The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4030: Guild Wars

boom! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng urged Chi Yanjian, and his whole body of power poured into it.

The dazzling Jianmang blasted away towards this northern cold day.

Watching Xiao Yifeng sweep across.

When Bei Hantian changed his look, he directly mobilized the power in his body.

A horrible frost of ice broke out.

And Xiao Yifeng's flame Jianman banged together.

The collision of ice and flame.

Such as the impact of ice and fire, the eruption of astronomical energy directly blasted the void.

Shen Shuang and others were all flew out by Zhen.

Xiao Yifeng stepped back and forth.

Bei Hantian's body also took a few steps back.

"I didn't expect your kid to be so strong."

"No wonder there is the courage to kill my son."

Bei Hantian's gaze was frozen, his eyes were icy cold and he looked at Xiao Yifeng.

"Don't stop talking nonsense, just obey it."

Xiao Yi shouted coldly, he rushed forward with a sword of Chi Yan.

The two men fought fiercely directly above the void.

At this moment, everyone in Youshuang City and the 300,000 army generals are watching the two fierce sides in the void.

"His strength is so strong?"

At this moment Shen Shuang looked at Xiao Yifeng who was fighting fiercely in the void and Bei Hantian.

There was a look of shock in his eyes.

Before Shen Yifeng said that he would kill Bei Hantian, Shen Shuang had some doubts.

After all, Xiao Yifeng looks too young.

But Bei Hantian is a saint of Jiuzai, how easy it is to kill.

But at this moment, Shen Shuang really realized the power of Xiao Yifeng.

boom! !! !!

After a fierce battle, Bei Hantian exploded with a mighty power.

This power swept through the void.

The terrible power had frozen the void.

The air all extinguished instantly.

Half-step Supreme! !! !!

The strength of Bei Hantian has already entered a half-step supreme state, and he is no longer a saint.

Seeing this, Shen Shuang and others looked shocked.

They didn't expect that Beihantian had broken through the realm of Jiuzai Sage and stepped into the supreme state.

This is simply terrifying.

Seeing the strength of Bei Hantian stepped into the supreme state.

Shen Shuang looked at Xiao Yifeng with a look of worry.

Boom boom! !! !!

As Bei Hantian showed his half-step supreme strength.

Suddenly he pressed Xiao Yifeng.

A series of thunderous explosions sounded.

The void was destroyed directly by the horrible power of Bei Hantian.

Space holes and black holes appeared, as if to devour everything.

boom! !! !!

A dull thunder sounded.

Bei Hantian gathered the horrible ice forces to retreat Xiao Yifeng's body.

Its Chi Yan swords are covered with a thick layer of ice.

"Boy, you must die today !!!"

Bei Hantian's eyes stared at Xiao Yifeng with a monstrous killing intention.

Endless killings swept out.

The terrible half-step supreme authority shrouded him, oppressing the entire sky.

"Half step supreme strength wants to kill me?"

"You deserve yourself too much !!!"

Xiao Yifeng smiled slightly.

Sealing Spirit! !! !!

Boom boom! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng directly urged Fengling.

His strength has skyrocketed.

Four robbed saints! !! !!

Five Sages! !! !!

Six sage saints! !! !!


Quasi-Extreme! !! !!

Instantly, the realm of Xiao Yifeng's avatar stepped into the quasi-extreme realm directly from the three sages.

The help of this spirit to Xiao Yifeng can be described as very great, directly allowing his realm to rise so much in an instant.

But now Xiao Yifeng's avatar has reached the three sages.

The postoperative period of Shi Zhanfengling is still just paranormal.

Obviously, even if you want to cross the supreme realm, it is not so easy to rely on the magic of the spirit.

"You ... how are you possible? What is this secret method?"

Watching Xiao Yifeng's realm suddenly soared so much.

Bei Hantian was stunned directly.

He looked at Xiao Yifeng with a startled expression.

Bei Hantian did not expect that Xiao Yifeng's strength would be so much improved at once.

What is this secret method?

It would be terrifying to be able to elevate so many realms at once.

Rumble! !! !!

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng will explode the strength of the supreme state.

A huge sea of ​​fire behind him was born, and a raging flame swept out.

Spreading across the sky in an instant, enveloped this cold winter sky.

The look of Bei Hantian changed on the spot.

He quickly urged a force to exert a horrifying ice of ice to resist the horrible flame power.

But the strength of this northern cold day is only half a step into the state of supremacy.

And Xiao Yifeng's realm is now reaching the supreme state.

Bei Hantian couldn't resist it.

His frosty air was swallowed directly by this hot and terrifying flame.


Xiao Yifeng urged Chi Yanjian to sweep out toward Bei Hantian.

A hundreds of feet of horrible flame Jianmang tore through space and blasted out like Changhong Guanri.

The entire sky is permeated by this flame sword.

The battlefield looked extremely scary and shocked everyone.

But Bei Hantian felt the power of Xiao Yifeng's sword.

Its look changed.

Immediately urged all his strength to resist Xiao Yifeng's attack.

A deafening roar exploded.

The void where Bei Hantian was was directly exploded.

The monstrous flaming swordsmanth swallowed it up.

Endless energy swept away and directly affected the 300,000 troops outside this frost city.

Tens of thousands of people were immediately affected by this terrible attack energy, and turned directly into ashes.

All the 300,000 troops broke up, avoiding the horrible attack energy.

As for Shen Shuang and all the soldiers in Youshuang City, they were shocked when they saw this scene.

Their eyes were wide, with an incredible look.

They did not expect that this young man's strength would be so terrifying.

This terrible attack energy lasted for a full minute before it was considered dissipated.

At this moment a figure fell directly from the sky, hit the ground fiercely, and spit blood in his mouth.

This figure is naturally the northern cold city.

At this moment, Bei Hantian's clothes and hair were burnt ~ ~ The whole face was pale, and his expression seemed extremely ugly.

His body was severely damaged, if not for a critical moment he urged a trick to resist the attack.

I am afraid now he has fallen under the sword of Xiao Yifeng.

At this moment Xiao Yifeng stood on top of the void, releasing fear and coercion on his body.

He stared at the cold Beitian below with a strong cold look.

"Bei Hantian, aren't you going to avenge your son?"

"It looks like you're not good at it !!!"

Xiao Yifeng despised.

At this time, the 300,000 army generals brought by Bei Hantian were shocked and dull.

They did not expect such a superpower to appear in Youshen City.

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