"Boy, let you be nosy, knelt down quickly."

At that moment, the young man hummed gleefully at Xiao Yifeng.

"If I don't kneel and don't scratch my head?"

Xiao Yifeng embraced with both hands and looked at the youth coldly.

"No kneeling? No?"

"Then go to the platform !!!"

Qin Hao snorted immediately.

"Go to the ring?"

Xiao Yifeng frowned.

"No fighting is allowed in this spirit city."

"If you want to fight, you can only go to Douwu Yantai in Lingcheng."

"Once you step on the ring, you can do whatever you want."

"There is no problem even killing people."

Then Tian Hai Youruo said behind Xiao Yifeng.


Xiao Yifeng sneered, his eyes looked at Qin Hao:

"You want to compete with me on the platform?"

"You think too much, you are not qualified for me to shoot, it is he who compares you."

Qin Hao coldly pointed his finger at the young man beside him.

"He? Forget it, not interested."

"If you want to go to the ring, maybe I'm still interested."

Xiao Yifeng skimmed his lips.


Seeing Xiao Yifeng despise himself so much, the young man's expression sank.

Qin Hao looked at Xiao Yifeng's eyes flashing cold mang.

As for the onlookers present, they all looked at Xiao Yifeng.

I wonder if there is something wrong with his mind.

How dare to openly challenge Qin Hao, one of the top geniuses in Lingcheng.

This is a saint-level martial arts arrogant.

I am afraid that few young people in Tianzhou are their opponents.

This kid from Renzhou dare to challenge each other.

This is simply tofu brain hit the wall, to die! !! !!

"Are you sure you want to play against me?"

Qin Hao stared at Xiao Yi's cold road.

"What? Are you afraid?"

"Don't dare to kneel and scratch my head !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Qin Hao with a sneer.

"Okay, you are kind."

"I hope you will still be so kind on the ring."

"I will use you today to move my muscles."

"Use your blood to celebrate ahead of time that my spiritual world won first place !!!"

A flash of cold mang flashed in Qin Hao's eyes watching Xiao Yifeng.

"Ha ha!"

In this regard, Xiao Yifeng just smiled slightly.

He didn't look at the so-called Lingcheng Tianjiao at all.

For Xiao Yifeng today, this so-called saint Tianjiao is no different from ordinary people.

If he didn't want to break the rules of this spirit city, he could not enter the spirit realm smoothly.

He already slaps this guy long ago.

You don't have to go to such a place so much trouble.

In the center of Lingcheng, there is a ring made of special materials.

This is the Douwu Yantai of Lingcheng competition.

Any grievance disputes in this spirit city can only be resolved here.

Soon Qin Hao stood on this platform.

The news that the younger generation from the Lingzhou people's state will challenge the strength of the Qin family saints, one of the five major families in the spirit world, is the martial arts Tianjiao Qin Hao.

For a while this challenge attracted a large number of people in Lingcheng.

People from all the forces in this spirit city and many people who came to participate in the spirit world comparison came to this ring.

They all want to see that the guy with short eyes dare to challenge Lingcheng Tianjiao Qin Hao.

"Boy, come on, don't you dare?"

"I can give you a chance now."

"Kneel in front of me with a hundred heads, and I will spare you !!!"

Qin Hao stood on the platform and looked at Xiao Yifeng under the stage with a contempt for a strong hum.

His eyes looked at Xiao Yifeng as if looking at ants.

"I'll give you a hoe, I'm afraid you can't stand it !!!"

Xiao Yifeng sneered.

He stepped onto the ring.

"Huh, you're just a cheap kid from Renzhou."

"I think you are relying on you to be in the backcountry of Renzhou. You think you are invincible."

"Dare to challenge me arrogantly."

"Today I let you know what you know to be a true strongman."

"I want you to know what a true genius is !!!"

"People like you are nothing like ants in my eyes."

Qin Hao looked at Xiao Yifeng word by word and yelled with a arrogant look.

boom! !! !!

Qin Hao's voice has just fallen.

A horrifying saintly power broke out on him and he repelled towards Xiao Yifeng.

This strength of Qin Hao has reached the point of five sages.

He can reach this level of strength at his age.

Already belongs to a terrible existence, it can be called the real star sky martial arts Tianjiao.

There are countless existences in the arrogance of the whole sky.

"I didn't expect this Master Qin's strength was already so horrible !!!"

"The five sage saints, this real battle is at least as scary as the seven sages and even the eight saints !!!

"It is indeed the first genius of the Qin family for more than 100,000 years, and it is really terrible !!!"

"The boy from this state didn't know how to challenge Qin Hao, he was just trying to die."

The ring was surrounded by a dense circle.

After the crowd saw the strength demonstrated by Qin Hao.

Each one was shocked and marveled.

Most people looked at Qin Hao with envy.

Then they watched Xiao Yifeng sneer and ridicule ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ They all felt that Xiao Yifeng was overwhelmed, arrogant, and was looking for a dead end.

"I'm afraid this boy doesn't even have the strength of the emperor's realm, but he dared to compete with Qin Shao and tried to die."

At this time, the youth who provoked people from the state stood under the platform and looked at Xiao Yifeng with contempt.

Xiang Shishi and others are laughing without saying a word.

They naturally knew how terrible Xiao Yifeng was.

The saintly saints are nothing to the super genius who suppresses the whole state.

"You ants like me don't deserve my shot, kneel me !!!"

Qin Hao watched Xiao Yi Feng coldly drink.

The prestige of the five saints on his body was suppressed by Xiao Yifeng.

Obviously he would let Xiao Yifeng know the gap between them by coercion.

This makes him even more powerful.

However, the saintly power released by Qin Hao suppressed Xiao Yifeng, but did not affect it.

Even Xiao Yifeng's face did not change.

"how is this possible?"

Seeing Xiao Yifeng even resisted the power of his five sages.

Qin Hao's look changed, and a shocked look flashed in his eyes.

"Do you like kneeling so much?"

"Then give me a kneel."

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.

boom! !! !!

A terror of overbearing power swept from Xiao Yifeng.

Like a mountain suppressing Qin Hao.

Huh! !! !!

On the spot, Qin Hao spurted blood, and his body shivered, and he knelt directly on the ground.

All of a sudden, the audience was silent.

Everyone looked at the scene with a startled expression.

They were all stunned by the scene.

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