The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3965: provocative

"It's just that the energy in this bloodstone is very violent and violent."

"Ordinary warriors dare not refining easily, because they may explode or go into magic."

"The best bloodstone is the most powerful existence among bloodstones, and it is very precious and rare."

"There aren't many superb bloodstones throughout the seventh blood zone."

"I didn't expect to show up at this auction."

Elder Blood Temple said.

Numerous warriors present looked at this superb bloodstone.

Each one was full of madness and excitement.

"The best bloodstone, I must get it."

At this moment, Xue Feng said excitedly.

In the end, this superb bloodstone was won by the blood front.

Others naturally did not dare to compete with the disciples of the Bloodsage Saint.

In an instant, an hour passed.

This auction of the Blood Spirit Chamber of Commerce is all over.

"Thank you all for coming and continue next time !!!"

The auctioneer smiled.

That's the end of the auction, and everyone is ready to disperse.


An abrupt voice sounded at the auction site.

Xiao Yifeng stood up directly.

At the auction, everyone looked at Xiao Yifeng.

The blood spirit chamber of commerce also looked at Xiao Yifeng.

"Sir, do you have anything?"

The old man who appeared before looked at Xiao Yifeng and said again.

"The purpose of my coming here today is simple, and that is--"

"Let all of you join the Blood Temple and submit to me !!!"

"And I announced that I wanted all the things I had auctioned just now !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.

boom! !! !!

And his words directly smashed the entire auction site.

Everyone at this auction site was staring with wide eyes, looking at him with an incredible look.

Listening to Xiao Yifeng's words, the soldiers present felt like they were dreaming.

The owner of the Blood Temple was so arrogant that he wanted everyone to submit to him.

What's even more incredible is that the owner of this blood palace had to forcibly seize what was sold by the blood spirit chamber of commerce.

This is simply the provocation of the Blood Spirit Chamber of Commerce.

Behind the blood spirit chamber of commerce is the blood spirit emperor of the ancient world of blood.

The whole blood world don't say the seventh blood domain.

Even if few people in the first blood domain dare to challenge the Blood Spirit Chamber of Commerce.

But this newly rised Blood Temple Hall Lord has so provoked the Blood Spirit Chamber of Commerce.

This made everyone at the scene doubt whether his mind was pinched.

"What do you mean by this last sentence, gentleman?"

"Do you want to forcibly grab something from my Blood Spirit Chamber of Commerce auction?"

At this time, the old man of the Blood Spirit Chamber of Commerce looked at Xiao Yi and said in a deep voice.

"Yes, is there a problem?"

Xiao Yifeng sneered.

"This kid is crazy."

Xue Feng and the owner of Santang Simen both shook their heads when they saw Xiao Yifeng.

Even the Blood Spirit Chamber of Commerce dared to offend and was absolutely crazy.

"Young man, I know you are the Lord of the Blood Temple."

"But you should not know the origin of my Blood Spirit Chamber of Commerce, otherwise you would not say that."

The old man looked at Xiao Yifeng and shook his head coldly.

"Isn't your Blood Spirit Chamber of Commerce the power of the Blood Spirit Emperor? Is there any other origin?"

Xiao Yifeng swaggered.

"Now that you know, you dare to challenge my Blood Spirit Chamber of Commerce like this."

"I have to say that you have the courage."

The old man looked cold and shouted coldly.

"You have a lot of nonsense !!!"

Then Xiao Yifeng flashed a sense of killing in his eyes.

boom! !! !!

The next second, Xiao Yifeng blasted towards the old man.

One punch gathered out the strength of the whole body and blasted out, and the fiery flames burst out.

This old man is nothing more than a great conqueror of imperial realms.

He was killed before he could respond.

"Xuan Jun, the four of you, the dead beast, the demon and the four elders, they are going to pack this Blood Spirit Chamber of Commerce."

"Kill all, leave nothing, and collect all their auction items and cultivation resources."

Xiao Yi drank coldly.


Xuan Jun and others and the four elders of Blood Palace nodded.

They went directly to the Blood Spirit Chamber of Commerce and began to slaughter the people of the Blood Spirit Chamber of Commerce.

Soon the strongman of the Blood Spirit Chamber of Commerce rushed out.

But could not stop their beasts of death and beasts from their terror attacks.

At this moment, everyone in this auction watched Blood Temple start against the Blood Spirit Chamber of Commerce.

They all stared wide, with a shocked expression on their faces.

"It's up to you, die or surrender, think about it for three seconds."

Xiao Yifeng looked coldly at these martial arts.

"Boy, if you do this, you won't end well."

At this time, Xue Feng looked at Xiao Yifeng and shouted coldly.

call out! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng waved his hand, Chi Yanjian burst out.

Instantly turned into a streamer and penetrated the blood front's body.

Xue Feng's eyes widened, and finally his body exploded.

When Xue Feng died, everyone on the scene was shocked.

"Little Lord!!!"

The emperors of the city's main government cried when they saw this look change.

Then they looked at Xiao Yifeng with anger in their eyes, but did not dare to attack them.

"you guys……"

"I'll wait to join the Blood Temple and submit to the host !!!"

When Xiao Yifeng looked at the auction site, the group of warriors just spoke.

They all knelt on the ground and shouted to Xiao Yifeng.

Only three people were still standing at the scene.

At this time their faces were also very ugly.

"Boy, you killed the apprentice of the Bloodsage Saint, he will not let you go."

The master of these three halls and four doors looked at Xiao Yifeng and said directly.

"Just worry about yourself."

Xiao Yifeng's eyes stared at the master of the three halls and four doors with a cold, murderous intention.

The seven of them looked at the killing intention in Xiao Yifeng's eyes, and their hearts were inexplicable.

Then they turned and fled outside.

Outside of the Blood Spirit Chamber of Commerce, the master of the three churches and four doors rushed out and was about to leave the Blood Temple City.

boom! !! !!

Suddenly, Chiyan Sword burst out, and a horrifying force erupted towards them.

The seven felt the huge crisis behind them.

They quickly stopped and urged the strength and will of the body to resist the Chiyan sword.

An explosion sounded.

This blood brake city was completely shocked ~ ~ Void burst.

The seven men collapsed, spitting blood in their mouths.

Rumble! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng went straight out of the air.

One grasp of Chi Yan Sword is another sword blasting down towards these seven people.

Hundreds of feet of flame Jianmang blasted space towards them.

The hot flames completely swallowed up their space.

All of these seven saints are desperately bursting out of their body to resist Xiao Yifeng's sword.

After a deafening sound.

All seven of them hit the ground.

Seven huge potholes were smashed out of the ground of Bloodbrake City. (Best CEO of Beauty CEO: 7878608)-(Best CEO of Beauty CEO)

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