The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3977: Buried chess pieces

"Who is she?"

At this time, Chi Yu and Yao Chi appeared in front of Xiao Yifeng.

They looked at Ziyan, and there was a strange look in their eyes.

"Hi two ladies, my name is Ziyan. I am a prostitute in Huamanlou, and I was robbed by my master."

Zi Yan looked at the two women and said.

"Prostitute? Rob it back?"

Chi Yu looked for a moment.

"You're powerful enough. Now even the famous prostitutes have started, and they have also snatched them back."

"You are not afraid to humiliate you as the star emperor."

Yao Chi looked at Xiao Yifeng and hummed coldly.

"She's Ziyan, not a prostitute."

"She has a special relationship with me, so I brought her back."

Xiao Yi Feng Shen Chen.

"Ziyan, just follow me and treat us as your family."

"Don't mention your business in the past, or call me master."

"Just call me Brother Xiaofeng or Brother Xiao."

Xiao Yifeng said looking at Zi Yan.


Zi Yan nodded.

"Your life is really enough."

Yaochi looked at Xiao Yifeng and snorted, and turned away.

"You guy ..."

Chi Yu reluctantly shook his head at Xiao Yifeng.

Xiao Yifeng then brought Zi Yan to a new room.

"You live here temporarily."

Xiao Yifeng looked at Zi Yan and said, ready to leave.

At this time, Zi Yan was standing in front of Xiao Yifeng and closed the door.

Next, Zi Yan directly shed her purple clothes.

An immaculate, exquisite ketone body appeared in front of Xiao Yifeng.

His look changed immediately.

"Ziyan, what are you doing? Quickly put on."

Xiao Yifeng quickly turned around.

"Brother Xiao, I am already yours."

"You can get my virginity tonight, let Zi Yan come to sleep."

"I will serve Brother Xiao well."

Zi Yan embraced Xiao Yifeng and said softly.

Suddenly the evil fire in Xiao Yifeng's body exploded, and his adrenal hormones began to skyrocket.

He quickly ran the exercises to hold his inner urge.

He broke away from Zi Yan and waved his hand, wearing Zi Yan's clothes on it.

"Ziyan, I brought you out, and I have no intention of treating you."

"I just treat you like my sister. You don't have to do that in the future."

Xiao Yifeng said in a deep voice, and then he left the room.

What happened in the capital tonight also spread quickly.

Everyone in the capital knew that a demon youth killed the king of the town in one fell swoop.

Another palm kills a quasi-super-powerful.

People throughout the capital of the Han Dynasty were shocked.

As for Liu Yong, he reported the incident to his father.

"This son really has the power of a saint !!!"

With this news, the head of the Han dynasty shook.

"It should be, and judging by his tone."

"I'm afraid he's not just as simple as possessing the strength of a saint. If he represents the state of war this time, he will compete in the spirit world."

"Perhaps this is the first time in the spirit world."

Liu Yong said.

"This son definitely wants to associate."

The king said solemnly.

"Just the Wei family ..."

Liu Yong said.

"Don't worry, I will deal with it."

The king shook his head.

At the same time, a mysterious place in the starry sky.

Here sits a mysterious man in a black robe.

Huh! !! !!

A dark shadow appeared here.

He looked at the man in the black robe and said directly, "Our master is already buried."

"Very well, without spending so much effort on me."

The man in the black robe sneered.

"Star Emperor, you wait, you will be surprised when we meet."

"And this is your fatal blow."

The man in the black robe said coldly.

"Remember, don't leave any traces."

The man in black robes said coldly.


Black Shadow nodded.

"Is there any news for Xingkong Yujian?"

Then the man in the black robes coldly.

"It's found, it won't take long."

"The Starry Sky Jade Jane can be returned to the owner, and we are also searching for another Starry Sky Jade Jane."

The shadow spoke.

The man in the black robe was the mysterious man who had captured the starry sky Jane behind the scenes.

"You must get me back the remaining two Starry Sky Jade as soon as possible;"

"Gathering Jiufen Xingkong Jade Jane, the Star Emperor can only let me play with it."

The man in black robe said coldly.

"Master, is this mysterious secret hidden in this starry sky Jane?"

"It deserves the owner's attention."

The shadow said curiously.

"Better not to ask."

The man in the black robe hummed.

Huh! !! !!

A blood spurt from the dark shadow on the spot.

His expression seemed extremely ugly, he knelt directly on the ground and said:

"Master, my subordinate knows wrong."

The shadow then left here.

"Star Emperor, let's see."

"Wait until I get all the stars and jades, and step in there and get something like that."

"I'll see how you fight me."

The man in the black robe hummed coldly, releasing a horrible breath on his body.

Heaven and earth are stagnant, as if time has stopped.


Divine Realm, Blood Realm.

Now the entire seventh blood domain has been completely controlled by the Blood Temple.

All forces and warriors in the seventh blood domain have joined the Blood Temple.

Those who did not join were strongly destroyed by the Blood Temple.

Today, there are more than thirty sage strong men in the whole blood temple, and even more than a hundred emperors and emperors.

And Xiao Yifeng, the avatar of fire, directly became the king of the seventh blood domain, and Megatron seventh blood domain.

Blood Temple City, the former residence of the Blood Temple Saints, has now become the headquarters of the Blood Temple.

In a large hall, Xiao Yifeng, the blood saint saint, and the four elders of the blood hall are discussing the next things.

"The Lord of the Blood Temple came out to take the order !!!"

At this moment a cold drink sounded suddenly.

Xiao Yifeng frowned immediately, he went straight out, and others followed.

There are several figures standing outside this hall.

Headed by a middle-aged man in a black gown.

One strength reached the point of the five sages.

His face was sullen, and there was a supreme sacred power all over him.

A lofty attitude, contempt of sentient beings.

There was a word on his chest—blood. UU reading book

"who are you?"

Xiao Yifeng looked coldly at this group of people.

As for the bloodsage saint and others looking at the blood word on the man's chest.

They looked all the same, their pupils shrunk and their faces looked dignified.

"They are people of the Blood Alliance."

The Blood Sage saintly said indifferently.

"Blood alliance?"

"The seventh **** domain still has this power?"

Xiao Yifeng was surprised.

"It seems that you, the new Lord of the Seventh Blood, don't know our blood alliance."

The man in the black gown looked at Xiao Yifeng coldly. (Best CEO of Beauty CEO: 7878608)-(Best CEO of Beauty CEO)

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