The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4061: Break through the emperor

The presence of the major powers in this area was shocked again.

They did not expect that these three emperors sent out three and a half step emperors.

Strong men of this class have rarely been seen for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years.

Even many people present have never seen a half-step great emperor in his life.

I didn't expect they were lucky enough to meet today.

And still saw three of them in a row.

"Big step emperor, want to kill me?"

Xiao Yifeng dismissed.

In the face of three half-step emperor-level strong men, Xiao Yifeng still has no fear.

He was the Great Emperor of the Sky, even though he did not restore his original strength.

But he wanted to kill the three and a half step emperors.

"Young people, you are very talented, but you are too arrogant."

"Mu Xiu will be destroyed by Lin Feng.

"You have offended our three emperors now, and naturally we cannot leave you as a scourge."

"Otherwise, waiting for you to step into the realm of the emperor will be the end of my three emperors."

"So you have to die today !!!"

The three emperor ancestors looked at Xiao Yifeng indifferently and said coldly.

"Then let me see how the three of you killed me."

Xiao Yi shouted coldly.

Boom boom! !! !!

These three men directly released their half-step Great Emperor's coercion.

噗通 噗通 ...

Immediately everyone in this Lingzong except Xiao Yifeng.

The rest were all oppressed and kneeled on the ground by the terrible half-step king.

Not only this Tian Lingzong, almost the entire Dizhou is shrouded in the power of these three and a half steps.

Everyone was lying on the ground, or kneeling on the ground, shaking.

The half-step emperor overwhelmed the terror and let the beings surrender directly! !! !!

Among them, only Xiao Yifeng resisted the power of the other half step of the emperor.

He still stood here coldly.

Xiao Yifeng's eyes looked at the three with a cold look of contempt.


The three and a half step emperors watched Xiao Yifeng unaffected by their coercion.

As soon as their gaze was frozen and a cold drink was heard, Xiao Yifeng would be completely killed.

boom! !! !!

Then there was a strange noise in the Star Hall.

As soon as Xiao Yifeng's gaze was fixed, he summoned the Star Hall directly.

Suddenly a figure rushed out of it.

It was Yaochi who refined the strength of the Sun Jingzhu before.

Rumble ...

As soon as this Yaochi appeared, there was a thunderous roar directly above the sky.

Subsequently, numerous lightning flashes and thunders shrouded the entire spirit world.

Above the sky of the spiritual realm, a terrible thunder flashed.

A horrific sky of power swept across, covering the entire three states of the spirit world.

For a time, all the billions of warriors in the states, states, and states were shocked.

Especially the super powers of countless Supremes in Tianzhou have emerged.

They looked at the scene in the void.

Every look was startled.

"This is a sign of the emperor's crossing. Someone in the spirit world has broken into the realm of the emperor?"

At this moment, countless superpowers in Tianzhou are full of shocking eyes.

They also saw at a glance that this was a sign that someone was about to step into the realm of the emperor and to cross the emperor.

At this time in the Tian Lingzong, all the people, including the three half-step great emperors, were shocked.

They all glanced at this Yaochi standing above the void.

"Are you finally breaking through?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Yao Chi at this time and could not help talking.

Obviously, this is the Yaochi who is going to break through the realm of the emperor and motivate the emperor to be experiencing the emperor.

At this moment, Yaochi was standing above the sky for nine days, shining brightly all over.

There was a sacred and terrifying breath on her body.

Now Yaochi has entered the realm of the emperor with his strength.

As long as this emperor has passed through, he is a true emperor.

The previous life of Yaochi was one of the top ten emperors in the world.

The strength is extremely powerful in the realm of the emperor.

Although she is reborn and rebuilt now, her previous experience and state of mind are still there.

All she needed was a powerful force to help her break through.

As for other martial arts, the improvement of the state of mind or the barriers to the realm did not exist for her at all.

Yaochi, the great emperor of the previous life, is just a heavy practice.

The recovery of its strength is naturally very fast.

This time, she absorbed and refined and removed the sun essence beads condensed from a sun essence.

Her strength also returned to the realm of the emperor.

For others to break through the realm of the emperor, they need to understand the principles of the avenue, and they need to cultivate their state of mind to the level of the emperor.

And none of these Yaochi needed, so she quickly returned to the realm of the emperor.

"Finally waiting for this day !!!"

Yaochi looked up at the sky and murmured to himself.

Rumble! !! !!

At this time, Yao Chi's head was above.

A huge thunder sea is born.

As soon as this thunder sea appeared, it exudes a breath of destruction.

This breath has made countless supreme saints strong in the spirit world feel a sense of despair.

They all trembled.

It can be seen how horrible this thunder sea is.

boom! !! !!

The next second ~ ~ the first emperor's calamity came directly.

This emperor thundered thunder with dozens of feet, like a thunder dragon blasting down.

The power contained in it is enough to destroy a half-step great power in an instant.

The three half-step great emperors saw this scene.

They were pale, trembling, with fear in their eyes.

Instantly this thunderous thunder blasted on Yaochi.

Her body was split and sank down.

However, Yaochi resisted the thunderstorm.

boom! !! !!

boom! !! !!

boom! !! !!

Next, a terrible thunder slashed down.

Thunder broke through the void and blasted directly towards Yaochi.

This thunderbolt force is also more horrifying.

Soon the power of a random thunderstorm could even kill the quasi-empire.

Yaochi urged his whole body to resist, but he was also shed blood again and again, his expression was very ugly.

Soon a thick-armed thunderstorm came.

Although this thunder robbery is not as large as the previous thunder robbery.

The power it contains is terrifying.

With this thunderstorm coming, the void suddenly collapsed and shattered.

The breath emanating from this thunderbolt was terrifying, as if even the great emperor would be killed.

Glazed Pagoda! !! !!

At this time, Yaochi directly urged the glaze **** tower, and used the strength of the glaze **** tower to resist the thunderstorm.


This thunderbolt and the glorious pagoda banged together, and a harsh explosion came out.

The void burst immediately.

A space black hole with a diameter of 10,000 meters appears.

As if half of the sky was destroyed.

This terror of energy ripples across the whole state.

Numerous Dizhou warriors are lying on the ground oppressed by this terrible energy breath.


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