The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3991: The power of Thunder's avatar

boom! !! !!

boom! !! !!

boom! !! !!

At this time above the sky, the power of this holy calamity descended directly.

All the terrible holy thunders and thunders blasted towards Thunder's avatar, destroying them.

And this horrifying thunderous thunder may be terrifying for others to break through the saintly realm.

But for Lei Zhi's avatar, this is exactly the nourishment to enhance his strength.

As the throne of Thunder, the least feared thing is the power of Thunder.

This sacred thunder and thunder was filled with the savage atmosphere and struck thunder's clone.

Then he was directly absorbed and refined by him.

At this moment, Renzhou's powerhouses were once again attracted.

The masters of the other seven dynasties and three families, as well as the masters of the other saints and the strong men of the saints once again gathered here.

Watching Lei Zhi's avatar break through the sage realm and greet the sacred calamity.

Their eyes were equally shocked.

They did not expect that the evil that had killed the first holy man in Renzhou just had just preached sanctified.

Wouldn't it mean that he hadn't reached the sage state before.

Before the sage realm, the first holy man in the state who surpassed the strength of the nine sages was killed.

This ... the ability of this cross-tier battle is simply terrifying the world, it is incredible.

Only those top wicked geniuses may be able to kill the saints without the saints.

But that's just to deal with the saintly strongman between one calamity and three calamities.

It is very difficult for the sages with more than three calamities to deal with it.

After all, the sage's realm is more than three calamities, and the span between its realms is very large.

It is absolutely difficult to reach the sage realm without more than three calamities before the sage realm.

This can only be done unless you possess some anti-treasures or anti-secret ban.

And Xiao Yifeng did not reach the sage state, but even the first saint who was stronger than Jiuzai saint was killed.

This cross-level battle span is simply a miracle.

For a while, the King of the Hans, the King of the Xiangs and others were startled and stunned, and did not respond for a long time.

They looked dull.

Everyone else was shocked.

Rumble! !! !!

At this moment, the sage Lei Jie continued to fall on Lei Zhi's avatar, but had no effect on his body.

All the sacred forces were absorbed and refined by him.

Soon the sacred calamity that broke through the saint's realm disappeared.

And the avatar of Thunder naturally passed through this holy calamity without hindrance.

Then the sky was born with auspicious light.

A sacred light from the void burst directly into the body of Thunder's avatar.

Suddenly his entire body began to transform into a sacred body.

Nine gods in his body directly transformed and condensed into nine holy crystals.

boom! !! !!

Instantly, Ray's avatar testified to sanctification and became a superpower in the saintly realm.

There was a horrible saintly power on his body, and the light was shining on him.

His eyes were brilliant.

At this time, a thunder rang in Thunder's body.

Countless ray of light burst out from him.

The next second, a huge sea of ​​thunder was born behind this thunder clone.

In this thunderous sea, thunderous thunderous thunders and shuttles, exuding the atmosphere of destruction.

As soon as this thunder sea came out, it made people feel a sense of palpitations.

The avatar of Thunder uses the power of this thunder sea, plus the power of nine holy crystals in his body.

His body even exudes a terror.

Its strength is even more terrifying than the five sages.

As for this thunder sea, it is naturally transformed by thunder spirit's original power.

Lei Lingzhu was suspended inside Lei Zhifen's body, with nine holy crystals surrounding him.

There is a feeling of stars and moons.

Huh! !!

Lei Zhi's eyes opened, and a thunderous light flashed in his eyes.

People dare not look straight at them, they are extremely attractive.

"Boy, are you killing my young master Xingxu Yangling?"

At this moment, the two Emperor Tianxongzong appeared in front of Lei Zhi's clone and hummed coldly.

They all stared at Thunder's clone with a cold look in his eyes.

There was a terrible half-step supreme coercion.

"I killed it. Is there a problem?"

Lei Zhi's disdain vomited.

"It's enough for you. Come back with us to accept the punishment of the suzerain."

One of the half-step supreme strong men shouted at Lei Zhi's face as he ordered it.

"Why should I listen to you?"

Lei Zhi's sneer sneered, his eyes glowed with brilliance.

"No tears without seeing the Yellow River !!!"

Another half-step supreme strong man in Tianxuzong sang coldly.

With a wave of his hand, a huge claw in the void was born out of thin air.

Grabbed towards Lei Zhi's avatar.

boom! !! !!

At this time, Thunder's avatar directly urged the strength of Thunder Spirit's original source, Lei Hai, to kill.

Destroy this claw instantly.

But Lei Zhi's avatar was also backed up by the shock.

He grunted, his face pale.

The half-step supreme strongman was again bombarded towards Thunder's clone.

Sealing Spirit! !! !!

The avatar of Thunder directly urged Fengling's art, and his strength began to skyrocket.

A saint! !! !!

Two robbed saints! !! !!

Three sage saints! !! !!


Nine sages! !! !!

Extreme half step! !! !!

Quasi-extreme! !! !!

With Thunder's avatar cast the Sealing Spirit.

With all his strength, he stepped into the quasi-extremity.

Once the Spirit of the Seal is cast, it instantly rises to a great realm.

Today, Lei Zhi's avatar has only been promoted to a quasi-extreme state, and has not stepped into it.

Obviously, even the magic of the spirit can't directly improve the strength of its sage realm to the supreme realm.

But even stepping into the quasi-extreme realm is enough for Ray's avatar.

Rumble! !! !!

With the realm of Lei Zhi step into the paramount.

A thunderous explosion erupted on his body, and the monstrous courage swept out.

Suddenly suppressed these two half-step supreme strong.

The look of these two half-step supreme strong men changed.

A shocked look flashed through their eyes as they looked at Thunder's clone.

They did not expect that the strength of this Thunder's avatar unexpectedly stepped into the quasi-extreme state from a savage saint.

This secret method to enhance strength is too foolish.

Lightning Spell! !! !!

Then Lei Zhi drank again.

He exhibited the secret technique in the ban on yin and yang, his hands waving.

Suddenly, most of the power of thunder in the vanity in the state of the state was converging towards the avatar of madness ~ ~ This throne avatar performed the magic of thunder and it was more terrifying than Xiao Yifeng's demon.

After all, the avatar of Thunder is the one who cultivates the power of Thunder.

In addition, it is a thunder spirit body and thunder pearl exists.

The power of the thunder show is even more horrifying.

In a blink of an eye, the endless thunder power gathered on the sky.

The strength of such a thick and huge thunder gathered together, forming a coercive force to destroy the world.

Gives a feeling of black clouds over the city.

The endless power of thunder continues to gather, forming a terrible thunder sea.

All terrible thunders condensed.

[m ..] (Best CEO of Beauty CEO: 7878608)-(Best CEO of Beauty CEO)

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