Tian Thunder Meng, he also refines the meteor thunder.

boom! !! !!

Thoroughly refine and control the Skyfall God Thunder.

Lei Zhi's strength once again broke through.

Immediately afterwards, Lei Zhicheng's strength has directly entered the ranks of Qipin Supreme from Qipin Supreme.

But the most important thing is that after the nine days of refining thunderbolt and sky meteorite thunder.

Thunder's avatar's understanding of the Law of the Avenue of Thunder has reached a very high level.

He has faintly realized the law of the avenue of thunder.

At this time, the distance of Thunder's avatar was completely comprehended by the law of the Avenue of Thunder, and it was only a layer away from the point where it was displayed.

Just break this film.

He will be able to comprehend the rules of the avenue without stepping into the realm of the emperor.

Huh! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng opened his eyes.

Flashes of dazzling thunder flashed through his pupils.

Now Xiao Yifeng, who is the throne of thunder, controls the Wupin **** Lei Tian meteorite thunder plus the ninth emperor in the emperor list.

His combat effectiveness has skyrocketed to an extremely terrible level.

For today's Lei Zhi clone.

Even the superior emperor is vulnerable in his eyes and is not worth mentioning at all.

Only the Supreme Emperor can attract his attention.

With the help of Wupin Shenlei and Jiutian Thunder, if he again fights against the Emperor Tiangan.

The opponent is not his opponent at all.

Facing him, there is only one way to die.

Xiao Yifeng then walked out of the hall.

Nine days Empress and Mengyue both stood outside.

"Strengthening again?"

"It's really fast for you to improve your strength !!!"

The Emperor Jiutian looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"That's natural. Don't look at who I am."

Xiao Yifeng smiled.

"Next, what are you doing?"

Asked the Emperor Jiutian.

"Li Bai, where is the adulterer who killed you before?"

Xiao Yifeng found Li Bai and looked at him and said.

"They're in Jietian Palace, one of the eight palaces in the Upper Xuanjie. The adulterer is Jietian Palace."

Li Bai said coldly.

"All right, then go to the Temple of Heaven."

Xiao Yifeng said.

He took Li Bai, the Emperor Xuanting, and the queen queen to the Temple of Heaven.

As for the others, they stayed in Jiutian Xuan Temple.

It is natural that there is no need to dispatch all of them.

Jie Tian Gong, one of the Eight Palaces of the Upper Xuanjie.

In this palace, a middle-aged man sits.

A woman in a **** flirtat nestled in her arms.

This woman is the woman Jiang Yunrong that Li Bai liked at first.

As for the man, it is his adulterer Li Zhai.

He is also the leader of the Palace of Heaven, a great emperor who has just broken through to the strength of the middle emperor.

"Li Jie, you say that guy is there now? Why can't he find him?"

Jiang Yunrong frowned and said.

"If you can't find it, you can't find it. Is it possible that you're worried that he won't be able to find him again?"

"If he does come, I'll just fix it."

Li Jie hummed coldly, his eyes full of disdain.

"I don't know why, I always feel uneasy inside."

Jiang Yunrong said with a frown.

"Relax, there will be nothing with me."

Li Jie said confidently.

boom! !! !!

Just then, a deafening roar exploded outside.

"what happened?"

Li Jie's expression sank, and he directly opened his mind and swept away.

"Li Bai !!!"

Immediately, Li Jie's gaze fixed, a flash of cold mang flashed in his eyes.

"What? Li Bai is here?"

And Jiang Yunrong's look changed.

The two of them left the hall directly and went outside.

In this palace, Xiao Yifeng and Li Bai came here.

A horrific force blasted a huge pit out of the martial arts field outside the Great Hall of the Heavenly Palace.

"Li Bai, do you really dare to appear here again?"

Li Jie stepped out, watching Li Bai hummed coldly.

Jiang Yunrong stared at Li Bai, her eyes flashing.

"You adulterers, men and women."

"I swear not to kill you."

"You are not dead, I will come naturally !!!"

Li Bai's eyes flickered with cold mangs like ice, and terror killings were surging on his body.

"Kill us?"

"What did you kill?"

"The last time you were lucky to let you escape, this time since you came to your door, don't blame me.

"Today I will completely wipe you out, leaving you no chance of rebirth."

Li Jie's eyes stared at Li Bai with a sharp killing intention.

"Want to kill my brother, did I agree?"

Xiao Yifeng then looked at Li Jie indifferently.

"Are you ... the one who destroyed the Qin people?"

Li Jie stared at Xiao Yifeng.

His pupils shrank, and a shocked look flashed in his eyes.


Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.

Immediately, Li Jie's expression changed, and his expression seemed extremely ugly.

"Li Bai, I said why did you dare come to your door? It turned out to be a helper."

"I thought you had the courage to deal with me alone?"

This Li Jie blinked, watching Li Bai hummed coldly.

"Rest assured, I will kill you with my own hands."

Li Bai stared at Li Jie and drank directly.

"In that case, would you dare to fight alone with me?"

"If you lose, you can retreat and you can no longer step into the Temple of Heaven."

"If I lose ~ ~ I will kill you !!!"

Li Jie watched Li Bai drink coldly.

"You fight alone with a median emperor and a quasi-empire, your cheeks are thick enough."

Xiao Yifeng looked at Li Jie with a sneer.

Li Jie suddenly felt awkward.

The reason he did so was naturally Xiao Yifeng.

He knew the terribleness of the other party, if this Xiao Yifeng shot.

Then he may be in trouble today.

That's why he came up with such a method.

"How about? Li Bai, dare the man fight me a little?"

Li Jie did not answer Xiao Yifeng's words, but looked at Li Bai and yelled.

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