The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4008: Holy name changed

Take advantage of the powerful time stream in the ancient seal of the starry sky.

Only half a day had passed since then, and Xiao Yifeng had completely recovered.

Leaving the Star Hall, he saw the daughters and Xuantian Xuandi.

"What happened to Yaochi?"

At this time Xiao Yifeng found Yaochi's look very ugly, and could not help asking.

"Master, we just told the Empress of Yaochi that the name of this sacred place in Yaochi has been renamed, so that's what she did."

Xuan Tian said.

"Yaochi Holy Land changed its name?"

Xiao Yifeng looked startled.

"Well, a few days ago, Yao Xuan, the Holy Lord of Yaochi Holy Land, officially announced that the Yaochi Holy Land was renamed Yao Xuan Holy Land."

"It is said that everything in the Yaochi Holy Land about the Empress Yaochi was destroyed."

"Emperor images including the Empress Yaochi were destroyed."

"This incident also shocked the whole world of stars."

Xuan Tian said one by one.

"Yaochi, you female apprentice is really cruel !!!"

"She wants to completely take the holy place you created in your own hands and completely wipe you out of the Yaochi holy place."

Xiao Yifeng looked at Yao Chi and could not help talking.

"I'm blind, and I'll pay her price when I recover."

"It's not that simple to take the Yaochi Holy Land I built."

Yaochi hummed coldly.

"I'm leaving to find a way to restore my strength elsewhere."

Yaochi then looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"You can take this sun bead, it should be able to restore you to the realm of the emperor !!!"

At this time, Xiao Yifeng took out one of the five remaining sun beads on his body and gave it to Yaochi.


Looking at the sun beads, feeling the energy contained in them.

There was a look of surprise in Yaochi's eyes, looking at Xiao Yifeng.

"Don't thank me, it was my heart that broke your heart, and that's how I compensated you."

"Go to the retreat in the Temple of Stars."

Xiao Yifeng said in a deep voice.

"Thank you, I will return this kindness to you."

Yao Chi looked solemnly at Xiao Yifeng.

"It doesn't matter if you repay, I don't want to repay you."

Xiao Yifeng smiled lightly.

Then he directly sent Yao Chi to the Star Hall, and let him retreat and refine the sun essence.

Next, Xiao Yifeng started to deal with Fengmeng.


Suddenly Xiao Yifeng's expression changed, and his expression seemed very ugly.

"Mengyue is in danger !!!"

Xiao Yifeng's face sank, his eyes flickered constantly.

When Xiaoyue left before, Xiao Yifeng left a mark on him.

Once the other party is in danger, he can sense it.

Xiao Yifeng just found out that the mark he left had a reaction.

Apparently this dream moon is in danger.

For a time, Xiao Yifeng looked very ugly.

This dream moon is the reincarnation of a soul body of Xuan Yue, and nothing can happen.

Otherwise, when the impact on the resurrection of Xuan Yue will be completed, the calf will be finished.

It's just that Xiao Yifeng hasn't finished the matter in this spiritual world.

He will continue to participate in the Spirit Realm, and he will not be able to go to Xuan Tian Realm.

"By the way, double !!!!"

Then Xiao Yifeng thought of his avatar, and he called out Lei Zhi's avatar directly.

He can't go to Xuan Tian Jie, but this Ray's clone can go.

Now that the avatar of Lei Zhi has reached the sage realm, he should go out and practice alone like the avatar of Fire.

It is exactly this time that the two super powers of Xuantian Xuandi are here.

You can follow Lei Zhi's clone to Xuantianjie together.

Looking at the sudden appearance of Lei Zhi, both Xuantian and Xuandi looked shocked.

"This is my clone."

"You and me are heading for a trip to Xuantianjie to save someone !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Xuan Tian and Xuan Di Shen Chan.

"Yes, master !!!"

Xuantian and Xuandi nodded.

Xiao Yifeng then took out a star battleship and gave it to Lei Zhi.

The three of them soon left the spirit realm and headed towards the heavenly realm.

Divine Realm, Xuan Tian Jie.

The Helian tribe, one of the four emperors.

When Mengyue returned to the Hellen family, the daughter of the Hellen family with the Bapin emperor's veins.

The entire Helian family was extremely sensational.

With the news that Mengyue was in possession of Emperor Bapin, the news spread.

Suddenly, the younger generation of the Helian family respected them, and the older generations paid great attention to them.

Mengyue directly became the treasure of the Helian clan.

After all, the Helian family didn't know how long it hadn't given birth to the descendants of Bapin Emperor.

With the eight-pin emperor's pulse, Mengyue's future achievements will be unlimited.

Today, there are no martial art geniuses in the eight major emperors of the Xuantian Realm.

The appearance of this dream moon naturally made the entire Helian family extremely excited.

She directly became the key existence of the Helian tribe in the future.

"I want to let my mother's spiritual beauty enter the temple of the Helian tribe."

Mengyue returned to the Hellen family and looked at his father Hellenba directly.


"This is what I owe your mother, it should be."

Helianba nodded and said.

The other elders of the Hellen family have no objection to this.

Originally, as a mother of Mengyue, she was not eligible to enter the Helian tribe.

But now they all want to rely on the eight-pin emperor's pulse of Mengyue to revitalize the Helian family, they can only agree.

A few days passed.

Today is the day when Mengyue's mother entered the ancestral temple of the Helian tribe.

Outside the ancestral temple of the Helian tribe.

The people of the entire Helian family were gathered together and looked extremely solemn.

Outside the ancestral hall, people of the Helian clan stood in two rows.

Mengyue wore a white suit, and slowly walked towards the temple with her mother's spirit in both hands.

Hellenba and a group of Hellen family elders stood in this shrine, watching the scene quietly.

Soon in the eyes of everyone.

With her mother's spirit, Mengyue entered the ancestral hall of the Helian tribe.

Once Mengyue's mother's spirit was put into this temple.

On behalf of the Helian family, they recognized the identity of their mother, and even more of the identity of Mengyue.

"Let's go up !!!"

He Lianba looked at Mengyue and said.

Immediately Mengyue will put up the spirit of her mother.

But at this moment, the figure of Helian Hai suddenly appeared here.

"Slow !!!!"

Helianhai broke into the shrine ~ ~ and sighed coldly.

"Xiaohai, why are you here? What are you doing?"

Helianba watched Helianhai appear, and frowned coldly.

"Father, do you know that you are doing this to shame my mother?"

"You put this **** woman's spirit in the temple of the Hellen family."

"Where do you put my mother's dignity and face?"

He Lianhai watched He Lianba yell directly.

"Who did you say was a mean woman?"

Mengyue's cold eyes swept toward Helianhai.

"I'm talking about your mother, a **** woman and you bitch."

"You don't deserve to step into the Helian family." (Best CEO of Beauty CEO: 7878608)

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