The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3993: Bloodstone Mine

"You must give me an account of the Blood Spirit Chamber of Commerce today."

The leader of the Blood Spirit Chamber of Commerce watched Xiao Yi spit coldly.

"They killed me. Are you satisfied with this explanation?"

Xiao Yifeng skimmed his lips.

"What? You're ... you're so brave."

"Dare you dare to fight against my Blood Spirit Chamber of Commerce?"

The leader of the Blood Spirit Chamber of Commerce looked at Xiao Yifeng and shouted, his eyes flashed with a cold killing intention.

"Master of the Blood Temple, you are amazing enough."

"Not only offended my blood alliance, but even the blood spirit chamber of commerce."

"You, the little master of the seventh blood, even if you unified the entire seventh blood."

"Can't you think you can fight against the Blood Alliance and the Blood Spirit Chamber of Commerce?"

"It's whimsical !!!"

The bearded man in Blood League looked at Xiao Yifeng with disdain.

boom! !! !!

In an instant, Xiao Yifeng was just like Lei Zhi's avatar, performing the magic of sealing spirits.

Its strength has soared to the quasi-extreme state.

The majestic majesty erupted.

Burning Sky Palm! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng then waved with one palm.

The monstrous flame turned into a huge flame palm, burning the sky.

Suppressed towards the bearded man.

The emptiness burst, and it was difficult to withstand the coercion of this blow.

The bearded man, however, was unable to resist Xiao Yafeng's blow.

He was instantly smashed to the ground by this burning sky palm.

His body smashed a deep hole into the ground.

This blood alliance's eight sage sage strong man is lying in this pit, and blood is constantly spit in his mouth.

His expression looked extremely ugly and badly hit.

Seeing this, the remaining blood alliance strong and the blood spirit chamber of commerce.

They looked startled, a shocked expression flashed in their eyes and looked at Xiao Yifeng.


The strong man led by the Blood Spirit Chamber of Commerce looked at what Xiao Yifeng wanted to say.

As a result, Xiao Yifeng waved Chi Yan Sword, and a sword blasted out.

The blood alliance and blood spirit chamber of commerce were killed by him with one sword.

Only their Sheng Jing was taken over by Xiao Yifeng.

And the blood sacrifice saint lying in the pit, looking at Xiao Yifeng with a look of fear in his eyes.

Xiao Yifeng waved.

The eight-sad saint fell into his hands.

"Ask you a question."

Xiao Yifeng looked coldly at the saint.

"I will not betray the Blood League."

The bearded man looked resolutely.

"I'm not interested in your blood alliance. I just ask you if you've heard of Yongye League?"

Xiao Yi wind coldly.

He just suddenly thought that this blood alliance could also be regarded as a top force in the blood world.

It may be possible that the strong blood alliance knows the existence of the Yong Ye League.

That's why he asked.

"Yong Yemeng?"

Hear Xiao Yifeng's words.

The bearded man changed his look, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"It seems that you do know the Yeongye League, let's go."

Xiao Yi watched the man's look change.

Suddenly guessed, he shouted coldly.

"You let me go after I say it?"

The man looked at Xiao Yifeng hesitantly.

"You don't say, you have to die now."

Xiao Yi wind coldly.

"The Yongye League is a mysterious organization that has emerged in the blood world for hundreds of thousands of years."

"They are very mysterious. The outside world doesn't know much about their organization."

"No one even knows who is the leader of the Eternal Night Alliance."

"And there are some grudges between Yongye League and Blood League, I don't know the specifics."

The eight-sad saint spoke.

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flickered upon hearing the words of the other party.

Unexpectedly, this Yong Ye League is so mysterious.

"Tell me everything you know about the blood alliance."

Xiao Yifeng looked at the man coldly, his eyes flashed with cold eyes.

"I won't say."

The man was tough.

"If you don't say it, I will make you die better. Are you sure you want to try?"

There was a bloodthirsty smile on the corner of Xiao Yifeng's mouth, looking at the Eight Saints, who trembled involuntarily.

Even though he is a saint of eight calamities, his heart is filled with a deep sense of fear at this moment.

"Okay, I said."

In the end, the man said everything he knew about the blood alliance in 1510, and then said, "Now you can ..."

boom! !! !!

The man hasn't finished talking yet.

A force of terror broke out from Xiao Yifeng's palm, instantly destroying this guy.

"Don't you dare to keep your promise?"

The sacred soul of the eight robbed saints rushed out and roared at Xiao Yifeng.

"I never need to keep my promise to the enemy, because you are destined to be dead."

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.

He waved the Chi Yan sword and destroyed the holy spirit of the opponent.

As for the Sheng Jing he left, it was naturally stolen by Xiao Yifeng.

"Master, now the Yong Ye League is so mysterious that even the Blood League doesn't know about them."

"How do we find them?"

Yan Hao came to Xiao Yifeng and said helplessly.

"Isn't that guy just saying that there is a grudge between Yongye League and Blood League."

"Those who are really in charge of the Blood League must know more about the Night League."

"We can only start with the blood alliance."

Xiao Yifeng's gaze was frozen, and a faint flash of light flashed in his eyes, he said coldly.

"This blood alliance is so powerful, and I don't know if there is a great emperor. It may not be easy to deal with them."

Yan Hao worried.

"It's okay, there must be a road to the front of the mountain."

Xiao Yi wind coldly.

"the host!!!"

At this moment, the Blood Sage Saint eagerly came to Xiao Yifeng.

"Looking at you in a hurry, what happened?"

Xiao Yifeng asked.

"The people in the Blood Temple found a Bloodstone Mine in a mountain with a lot of Bloodstones inside."

Blood Sage sainted.

"Bloodstone Mine."

Suddenly Xiao Yifeng's gaze was fixed, and there was a shock in his eyes.

Then they and their group headed directly towards the bloodstone mine.

When they came to that mountain, they and their party came to a deep valley.

A group of people gathered here, all from the Blood Temple.

"Master, this is the Bloodstone Mine."

The Blood Sage saint pointed at a cave here and said to Xiao Yifeng.

"Go, look inside."

Xiao Yifeng and his party walked directly into the bloodstone mine.

Come to this mine ~ ~ a strong blood evil spirit permeated.

Soon a huge cave appeared.

There are a lot of blood red crystals here.

It is the blood stone, a precious and rare cultivation material unique to the blood world.

The cave is covered with bloodstones.

Among them, there are bloodstones of lower grade, middle grade, top grade, and top grade.

"It's a big profit now, and we're lucky."

An elder in the Blood Temple looked at the bloodstone mine in front of him, his eyes filled with excitement.

Huh! !! !!

At this time the demon body appeared here.

[m ..] (Best CEO of Beauty CEO: 7878608)-(Best CEO of Beauty CEO)

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