The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3950: Blood Palace

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At a glance, corpses, blood, ruins, and traces of battle can be seen everywhere in this blood.

This is completely a battlefield of Shura, not like a world.

The air was full of strong blood.

This blood enters the body, making people feel a sense of irritability.

Inexplicably violent feeling in the body.

The fire avatar waited for someone to stop the blood from entering the body.

"The blood in the air can make people become violent and induce negative emotions in the body."

"No wonder this blood world will be so chaotic and become a place for killing purgatory."

Said one of the Eight Supreme Masters of the Fire World.

"Find a place first and find out what the blood world is saying now."

Fire's clone said.


The crowd nodded, although it was a clone.

But everyone also regards it as Xiao Yifeng's deity.

After all, this clone is also Xiao Yifeng himself.

"I don't know what the master's deity and them are, have they reached the spiritual realm?"

Xuan Jun asked curiously.

"There was something wrong with my deity and others."

The avatars of the fire told them about the star storm.

"It's a starry storm."

The Eight Supreme Masters were shocked.

"Well, don't talk about this, let's go."

The avatar of fire said directly.

They and their group fell on this blood world and walked on this blood world.

"Imperial, there is someone in front."

Then one of the Eight Supreme Supreme said abruptly.

"What's going on?"

The avatar of the fire said, and their party headed forward.

Soon there was a large group of people in front of the fire clones.

These people are at least the martial arts realm, of which the **** king realm, the **** royal realm, and the **** respect realm are strong.

Even the Emperor and the Emperor Realm have two or thirty.

There are also six saints who are strong, with thousands of them.

"Remember, this time, you must completely take down the Blood Temple and find the blood sea secret place left by the Blood Sea Emperor."

One of the six saints said coldly to the hundreds of people present.

"Remember, you can't let a person from the Blood Temple."

The other saint hummed.


These thousands nodded directly.

"set off!!!"

The six saints gave a cold drink.

They and their team left here.

"It looks like they are going to deal with some forces."

Said Xingzi.

"Blood Sea Emperor, I remember in ancient times, there were four super emperors in the blood world."

"One of them is this blood sea emperor, this blood temple should be his power."

The avatar of fire is Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.

"So what do we do now?"

Everyone looked at Xiao Yifeng.

"Go for fun."

Xiao Yi said coldly, and their party followed.

Blood world, in a hidden valley.

Here at the moment, hundreds of people in blood clothes stood cold, with **** spirits on their bodies.

On a table in front of them.

There are four old men and six middle-aged men standing.

These four old men are all saints.

The other six middle-aged men are the emperor realm.

There were also several powerful men in the emperor realm and the divine realm.

"Everybody, the purpose of bringing you here today must be clear to everyone."

"The head of my blood temple was besieged and killed by six sectarian doors.

"In order for the Blood Temple to continue."

"We must choose a new temple master as soon as possible to lead us to compete with those people."

One of the four sage elders spoke.

"The new owner of the temple chose one of these six defenders. As for who to choose, everyone voted directly."

Said another saintly old man.

"It's not fair !!!"

At this time a man with a half-step emperor's realm came out and said coldly.

"Xueyou, what do you have to say."

A saint old man looked at Xue You and said.

"My father is the Lord of the Blood Temple. He is dead."

"Shouldn't the new owner of the blood temple be me?"

"I am the bloodline son of the Bloodsea Emperor."

"The Blood Hall was created by the Blood Sea Emperor. The Blood Hall Hall should be played by the Blood Sea Emperor."

"When is the outsider's turn to be the temple master."

The man hummed coldly.

As soon as Xue You's words came out, everyone was talking.

As for the six middle-aged men, their eyes are different.

"Xueyou, you are indeed right. If your father is still alive, the owner of this temple will be you in the future."

"It's just that your father has died suddenly, and your current strength is not enough to lead the Blood Temple."

"That's why we chose the new temple master from the six guardians."

The old man who spoke at the beginning said deeply.

"Yes, the current Blood Temple is not the same Blood Temple as before."

"The blood temple has reached this stage, as long as it has the strength and ability to lead our blood temple to continue."

"It is qualified to be the temple master, not only the emperor can be the temple master."

Another saint old man went cold.

"you guys……"

The blood gloom sank, and there was a flash of anger in his eyes.

"Haha, you're all dead. It's ridiculous to argue who is the master of the temple here."

A cold, mocking voice sounded.

Six sage strongmen appeared directly here ~ ~ thousands of people all rushed into the valley with their weapons and surrounded the people in this blood temple.

The faces of all the blood temples changed.

They waved their arms and looked at them with a solemn expression.

"How did you find here?"

See these six saints strong.

The four saints and old men in this blood temple sank, and a look of surprise flashed in their eyes.

"You don't need to know this. You just need to know that today is the day your blood temple will perish."

"After today, there will be no Blood Temple."

The six saints were strong and yelled coldly.

"It's not so easy to destroy my blood temple."

One of the six guardians of the Blood Temple drank directly.

"Well, it's just because of your remnants. Today is your death. Kill!"

One of the six sage strong men gave a cold drink.

Suddenly these thousands of people fought fiercely with the five or six hundred people in the Blood Temple.

"Defend the Blood Temple, fight to the end !!!"

The four sage elders roared resolutely in the eyes.

"Defend the Blood Temple, fight to the end !!!"

The rest of the Blood Temple shouted in unison.

Each one exudes terrible killing intentions, firm determination in his eyes, and waving his arms.

The four sage elders fought against each other's six sage powers in the void.

"Interesting, I didn't expect to encounter such a war as soon as I came to the blood world."

Xiao Yifeng and others came here.

Looking at the scene, Xiao Yifeng sneered.

ps: In order to let everyone better substitute, in the future, the avatar of the fire world will directly write Xiao Yifeng (the strongest master of the beauty president: 7878608)-(the strongest master of the beauty president)

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