The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4046: Blood Eater


Xiao Yifeng said coldly.

In his eyes, a ray of cold cold mang fired at Zhuoran.

"You ... you wait for me !!!"

Zhao Ran stared at Xiao Yifeng with an angry look in his eyes.

He roared and turned away from here.

"Master Zhuo !!!"

Watching Zhuo Ran leave, the Tsing Yi woman's look changed.

His eyes stared at Xiao Yifeng: "Boy, do you know what you are doing?"

"You should treat Zhuo Gongzi this way. When the magical hand Dan Sheng is angry, you will die."

"Well, now he's gone, is it possible for me to meet your father?"

"I said, only I can save your father, but you believe it."

Xiao Yifeng sneered and sneered.

"Okay, I'll take you to see my father."

The woman in white blinked and said directly.

"Sister, do you really believe him?"

The Tsing Yi woman looked at the woman in white and said helplessly.

"Try it, my father's illness really can't be delayed."

The woman in white said in a deep voice.

Then she brought Xiao Yifeng into a room.

In the bed in this room, a man lies on the bed.

The man was skinny and thin, leaving only one skinny man.

There is no flesh at all, and it looks very scary.

This man is the lord of Tianlei City.

"Look at me, can you cure it?"

The woman in white pointed at her father and said to Xiao Yifeng.

"Sister, don't hope anymore, even the master Dan Sheng's disciples cannot cure his father's illness."

"How could this hairy guy be cured?"

The Tsing Yi woman stared at Xiao Yifeng with disdain.

"To shut up!!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the Tsing Yi woman and gave a cold drink.


"Well, Qinger, stop talking."

The Tsing Yi woman was about to get angry and was stopped by her sister.

"Sure enough, it's a blood eater !!!"

Xiao Yifeng stared at the Lord of Thunder City this day.

His eyes flickered with brilliance and he sank.

"What are you talking about, **** ants?"

The woman in white looked at Xiao Yifeng curiously.

"The reason your father does this is because he has a blood eater in his body !!!"

Xiao Yi wind coldly.

"Blood ants? What is that?"

"I've asked people to look at his father's body before, and they all said there was nothing abnormal in his father's body."

"The blood-eating ants are the most powerful ant family in ancient times."

"It is an extremely powerful beast between heaven and earth. They are good at hiding human flesh."

"How can those mediocre people see it?"

"Even the Supreme Strong cannot find the existence of this blood-eater."

Xiao Yifeng dismissed.

"Che, that's so ridiculous, how can you tell?"

The Tsing Yi woman looked at Xiao Yifeng dismissively.

"My master, but ..."

"I'm not comparable to mediocre people."

Xuandi was interrupted by the latter just to reveal Xiao Yifeng's identity.

"My son, is this **** ant terrible?"

At this moment the woman in white looked at Xiao Yifeng and could not help talking.

"Of course, the blood ants are best at eating human flesh."

"They feed on the flesh and blood of powerful warriors."

"Even in the ancient times, even the great emperor did not dare to easily provoke the blood eater."

"If you provoke one, thousands of blood ants will appear."

"Then they will eat the flesh and blood of an emperor alive, and in the end they will have no bones.

Xiao Yifeng said.

Hearing Xiao Yifeng's remarks, the woman in white changed her look.

"So the flesh and blood of my father disappeared for no reason."

"It's because this blood eater is eating his flesh."

The woman in white muttered.

"Yes, thankfully your father is strong enough."

"In addition, this blood-eater is a minor blood-eater, and it is fighting alone."

"That's why your father can live to this day, or I'm afraid he's already dead."

Xiao Yi said coldly.

"How can you prove that everything you said is true?"

"In case you made it up, why haven't we heard of a blood eater?"

The Tsing Yi woman still looked at Xiao Yifeng with an unbelieving look.

"You knew right away what I said was true."

Xiao Yi wind coldly.

He waved his hands, and Qi Pin Sheng Lei appeared in his hands.

"Holy Thunder !!!"

Looking at this holy thunder, the women in white and the women in Tsing Yi were shocked.

Xiao Yifeng controlled the holy thunder directly into the body of the city owner.

He intends to use the seven-pin sacred thunder to remove the underage blood-eater from his body.

This blood eater is not yet an adult, so it naturally fears this heaven and earth holy mine.

Xiao Yifeng pinpointed the location of the blood eater by seeing through his eyes.

He urged Qipin Shenglei to rush.

Zi! !! !!

A blood spout appeared on the chest of the city.

A blood-red ant flew straight out.

"Is there a blood ant?"

At this moment, the Tsing Yi woman was completely stunned.

"Xuan Tian Xuan Di, don't let it escape."

Xiao Yifeng said directly.

Xuantian and Xuandi, who stood aside, shot directly, and instantly took down the blood-eater.

Although this blood eater is powerful, it is not yet an adult.

Naturally, Xuantian and Xuandi are not the opponents of these two superpowers.

Xiao Yifeng came to this blood-eater.

His eyes glowed with brilliance.

He took out a bottle and put it into the blood eater, then sealed it.

"See it now?"

Xiao Yifeng took the bottle and looked at the Tsing Yi woman's cold road. The latter looked embarrassed and looked very ugly.

"Thank you for your help, my father ..."

"Without the blood-eater, your father will soon be back to normal."

"You give him some magical fruits and medicines to make his flesh and blood recover quickly."

Xiao Yifeng said.

The woman in white quickly took out a Bapin Shenguo and gave it to her father.

With the energy of the **** fruit into the body.

The flesh and blood in the main body of the city gradually recovered, and soon his eyes opened.

"Father, you are awake !!!"

The sisters looked at the Tianlei City Lord with excitement and said with excitement.

"Ruolan, Ruoqing !!!"

Leicheng city host Jiang Tian shouted watching the two women that day.

Then he looked at Xiao Yifeng ~ ~ and said gratefully:

"Thank you for your help, you are my benefactor of Jiang Tian."

"Father, you know it !!!"

The woman in white Jiang Ruolan couldn't help talking.

"I've always been awake, if not for my son's help this time."

"I'm afraid I'll be wiped out by this blood-eater."

Jiang Tian sighed, and then looked at the Tsing Yi woman Jiang Ruoqing and drank directly: "Ruo Qing kneel !!!

"Father I ..."

Jiang Ruoqing's face changed and he looked at his father.

"Knee down and apologize immediately to the benefactor !!!"

Jiang Tian looked at Jiang Ruoqing drinking coldly.

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