The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3995: Divine Vein

Soon Xiao Yifeng they came to this place where the light of God appeared, but in a valley.

"So rich heaven and earth aura !!!"

King Han's eyes looked at the valley in front of him, and there was a shock in his eyes.

At this moment the endless heaven and earth aura spread out in the valley.

This aura is dense and forms a thick mist directly in the void.

"Such strong heaven and earth aura spread out."

"This should be the birth of a godstone vein."

Yaochi indifferent road.

"Godstone veins !!!"

I heard Yao Chi's words.

The look of King Han and his two sons was startled.

Then the rest of the state powerhouses gathered here.

They saw Xiao Yifeng first greet him respectfully.

As for Xiao Yifeng, he rushed towards the valley.

He stepped directly into the valley.

Soon Xiao Yifeng saw countless **** stones.

He glanced through the eyes.

Hundreds of miles around the entire valley are filled with a lot of **** stones.

There is also a third of the crystal.

This place, like Yaochi, is indeed a godstone vein.

"I ran into a vein of godstone."

Xiao Yifeng was surprised.

What he encountered in the blood world was only a small bloodstone mine.

I did not expect to encounter a godstone vein directly in this spirit world.

Divine stones and divine crystals are the most fundamental resources for martial arts cultivation.

It is the foundation of a family or a ancestral family.

And once the **** stone veins are born in the major worlds of the starry sky, it will cause competition among the major families.

Those powerful and top forces have at least one or more godstone veins.

Otherwise, they will not be among the top forces.

This godstone vein is divided into four levels: superb, high, intermediate and low according to the storage and quality of the godstone.

Need for **** stone veins generally only those who are extremely powerful emperor, or the ancient ancient class and those who have the starry top ancestors.

As for the advanced and intermediate godstone veins, they are dominated by those super-class forces in the major star domains.

The remaining low-level godstone veins are occupied by those ancestral families in the major worlds.

According to Xiao Yifeng's detection, this **** stone vein belongs to a Zhongpin **** stone vein.

Already considered an extremely rare godstone vein.

"It really is a vein of godstone."

At this moment, the powerful men in this state look at the veins of the **** stone in front of them, and they are full of shock.

However, the birth of this godstone vein made them extremely shocked.

Their eyes were full of greed and excitement staring at these **** stones.

If at other times.

At this moment, they have definitely started to fight for this godstone vein.

But today none of them are doing it.

All of this is naturally because in front of them there is a person who cannot offend-Xiao Yifeng.

Xiao Yifeng is here now.

Naturally they did not dare to come up with the idea of ​​this godstone vein.

After all, this Xiao Yifeng's strength is enough to easily kill them.

"There are other treasures in it."

Then Yaochi said suddenly.

And Xiao Yifeng glanced at the vein of this **** stone.

He hacked out with one hand.

This godstone vein was split directly by him.

Then Xiao Yifeng walked into the middle of this **** stone vein.

He came to the depths of this godstone vein.

And here gathers more huge auras.

The strong aura here directly forms a spiritual fog.

There are a few drops of milky liquid in the middle of this mist.

"Mysterious spirit !!!"

Looking at the drops of milky white liquid, Xiao Yifeng said helplessly.

Divine pith is the most precious and rare existence in the divine veins.

It is a rare treasure of heaven and earth that has been condensed through the endless years and days through the aura in the countless godstones of the godstone veins.

The energy contained in it is terrifying and can help the warrior to quickly improve his strength.

But the birth of this miracle is very difficult.

Generally, only high-grade **** stone veins or high-quality **** stone veins can give birth to **** pulp.

I did not expect that this middle-level **** stone vein would even give birth to a myth.

"Yao Yao, Zi Yan, Magic Girl, Chi Yu, Ying Xue, Ye Xue, each of you takes a drop of myeloid."

Xiao Yifeng said watching the girls and Yexue.

"You are generous enough, but the essence is very precious and rare, and you gave it to them."

Yao Chi looked at Xiao Yifeng and sneered.

"They are not outsiders."

"Since these spirits are born, they are for human consumption."

"As for whom, it depends on my will."

Xiao Yifeng smiled slightly.

"I don't need it, you give it to Yaochi."

Chi Yu said.

"Her strength is a waste of taking this essence."

"Yu'er, you quickly take it, and then start to refine and absorb."

Xiao Yifeng said, let the four daughters and Yexue take a small drop of the essence.

The energy of this spirit is too strong.

Xiao Yifeng did not dare to let them take too much.

Otherwise, the strength will not improve.

Instead, it explodes because of this, so it is worth the loss.

Soon, they and their group sat on the ground and began to refine and absorb.

"Everyone is outside and no one is allowed to come in and disturb, otherwise ..."

Xiao Yifeng then went out, watching these groups of state powerhouses talk indifferently.

He didn't say the last few words, but this group of state powerhouses shivered.

They quickly bowed and said:

"Understand, please rest assured Xiao Gongzi, I will never disturb Xiao Gongzi."

This group of state powerhouses withdrew from this godstone vein without saying a word.

Xiao Yifeng took the rest of the spirits.

Rumble! !! !!

With this pith comes into the body.

Xiao Yifeng heard a series of thunders.

The horror of energy burst out.

A terrible breath was released from him.

Xiao Yifeng's direct operation of the exercises began to impact the emperor's realm.

Outside of this, all the lords of the dynastic gate family dynasties in this state stood here.

His eyes flickered.

Many people look like they have no desire.

"Are you such a godstone vein?

At this time, the master of the sectarian door looked at the others and said helplessly.

"What about temptation? Could it be that you've beaten the one inside?"

The king of the Xiang dynasty sneered ~ ~ We ca n’t fight, but it does n’t mean that others fight, but this **** stone vein is in our state. "

"Should belong to the major forces in our state, how can he be swallowed by him alone."

Another lord of the Zongmen cold.

No one else spoke.

But apparently many people have the same thoughts as the two lords.

After all, a vein of godstone is too tempting for them.

"You better not have other ideas, Xiao Gong is not alone."

"How could he swallow this godstone vein alone?"

"When he comes out, maybe he will give us a portion." (Best CEO of Beauty CEO: 7878608)-(Best CEO of Beauty CEO)

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