The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3955: Wild Wild Elephant

Chapter 3955: Wild Wild Elephant

"I read an ancient book in ancient times."

"It is recorded above that there is a mysterious and terrible elephant family named the wild elephant."

"Perhaps this idol is a wild animal."

"Ancient wild elephant? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Xiao Yifeng was surprised.

"I saw it in an ancient book in the secret space of the starry sky."

"It just records that there is such a wild elephant as the elephant family."

"I don't know the details of this wild elephant."

"But it said that the wild elephants possessed the wild power of the sky."

"You can destroy one world at a time."

"Even its power, even the mighty dragons, are not comparable."

Yaochi said.

"Isn't this a celestial elephant, but a wild elephant?"

Xiao Yifeng's gaze fixed, his gaze stared at the idol, and he secretly guessed.

"I didn't expect that there are even sky signs here. It seems that this trip is not in vain."

A group of people appeared here.

Leading by was a young man wearing a gorgeous robe, exuding an aristocratic temperament on his body.

His eyes were stern and cold.

He was followed by several people, one by one with extraordinary strength.

"Young Master, this day is like a bloodline, if you take it back."

"In the future, it will definitely be a great help for the young master, and even help the young master in the spiritual world."

A middle-aged man behind the young man spoke directly.

"You said very well."

The youth nodded.

His gaze gazed at the celestial body, and there was a greedy look in his eyes.

"Young Master, this is in Renzhou. Presumably many people must pay attention to this phenomenon, I'm afraid we ..."

Another man looked at the man with a solemn expression and said.

"What are you afraid of? What about states?"

"A place where even the supreme strong does not have any qualifications to compete with me."

The young man hummed disdainfully.

"It's a celestial body !!!"

Around this moment gathered a group of powerful men from all states and states.

They are all powerful men in the realm of God's imperial realm, and they all look excited when they look at the sky.

Soon some superpowers from Renzhou also came here, among them the Emperor and King Realm.

The Yue Qun and Yi Feng that appeared before appeared here again.

At the same time, there are two young boys who have reached the summit of God's Realm and have great strength.

They are also martial arts Tianjiao among the other top nine schools in Renzhou.

"I missed my papillae before, this time I must get it."

"Whoever dares to fight with me is the enemy of my Wuyuezong."

Yue Qun stared at the celestial celestial power of God's realm, drinking coldly.

"Yue Qun, I heard that you were slapped with a slap recently, dare to come out to shame?"

At this time, a martial art Tianjiao Zhang Hua, one of the nine top sects, saw Yue Qun sneer.

"Zhang Hua, shut up for me. If you want to fight, I will be with you."

Yue Qun looked at this unparalleled Zhang Hua and drank directly.

"You fight slowly, this day is like my mysterious sect wants."

The young man with great strength in the divine respect hummed.

He rushed directly towards the horoscope.

Seeing this, Yue Qun's look changed and they were about to shoot.

As a result, a cold, disdainful voice suddenly sounded.

"This celestial phenomenon is also owned by the kid in your divine realm?"

boom! !! !!

With the sound of this cold disdain.

A huge punch

----- This is a gorgeous dividing line--

Netizens of the novel please remind you to read for a long time, please pay attention to the rest of your eyes. Recommended reading:

---- This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

The shadow suddenly appeared, and blasted down towards the mysterious realm of the mysterious sect.

The deafening roar sounded.

The face of the powerful man with great dignity changed.

He didn't respond, and was blasted towards the ground with this terrible punch.

His body smashed a deep hole into the ground.

The genius of this mysterious sect smashed blood into his mouth.

His eyes widened and he died on the spot.

Seeing this scene, all the people around were stunned.

The looks of Yue Qun, Zhang Hua, Yi Feng and others were all changed.

The pupils narrowed in their eyes, and a dizzy look flashed.

At this moment, the young man of sullen color appeared with a party above the horoscope.

It was this young man who spoke and shot just now.

At this moment the young man glanced at the people around him.

A look of disdain flashed in his eyes.

"It's ridiculous that you, the humble people in this state, want this vision too."

"Neither do you pee and see if you have a few pounds or two."

The youth insulted with contempt.

His words made the surrounding powerful people look very ugly, one by one with anger in his eyes.

"Who are you? Dare to say this in the territory of Renzhou, you have the courage."

At this moment Yue Qun couldn't help but stand up and watch the young man yell.

"Dare to talk back and slap me !!!"

The young man hummed.

Behind him waved slap.

A terrible slap seal in the void went towards Yue Qun.

The look of Yue Qun changed, and a look of fear flashed in his eyes.

"Master, be careful !!!"

At this time, a strong man in the early days of the emperor kingdom behind Yue Qun yelled.

He shot directly towards the palm of the hand.

A slam.

This Emperor of the Five Sects of Emperor Realm was blown out by this slap seal.

His body smashed to the ground and a blood spurted out.

As for this group of Yues, they were also shocked by the aftermath of energy. They retreated back and forth, their eyes filled with shocking eyes.

The other martial arts players in the field were shocked.

"Do you know who this person is next to me? How dare you be rude to the young master !!!"

The strong man who shot behind this young man exuded terrible monarchy and repression on Yue Qun.

He knelt down on the ground while oppressing, and shouted coldly.

"You ... who are you?"

Yue Qun looked at the youth with fear in his eyes.

"My young master is Yang Ling, one of the top six ancestors in Dizhou, and his grandfather is the supreme power of Megatron Dizhou."

The emperor realm hummed with a look of contempt at Yue Qun.

"Dizhou? Six major gates?"

"Extreme strong?"

Hearing the words of the emperor emperor, Yue Qun was completely stunned.

The other martial arts players in the field also stared at this young man with wide eyes ~ ~.

They looked at the young man with a look of fear in their eyes, and they were stunned.

They did not expect this young man to be a Dizhou man.

And is also the master of the top ancestors in Dizhou.

His grandpa turned out to be a supreme powerhouse.

Such status, Mo said they were.

No one dares to offend even the top forces in the entire state.

At this moment Yue Qun thought it was such a character that he offended.

His body trembled, sweating like rain.

He hurriedly bowed to the young man:

"I don't know if Yang Shao will come down and hit Yang Shao, but also ask Yang Shao to forgive him." (Beauty CEO's strongest master: 7878608)-(Beauty President's strongest master)

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