The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3681: Tiangancheng

In that collapsed canyon.

Xiao Yifeng appeared here, and then walked outside.

Followed by Xiao Bing, the rest stayed in the Star Hall.

Now the news that Xiao Yifeng has obtained Wupin Shenguo and the treasures of the emperor must have spread.

In order to ensure the safety of the girls, he can only let them stay in the Star Hall.

Leaving the canyon, Xiao Yifeng continued to stroll through the Tongtian Mountains for several days.

In the middle, I encountered many warriors who had appeared in the canyon before.

These people saw Xiao Yifeng's eyes full of fear.

Stayed in the Tongtian Mountains for a few days.

Xiao Yifeng took Xiaobing out of the mountains and went along the road.

As for Longgan, he didn't take it, after all, flying on the dragon was too rumorous.

Once you meet the strong, you will be troubled by the dragon.

"Tiangancheng !!!"

When Xiao Yifeng and Xiaobing walked for three or four days.

They finally saw a huge city.

The city is 100 meters high, and it is endless.

Like a behemoth, exuding terrible oppression.

There are three big characters above this huge gate: Tiangan City.

"This is Tiangan City?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the city with a look of surprise in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, he actually came to Tiangan City, one of the five main cities of the Western Zhou Dynasty.

Qianyun City is one of the top ten cities under Tiangan City.

"Go, go in and look around !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said softly, he went straight in with Xiaobing.

Stepping into Tiangan City, a burst of lively noises sounded.

The entire city of Tiangan can be described as a crowd of people, various samsara realms, deities realms, and true warriors are everywhere.

As for the warriors in this round of rebirth, they are just like ordinary people here.

And Xiao Yifeng, or the warrior of the God King Realm, swept away at a glance and saw a dozen.

It is indeed one of the five main cities of His Majesty the Western Zhou Dynasty, and this strength is indeed strong.

The strong ones gathered here cannot be compared with the previous Qianyun City.

Xiao Yifeng found a restaurant and walked in.

Xiaobing was like Xiaoyi always following behind Xiao Yifeng.

"Two staying or eating?"

At this time, the shop junior came to Xiao Yifeng and said.

"Dine, come and order some special dishes from you !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said lightly.

"Hello, please sit down !!!"

Xiaodian said, Xiao Yifeng and Xiao Bing found a place to sit down.

"Have you heard that recently there have been nine evil gods in our Xiyan territory !!!!"

"This incident has been spreading for a long time, and it is said that this genius that gave birth to nine gods is not only one, it is said that there are eight !!!"

"It's really unexpected. The geniuses of the flame world now step into the real godland. Even if there are few people who gather five or six gods, let alone seven or eight gods.

"I didn't expect eight wicked talents to condense nine gods."

"I don't know if Emperor Chiyan blessed me to rise again in the flames !!!"

"These eight demon evil talents all appeared in my West Yan Realm. I think this is a sign that the Western Zhou Dynasty will become the Lord of the Yan Realm !!!"

"I heard that the Western Zhou Dynasty has sent people to look for these eight evildoers."

"Even the remaining three dynasties sent a large number of strong men looking for these eight."

Several people on the table at the moment were talking.

"Master, are they talking about you?"

Xiaobing said watching Xiao Yifeng.


Xiao Yifeng smiled slightly.

Isn't it that these eight evil spirits with nine gods are his eight avatars?

Unexpectedly, people in the entire inflammation world now know that my eight major avatars have formed nine gods.

"That's natural. Anyone who breaks through the real state of God and condenses more than seven gods, the world will have visions."

"Not to mention you still have nine gods, and eight people together have nine gods."

"People in the entire inflammation world don't know it. It might be strange, maybe the entire power of the gods and even the whole world of the stars are already known."

"They will definitely send someone to find any way to find these eight evil geniuses."

Said World of Warcraft.

"They're looking for them to go, I'm going to see if they can find it !!!"

Xiao Yifeng smiled.

The eight major avatars are in his body, no one outside knows him.

"I Yun Tingting must be one of these eight wicked geniuses !!!"

At this moment a bitter-skinned woman in a long skirt stood up and hummed.

His eyes were full of confidence.

Everyone in the restaurant looked at the woman, but they said nothing.

"Ha ha!!!"

Xiao Yifeng smiled slightly, with a little ridicule.

"Why are you laughing?"

At this silent moment, Xiao Yifeng's chuckling immediately caught Yun Tingting's attention.

His gaze swept directly to Xiao Yi's cold drink.

"Nothing laughing? Just think your self-feel is too good !!!"

"People are the wicked talents of nine gods. You are just an ordinary warrior who keenly gathers one god."

"It's not too good-looking, even dare to say this, isn't your face blushing?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the woman and smiled.


Hear Xiao Yifeng's words.

Yun Tingting's face sank, her eyes full of anger staring at Xiao Yifeng.

"Who are you? How dare you say that? Do you want to die?"

Yun Tingting came to Xiao Yifeng and yelled.

Snapped! !! !!

At this moment, Xiaobing stood up and slapped a fan on Yun Tingting's face, flying it to the fan.

"Bold, how to talk to the host ~ ~ Xiaobing hummed coldly.

At this moment, everyone in the restaurant saw this scene full of shock.

"You ... how dare you hit me?"

Yun Tingting lay on the ground and stared angrily at Xiaobing.

His eyes had a cold and fierce look, and his complexion looked a little distorted.

"Ermei !!!"

Then a young man came in and looked at Yun Tingting lying on the ground.

His face changed, he yelled violently, and walked over.

"Brother, you are here, you have to take revenge on me. Someone not only ridiculed me but also dare to hit me !!!"

Yun Tingting looked at the young man and cried in pain.

"What? Someone dared to taunt and beat you in Tiangan City, who stood up and tried to provoke me to Yun family?"

The young man looked angry at the people around him with an angry look.

"It's me, is there a problem?"

Xiao Yifeng glanced at the young man with a playful smile in his mouth.

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