The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4017: Kill the 5 Supremes

"Where is this?"

At this moment the five looked around with amazement.

"This is in Starry Sky Jade, how do you feel?"

A cold voice appeared in their ears.

The heavens and stars gathered together, directly forming the shape of Xiao Yifeng.

"Is this Starry Sky Jade?"

The five were shocked when they heard what Xiao Yifeng said.

They all stared wide, with an incredible look on their faces.

"Yes, this is Jade in the Starry Sky. How do you feel?"

There was a flash of cold mang in Xiao Yifeng's eyes watching the five men in black robes.

There was a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.

Immediately the looks of the five changed.

They glanced at each other and attacked Xiao Yifeng directly.

"Suppression !!!"

Then Xiao Yifeng spit out two words.

Suddenly the universe starry sky.

A terrifying coercion came, and the five men were oppressed instantly.

The five men on the spot were directly oppressed by the terrible starry sky and knelt down.

Blood was spitting in their mouths, their expressions were ugly, and their eyes were incredible.

"how can that be?"

The Nine-Pin Supreme among these five looked at Xiao Yifeng with an incredible face.

"In this starry sky Jane, I am the master here."

"It's a wishful thinking to fight me."

Xiao Yifeng looked at the five men and hummed coldly, and there was a look of disdain in his eyes.

Then the five men desperately urged the secret method to resist this terror coercion.

But they couldn't do it at all.

"I still want to resist, ridiculous !!!"

Xiao Yifeng sneered, his hand waved.

The stars are falling, and they all fall on these five people instantly.

On the spot, the five of them trembled, all of them lying in the starry jade.

Blood was spitting in the mouth.

Their expression was even more ugly.

"I said that in this starry sky jade, I am the master here. I want to fight against me.

Xiao Yifeng said with a domineering look.

"Tell me, who is your master behind the scenes?"

Xiao Yifeng then watched the five drink.

The five men looked at Xiao Yifeng with a cold and determined expression, and obviously did not intend to answer.

"Don't say it?"

Xiao Yifeng sneered at the corner of his mouth and waved his hand.

Suddenly, a few stars descended and directly destroyed two of the five members of the Supreme Seven Ranks.

"Say it?"

Xiao Yifeng drank again.

"You kill us, we won't say."

The nine-pin supreme strong shouted coldly.

"Since you don't say it, I'll see it for myself."

Immediately Xiao Yi wind cold, his gaze was fixed.

He searched the soul of the Jiupin Supreme Black Man directly.

Want to find this person behind the scenes who want to capture the starry sky Jane.

The other party spends such a large amount of money trying to capture Xingkong Yujian.

It is very likely that the secret of Xingkong Yujian is known.

He naturally wanted to find out this person.

boom! !! !!

However, Xiao Yifeng just searched the soul of the Jiupin Supreme.

As a result, his soul exploded.

The force of terror hurt Xiao Yifeng's star soul.

The remaining two eight-pin supreme souls all blew themselves up and destroyed themselves.

Apparently, the owners behind this group of guys have long fiddled with their souls.

Prevent others from performing a soul search to learn about his identity.

This is enough to prove that the identity of the messenger behind the scenes is extremely simple.

Even Xiao Yifeng faintly felt that the identity of the other party would exceed his expectations.

"No matter who you are, I'll take you out."

Xiao Yifeng's eyes shone with cold chilling intention.

At the same time, the behind-the-scenes manipulating the mysterious man who captured the nine starry sky jade is also aware of the tragic death of these five people.

"Star Emperor, it's you again !!!"

"I didn't expect you to have enough."

"It's interesting to be able to control Xingkong Yujian already."

The mysterious man murmured to himself, his eyes glowed with fascination and his expression changed constantly.

"This good show has just begun, let's play slowly !!!"

The mysterious man sneered.

"Has that person been found?"

Then the mysterious man abruptly said to the void in front of him.

At this moment, the void was distorted, and a black figure appeared directly.

He knelt down in front of the man and said, "The man has been brought back."

"Okay, follow our previous plan."

"Let's play with the Star Emperor."

"And spread the news of the Emperor Star in the spirit world."

This mysterious man went cold.

"Yes, master !!!"

The black figure nodded, and his body disappeared directly here.

Then the mysterious manipulating behind the scenes waved.

Seven starry sky jade suspended in front of him.

At that time, Xiao Yifeng handed over nine starry sky jades to the nine emperors of the Seven Stars Region for safekeeping.

In the end, the mysterious man destroyed the other seven emperors, and obtained the seven starry jade Janes.

The remaining two starry jade pieces were taken away by Ruo Xi and Xue Yao.

"Xingkong Yujian, I will definitely take full control of you."

The mysterious man stared at the seven starry jade stares.

He shouted coldly, his voice full of determination.

And in the state of the spirit world.

Xingkong Yujian was suspended in the air, and the light released disappeared.

Xiao Yifeng's figure appeared again.

As for the five Supremes, their bodies no longer exist.

Huh! !! !!

Instantly, Xiao Yifeng spit out blood.

He knelt on the ground.


"Brother Xiao !!!"

At this time, Chi Yu, Yao Yao, Zi Yan and other women all cried nervously.

They quickly came to Xiao Yifeng and helped him up.

At this time, Ruoxi looked at Xiao Yifeng, his eyes were full of shocking eyes.

Xiao Yifeng is the identity of the Emperor of the Starry Sky, and she has not digested it.

"I'm fine, don't worry."

Xiao Yifeng shook his head, and he put away the starry jade.

Immediately he put all the people into the Star Hall.

Entering the Xingchen Hall, Xiao Yifeng directly summoned the ancient seal of the starry sky into it to recover his body.

This time he consumed the essence of blood ~ ~ and forcibly urged the secret ban to open and control the starry sky.

Directly subject his body to a great backlash, and the injuries were very serious.

In an instant, the day outside passed.

And in the ancient seal of the starry sky, a whole thousand days have passed.

It is equivalent to Xiao Yifeng spent three years here.

After a thousand days of cultivation in the ancient seal of the starry sky, Xiao Yifeng recovered.

It can be seen how big the sequelae of this forced manipulation of Xingkong Yujian are.

If it was in the ancient times, it would have little effect to control Xingkong Yujian with his strength.

Unfortunately, now he is not strong enough, forcibly manipulating Xingkong Yujian will naturally have huge sequelae.

. (Best CEO of Beauty CEO: 7878608)-(Best CEO of Beauty CEO)

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