The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4034: Dead sea

"Bei Hantian is dead. You can send someone to take over Bei Han City."

Xiao Yifeng looked at Shen Shuang and said directly.

"Bei Hantian really died?"

Shen Shuang looked startled, although she knew that Bei Hantian was not Xiao Yifeng's opponent.

But after hearing that the father-slaying enemy was really dead, his heart was still very shocked.

"Of course, I promised you would do it naturally, and I will leave the rest to you."

Xiao Yifeng said.

"Gongzi, I thank you on behalf of my father in the spirit of heaven and the entire city of Youshuang."

Shen Shuang yelled directly at Xiao Yifeng.

"Don't be so polite, and I'm not doing it for nothing."

"Don't you tell me to be the owner of this city of frost, take whatever you want."

Xiao Yifeng laughed.

"From now on you are my Lord of the Frost City."

Shen Shuang spoke.

His eyes turned to the other strong men in the main city of Youshuangcheng, who was shocked to hear the death of Bei Hantian.

"You don't hurry to see the new city master."

Shen Shuang looked at this group of people and said directly.

"See the Lord of the City !!!"

Immediately, the strong men in the main city of Youshuangcheng and the generals of Youshuangcheng bowed to worship Xiao Yifeng.

Soon this Xiao Yifeng killed the Northern Hancheng Lord, took control of more than 100,000 Northern Hancheng troops, and became a series of news that the Lord of the Frost City spread.

The news spread to the remaining eight cities at lightning speed.

The rest of the eight cities were startled severely.

The owners of these eight cities were deeply shocked.

They did not expect that such a big thing happened in one day.

The Lord of the North Cold City was killed, and His Majesty's Army was even compiled by Youshuang City.

Especially the person who killed Bei Hantian also became the owner of Youshuang City.

This thing changed so quickly that they couldn't fully react.

The other Eight City Lords set their sights on Xiao Yifeng, the new Youshuang City Lord.

They are investigating the origin of Xiao Yifeng, wanting to know its true identity.

Then the news that the son of the dead Haizhou king Haizhou was killed was also spread.

This once again caused the shaking of the forces of all parties.

In this hall of the main city of Youshuangcheng, Xiao Yifeng sat here.

Shen Shuang walked in quickly and stood in front of Xiao Yifeng and bowed:

"Citylord, the army of Beihan City has been fully incorporated."

"A new army was formed with the garrison of Youshuang City."

"As for Bei Hancheng, we have also taken over."

"Well, it's done well."

Xiao Yifeng nodded.

"Citylord, today, our actions directly broke the balance of the nine cities."

"I'm afraid the rest of the eight cities will follow us."

Shen Shuang said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, it won't take long anyway."

"The owners of the remaining eight cities should also be replaced."

Xiao Yifeng skimmed his lips.

"Don't you want to ..."

Upon hearing Xiao Yifeng's words, the frosty look was startled, and his eyes stared at him.

"What I want is not a faint frost city, but the entire Sixth Blood Domain to submit to me."

Xiao Yifeng raised a playful smile at the corner of his mouth and spat coldly.

Shen Shuang's eyes were full of shock.

She didn't expect Xiao Yifeng's ambition to be so great.

"By the way, do you understand the Dead Sea?"

Xiao Yifeng asked.

"The Dead Sea is one of the eighteen states, and they are very strong."

"There is a Dead Sea in the Dead Sea. This Dead Sea is very strange."

"Anyone who steps into the Dead Sea will sink directly into it."

"Somewhat lost its strength somehow, but it died directly in the Dead Sea."

"Even the Sage Supreme is no exception."

"It can be said that this Dead Sea is a place of death."

Shen Shuang said.

"Dead Sea?"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes glowed with brilliance.

"But after one person entered the Dead Sea 100,000 years ago."

"Not only did he come out smoothly, but his strength also rose."

"This man is the current King of Haizhou. This Dead Sea State was founded after he stepped out of the Dead Sea."

Shen Shuang spoke.

"What's in this Dead Sea?"

Xiao Yifeng curious.

"No one knows this, perhaps only the King of Haizhou."

"But I just got news that King Haizhou's son was killed."

"I don't know who has such courage."

Shen Shuang said.

"I killed it !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said directly.

"What? You killed the son of the King of Haizhou?"

Shen Shuang looked startled, and stared at Xiao Yifeng with wide eyes.


Xiao Yifeng nodded.


Then Frost frowned, with a look of worry in his eyes.

"You don't need to worry. If the King of Haizhou dares to seek revenge, then I will let him and Bei Hantian end.

Xiao Yifeng sneered.

"This Dead Sea is home to the supreme strong, I'm afraid ..."

Shen Shuang worried.

"They have the Supreme Strong, don't I have one?"

Xiao Yifeng dismissed.

And in the spirit world.

Dizhou, Tianlingzong.

Early in the morning, the four powerful men broke into this heavenly spirit directly and violently.

These four groups of people are the strongest of Qingtianzong, Chiba Palace, Yunzong and Yingge.

And the Lord of the Four Doors came in person.

With the mighty lords of these four sect gates descending on Tian Lingzong.

The entire Tianlingzong disciples and strongmen were startled.

This is the first time they have seen it.

"I do not know the Four Sovereigns have come, and they have lost their lives. Please also ask the Four Sovereigns to forgive them."

Several elders of the Tian Lingzong appeared here, watching the Lord of the Four Great Sects say.

"Don't talk nonsense to us, give me up immediately."

The King of Supreme Sect yelled coldly.

There was a terrifying breath on his body, and his eyes were full of anger.

His son was seriously injured and almost killed, how could he not be angry.

The expressions of the other three lords were equally ugly.

They naturally learned that the kid who seriously injured their son was in Lingzong this day, so they came to Lingzong themselves.

Behind the Lord of the Four Doors, their sons are also here.

"I don't know who the guy you said is?"

At this time, a man in his forties came out slowly wearing a simple gown ~ ~ watching the four masters said.

He is the three elders of Tianlingzong, and he is also the one who brought Ruoxi into Tianlingzong.

Jiang Junyi and Wen Feng also appeared here.

"The second elder, the person they said should be the young man brought back by sister Ruoxi yesterday, called Xiao Yifeng."

At this time Jiang Junyi said.

"People brought back by Ruoxi?"

The look of the three elders changed slightly.

"Yes, this was for a magic potion yesterday."

"He severely wounded the four major masters of Qingtianzong, Yingge, Yunzong, and Chiba Hall, and almost killed them."

"Then sister Ruoxi brought him back to Tianlingzong."

Jiang Junyi said.

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