The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4104: Step into the supreme realm

In a room inside Tianhai House.

中 A middle-aged man is sitting here drinking tea.

He is Tianhaiming's uncle Tianhaiming and Tianhai Youru's uncle.

"Master, has the emperor really recovered?"

男子 A man stood here and looked at Tian Haiming involuntarily.

"That's just the incarnation of his emperor infant. His injuries have never recovered."

"My brother is just taking this opportunity to deter those who are going to move."

让 "Let the people outside and Tianhaifu think that the Emperor Tianhai has recovered."

Tian Haiming said coldly.

原来 "So, then, master, do we have to go ahead with our plan?"

声道 The man groaned.

"Of course, if such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is not seized."

"I have no hope of becoming the master of Tianhai House at all."

Han Tianming's eyes flashed with the cold cold mang, humming coldly.

"Notify me, wait for my order."

Tian Haiming cold.

"Yes, master."

The man nodded.

And this Tian Haifeng and the elder Tian Haiyue are all talking about it.

In the Tianling Palace, the main spirit of the Tianling Palace was ever angry when he learned of what happened in Tianhai.

In the hall of the Tianling Palace, the primate looks coldly standing here.

He stood in front of a group of elders in Tianling Palace, including the four elders who went to Tianhai House.

"Palace Lord, the Emperor Tianhai deceives people so much, what does he think I am?"

"Dare dare to speak so provocatively at my heavenly palace."

"I suggest sending out the Tian Ling Gong strong to destroy Tian Haifu immediately."

"Just to let everyone in Tianzhou know that the majesty of my heavenly palace cannot be provoked."

A celestial palace guardian looked at the primate and looked coldly.

His eyes flashed with Morin's killing intention.

"No, this Tianhai Emperor is Tianzhou's top powerhouse, and his strength is unfathomable."

"It is even rumored that his strength has already surpassed the superior emperor and reached the state of no god."

"If it is true, if you want to deal with him, it will not be so easy."

"Once we are at war, even if we can finally destroy Tianhaifu."

"The Tianling Palace will also suffer heavy losses. By then, other forces in Tianzhou will take advantage of us."

"Tian Ling Gong will be in danger !!!"

The second elder of the Tianling Palace chanted Shen.

"I agree with the second elder, the Emperor Tianhai is not so easy to deal with."

The three elders of Wutianling Palace spoke.

"Is the Tianhai Emperor's injury really recovered?"

At this moment another Tianling Palace guardian could not help talking.

"Elders, has Tianhai's injury recovered completely?"

Wu Lingchangqing looked at the four elders and said.

"I did see him appear, and he injured me with just one momentum."

"It even made me feel very strong."

"His strength should return to normal, otherwise he will not appear."

The four elders said.

"If it is true, then we have to think long-term, and absolutely not act recklessly."

The second elder said in a deep voice.

"The guy who killed my son must die anyway."

"Otherwise, why do I have an eternal face?"

"If I had no ability to kill the murderer of my son."

"What qualifications do I have to be the master of this heavenly palace?"

Wu Lingchangqing drank coldly, his eyes flashed with cold killing intention.

"What are you going to do, the palace master?"

护 A guardian looked at Ling Changqing and said.

"I have my own decision."

Wu Lingchangqing said indifferently.

Uh ...

In the blood world, the sixth blood domain.

Youshuang City.

Xiao Yifeng's fire avatar awake.

"the host."

"You finally woke up !!!"

She Shenshuang, Gou Jian and others all stood beside Xiao Yifeng and said.

"How long did I sleep?"

Xiao Yifeng frowned.

"You have been sleeping for a day."

Gou Shen channeled.

"My strength has broken through to the extreme?"

Xiao Yifeng then looked at his strength in shock.

Now the strength of the fire avatar has entered the supreme realm.

Before that, his strength had broken through to the point of the nine saints.

I did not expect that after a sleep, I broke into the supreme realm.

I really feel incredible.

Xiao Xiao Yifeng began to investigate his body.

The original cremation turned into a crimson flame suspended in its dandan.

恐怖 This source of fire contains a terrifying atmosphere.

Xiao Xiaofeng felt that once he urged the flame, he could even fight against the Emperor.

However, this does not mean that Xiao Yifeng will not be afraid of the great emperor in the future.

Because he wants to spur the fire of the origin to the point where he can kill the great emperor.

He also needs his own strength.

Now he has reached the supreme state, barely able to spur the fire of the origin to fight against the Emperor.

By then, all his strength would be exhausted.

But the metamorphosis of this fire of origin has awakened, which is a great guarantee for Xiao Yifeng.

Can be used as one of his super hole cards.

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng suddenly frowned.

As soon as he moved, he came directly to Youshuang City.

轰轰 轰轰! !! !!

Suddenly, a thunder sounded above the sky.

An endless thunder raged across, forming a huge thunder cloud above Xiao Yifeng's head.

The thunderous thunder dragons twitched in the thunder cloud.

雷 A random dragon has the power to crush the void.

I was terrible.

雷 Even the breath released by Thunder Cloud feels a deep feeling of fear even in the Jiupin Supreme.

The horrible thundercloud came, this is the supreme thunderstorm that Xiao Yifeng broke through the supreme realm.

Rumble! !! !!

In a blink of an eye, horrific thunderstorms came, and kept bombarding Xiao Yifeng.

Each of these thunderstorms has the power to destroy the Jiupin Supreme, which is extremely scary.

"This Supreme Thunder is too scary?"

"It's almost a rush to God ~ ~ At this moment, the nine Jipin Supremes in Yan Dian gather here.

I saw the scene in front of them, and their eyes were full of shock and they talked about it.

"Will the horror of the Great Emperor of the Starry Sky be the ordinary thunder !!"

声道 One of the nine halls of Yan Dian Shen Shen said.

"Star Emperor?"

"He is the Emperor of the Starry Sky?"

At this moment, Gou Jian's gaze was condensed, and a look of shock flashed in his eyes, looking at Xiao Yifeng who was going through the calamity.

Xiao Yifeng stood quietly in the air, letting the thunder that was enough to destroy Jiu Pin Supreme fall on him.

A roar exploded.

Xiao Yifeng's body was smashed directly to the ground.

However, this thunderbolt was blocked by Xiao Yifeng.

The power released by the fire of the Yuanyuan flooded Xiao Yifeng's body, helping him to withstand the thunderous bombardment.

Boom! !! !!

Boom! !! !!

Boom! !! !!

的 The thunderous thunder of this supreme state kept bombarding. ...

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