The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4019: 6th blood domain

"Asshole, how dare you hurt me?"

Snapped! !! !!

This Yang Chao just got up and watched Xiao Yifeng angry.

In the end Xiao Yifeng slapped the fan out again and flew Yang Chao to the fan.

He hit the ground again and vomited blood, unable to resist.

At this moment, everyone in this heavenly city saw this scene with a shocked expression.

In this Tianling City, there are people who dare to beat Tianlingzong.

And hit the elder son of Tianlingzong.

This courage is really big enough.

"Three brothers !!!"

At this time, the group of Tianlingzong disciples reacted and hurried to help Yang Chao.


This Yang Chao stared at Xiao Yifeng just to open his mouth.

As soon as Xiao Yifeng waved his hand, he was scared to speak.


Yang Chao hummed with a bowed expression.

The group fled away in a dingy.

"It's hard enough for you to take a shot, but this Yang Chao's father is the second elder of Tianlingzong."

"You hit him, don't go to Tianlingzong."

Ruoxi looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"It's okay, I dare fight even the other four young masters."

"A child of this elder is nothing."

Xiao Yifeng said in disapproval.

Ruo Xi realized Xiao Yifeng's identity and said nothing.

They and their group headed directly towards Tian Lingzong.

This day Lingzong is headquartered on a huge mountain.

There are buildings all over the mountain.

The rich heaven and earth aura covered the whole mountain.

Makes it look like a fairyland.

Soon Xiao Yifeng and others came directly to the Tian Lingzong under the leadership of Ruo Xi.

There are thousands of formal disciples in the entire Tianlingzong, plus miscellaneous servants and outside disciples who have not yet started.

There are tens of thousands of people in this Lingzong sect, which is very huge.

"Sister Ruoxi, you haven't come back for a day, but you are anxious to die, are you all right?"

At this time, a very handsome young man appeared here, watching Ruoxi with an excited expression.

His eyes full of infatuation and worry looked at Ruo Xi.

This is Jiang Junyi, the second disciple of Tian Lingzong, who has been pursuing Ruoxi.

"Second Brother, I'm fine, thank you for your concern !!!"

Ruo Xi said lightly.

"Second Brother, he ... he ..."

At this time, the one who followed Jiang Junyi and Ban Wenfeng saw Xiao Yifeng.

His look changed, his eyes widened.

He pointed at Xiao Yifeng but was totally speechless because of shock and fear.

"What happened to Wenfeng?"

Jiang Junyi looked puzzled at Wen Feng's appearance at this time.

Then he followed Wen Feng's fingers and looked at Xiao Yifeng.

"who are you?"

Jiang Junyi looked at Xiao Yifeng and said helplessly.

"This is my friend, Xiao Yifeng."

Ruo Xi said.

"Ruoxi, why did I never know you still have this friend?"

A strange look flashed in Jiang Junyi's eyes swept Xiao Yifeng.

"What friends do I have, there is no need to tell Brother Er one by one."

Ruo Xi said indifferently.

"Boy, you came by yourself."

"Come, catch me up !!!"

At this time, Yang Chao rushed here with a group of people.

His eyes were staring at Xiao Yifeng, and his eyes were full of monstrous killing.

Immediately after Yang Chao, a group of Tian Lingzong strong men rushed towards Xiao Yifeng.


Ruo Xi said suddenly blocking Xiao Yifeng.

"Yang Chao, what are you doing?"

Jiang Junyi looked at Yang Chao and said helplessly.

"Jiang Junyi, Ruoxi, you better not get involved in this matter."

"Otherwise, I'm Yang Chao's enemy. This kid dares to beat me with shame."

"I must let him die today !!!"

Yang Chao looked stunned, his eyes shot Sen Leng's killing intention and stared at Xiao Yifeng.

"Yang Chao, he is my friend. If you dare to touch me, kill me first."

Ruo Xi shouted coldly.

"Ruoxi, you really think I ..."

"Yang Chao, if you dare to move like Xi."

"Don't blame me for being polite to you !!!"

Yang Chao looked at Xiao Yifeng and just spoke.

Jiang Junyi released a terror of the emperor's power, covering Yang Chao, and shouted coldly.

"you guys……"

Suddenly Yang Chao's expression looked extremely ugly, and his eyes were full of unwillingness.

"Boy, you wait for me."

Yang Chao swept Xiao Yifeng coldly, angrily leaving.

"Let's go."

Ruoxi looked at Xiao Yifeng and said something.

They left here directly across Jiang Junyi.

Looking at Ruoxi and leaving like this, Jiang Junyi's expression was not so good.

"Second Brother, that guy is the murderer who seriously injured Zhou Hao and several of them !!!"

At this time, Wen Feng finally recovered and looked at Jiang Junyi and said directly.

"You said he was the murderer who seriously injured Zhou Hao?"

Jiang Junyi was startled.

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes."

Wen Feng nodded, and he said everything that happened a day ago.

After hearing this, Jiang Junyi frowned.

His gaze was fixed, and his pupils continued to flash a strange look.

"Second Brother, what shall we do now?"

"It seems that sister Ruoxi has a difficult relationship with this guy."

Wen Feng said helplessly.

"You stare at him and explore his history."

Jiang Junyi said coldly.


Wen Feng nodded and left here.

"Ruoxi, you are my Jiang Junyi's woman, no one can take it away."

At this time, Jiang Junyi's eyes flashed with firm eyes, and his expression revealed a touch of Morin and evil.

At this time, Xiao Yifeng and others followed Ruoxi to the small courtyard where she lived.

"The second elder brother looks like you very much, don't you like him?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Ruoxi jokingly.

"Of course I don't like him, he's just wishful thinking."

Ruoxi cold.

"Miss you are back."

At this moment Ruoxi's maid came to him and said.

His eyes looked at Xiao Yifeng and wondered: "Miss, who are these?"

"They are my friends. They live here temporarily. You can arrange the room."

Ruo Xi said.


The maid answered.

at the same time--

Divine Realm, Blood Realm.

The avatar of fire handled the seventh blood domain and completely stabilized the position of the blood temple in the seventh blood domain.

He took Yan Hao ~ ~ Blood Sage Saint, Yan Dian Supreme, Xuan Army Four and Death Beast, Luo You and Tian Mo to the sixth blood domain.

And he left one of the Eight Supreme Masters of Yan Dian guarded in the seventh blood domain.

The remaining seven Supremes followed them to the sixth blood domain.

Having won the seventh blood domain, the next step is naturally to take down this sixth blood domain.

After spending a day, Xiao Yifeng and others stepped into this sixth blood domain.

Upon entering this sixth blood domain.

The blood in the air is more terrifying than the seventh blood.

The whole void seemed to be covered with a layer of blood mist, and the blood was removed from the air.

It is also full of strong **** atmosphere, just like a Shura purgatory.

(End of this chapter) (Best CEO of Beauty CEO: 7878608)-(Best CEO of Beauty CEO)

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