The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4088: Goodbye Tianhai Youruo

Countless spiritual powerhouses have been alarmed.

They all watched the two emperors fighting above the sky.

The battle of the emperor has not happened in the spirit world for a long time.

I didn't expect it to happen today.

At this moment, Yaochi and Yaoxuan are fighting more and more scary.

This Yaochi broke out with all his strength now, and his fighting power was comparable to that of the middle emperor.

Yao Xuan's strength has reached the point of the superior emperor.

This also caused Yaochi to be completely at a disadvantage.

If it weren't for her own glass pagoda, plus she had multiple avenue rules.

And its combat experience is more abundant than Yao Xuan.

I'm afraid she was beheaded by Yao Xuan.

After all, the two men's combat power is a realm.

In the realm of the emperor, there is a real difference. This strength is very different.

The upper emperor was enough to kill the middle emperor in one shot.

Nai He is the emperor of Yaochi.

Even if Yao Xuan is a superior emperor, he cannot kill one of them.

Bang Bang Bang ...

The fierce fighting between the two was extremely fierce.

The entire sky that struck the spirit world seemed to be completely collapsed.

"take care of yourself."

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng's ears rang Yaochi's voice.

Then the Yaochi rushed out of the spirit realm.

Yao Xuan also followed.

The two emperors disappeared into the spirit realm instantly.

And the spirit world has returned to normal.

However, this battle shocked everyone in the spiritual world.

Seeing Yao Chi leaving the spiritual realm, Xiao Yifeng's eyes kept flashing.

There was a bit of worry in his heart.

After all, this Yaochi's strength today is not as good as her apprentice.

Obviously the other party left to not affect him.


Then Xiao Yifeng thought of something.

He took Lan Linger and his children into the space boat, and then left here.

"Old man, don't let this go !!!"

At this moment, the Fang family owner said suddenly to the five Fang family ancestors.

The five ancestors of the Fang family glanced at each other.

They thought about it and chased up toward this space boat.

The reason why they were afraid of Xiao Yifeng before was because of the existence of the great emperor Yaochi.

Now the emperor was forced to flee the spirit world by another stronger emperor.

Naturally they need not have any fear or fear.

Therefore, they must not let go of this Xiao Yifeng.

Xiao Yifeng also realized this.

So he quickly left here with his daughters.

But this space boat is fast.

But the speed of the two emperors of the Fang family was faster.

They caught up in an instant.

The two mobilized the power of heaven and earth and blasted out with one palm.

Two roars sounded.

This space boat was directly crushed by two quasi-empires.

Xiao Yifeng and several girls smashed to the ground.

They landed on the ground, spitting blood in their mouths.

The expressions were ugly.

Huh! !! !!

At this time, the two emperors of the Fang family appeared directly in front of Xiao Yifeng.

The remaining three and a half step emperors also chased them quickly.

The five of them stared at Xiao Yifeng, with the cold coldness in their eyes.

"It's really fast for you to change your face !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the five men with a mocking expression.

"Boy, we were afraid of you just because of the great emperor."

"Now the Great Emperor himself has escaped."

"Do you think we still care about you?"

The look of disdain in the eyes of a Fangjia Zhundi strong man looked at Xiao Yifeng.

"You killed Master Fang, and you also killed Master Lingfeng of Tianling Palace. You cannot escape."

"Even if we don't kill you, the people in Tianling Palace will not let you go."

Another Fang Jia Zhundi strong man looked at Xiao Yifeng and hummed coldly.

"Want to kill me? It's not so easy !!!"

Xiao Yi spit coldly.

"Relax, we won't kill you."

"We still want to take you to make a difference with Tianling Palace."

"But if you fall into the hands of the Celestial Palace, you will die very badly."

A half-step great emperor of this Fang family hummed coldly.

"Take it down."

The two quasi-empires hummed coldly.

The remaining three and a half step emperors rushed towards Xiao Yifeng.

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flashed cold.

He was going to start by handing out two copies of Starry Jade Jane to deal with the five.


Suddenly, a cold female voice suddenly sounded.

At this time, a woman came out of the void, standing directly in front of Xiao Yifeng and the five ancestors of the Fang family.

"Tianhai Youruo !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the woman.

She looked startled because the woman was no one else.

It was Tian Hai Youruo, the daughter of the Emperor Tian Hai, who he had encountered in the ancient world before.

At first, the other party accidentally fell into the ancient world and could not leave.

In the end, Xiao Yifeng left the ancient world with the other party, and then the other party returned to the spiritual world.

Unexpectedly they would meet again here.

"Miss Tianhai !!!"

"How are you here?"

Five ancestors of the Fang family saw Tianhai Youruo.

Their looks changed.

As the daughter of Emperor Tianhai, the five ancestors of Fang family naturally knew Tianhai Youruo.

After all, the Tianhai Emperor is one of the top emperors in the spiritual realm and has a very high status.

The Tianhai House created by the Emperor Tianhai is the top force in the spiritual world, and no one dares to provoke it.

As the only son of Emperor Tianhai.

Tian Hai You Ruo is very famous in Tianzhou and few people don't know it.

"Do I need to talk to you there?"

Tianhai Youru said coldly.

Although her strength is not as strong as these five people.

But the momentum that naturally emerged from her was oppressing the five Fang family ancestors.

Like a supreme master, it makes people surrender.

"Don't dare !!!"

The five ancestors of the Fang family changed their looks and said quickly.

"He is my friend and you cannot move."

Tianhai Youruo pointed at Xiao Yifeng and said to the five people.


Hear the words of Tianhai Youruo.

The faces of the five ancestors of the Fang family sank, and their eyes kept flashing.

"What? Any problem?"

The sky is quiet.

"No, Miss Tianhai, this time killed our young master, naturally we cannot just let him go."

A Fangjia Zhundi strong man looked at Tianhai Youruo and said.

"What about killing your young master?"

"If you want to settle accounts, come to me to calculate ~ ~ Tian Hai Youru hummed with a strong expression.

"Miss Tianhai, it's okay to kill our young master this time."

"But he also killed Master Lingfeng of Tianling Palace."

"Master Lingfeng is the son of the master of the Tianling Palace."

"We have to give this child to the Celestial Palace for business."

Another Fang Jia Zhundi strongman said.

"Tian Ling Gong Ling Feng ~"

Tian Hai's eyes flickered.

"That's right, although Tianhai is powerful, presumably not willing to be the enemy of Tianling Palace, right?"

"So I don't think Miss Tianhai should get involved with this."

Fang Jia Zhundi strong said.

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