The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3668: get away

The old man looked at Xiao Yifeng and said directly that he did not give Xiao Yifeng a chance to speak at all.

It seems as if Xiao Yifeng is his apprentice.

"Senior, thank you for your shot, but I'm sorry, I won't be your apprentice !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said directly.

Hearing Xiao Yifeng turned down the request of this mysterious strongman to accept his apprentice.

The others looked at Xiao Yifeng in amazement.

This old man can defeat Gan Yuncheng of God Emperor to take over the city with one stroke. His strength must be at least God Emperor, or even stronger.

Being an apprentice to such a strong man is definitely something that everyone on the scene dreams of.

In the end, this guy refused directly.

This made them feel like they were violently violent.

The old man refused when he heard Xiao Yifeng, and there was a strange color flashing in his eyes.

"Are you sure you refuse?"

"Boy, you know, there are a lot of people in this world who want to be my apprentices, and even want me to give them pointers.

"But none of them have this opportunity, and you are the first apprentice to be accepted by my old man, so you refused?"

The old man looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"Sorry, I already have a master. It is the so-called life-long father for one day. Naturally, I cannot worship others as a teacher any more, and ..."

Xiao Yifeng said lightly.

"And what?"

There was a curious look in the old man's eyes, looking at Xiao Yifeng.

"And no one in this world of stars should be qualified to be my master again !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.

Now he has awakened the memory of the Star Emperor, as the reincarnation of the strongest star in the universe.

Xiao Yifeng did not make a mistake in this sentence. Who in this starry sky is qualified to be his master again.

In other words, who is more powerful than Star Emperor?

Of course, other people naturally don't know this. They heard Xiao Yifeng say this very loudly.

They shook their heads, mocking Xiao Yifeng's ignorance.

No one in the universe is qualified to be their master?

I'm afraid that this is the top celestial man in the sky. I'm afraid I can't say such a thing.

This sentence directly provoked the entire starry sky.

"Young man, although I admit that you are very talented, it is not a good thing to be too proud and arrogant. People still have to be modest and restrained."

The old man who wanted to accept Xiao Yifeng as a disciple spoke.

"Humility? Restraint?"

"Sorry, these four words are not in my dictionary !!!"

Xiao Yifeng skimmed his lips.

Hearing Xiao Yifeng's words so arrogant, the old man's brow was also slightly frowned.

"Young man, you have to remember, Mu Xiu will be destroyed by Lin Feng !!!"

The old man groaned.

"Thank you for reminding me, but the person who can destroy me is not born yet, don't worry !!!"

Xiao Yifeng smiled lightly, his face relaxed and indifferent.

"That being the case, please do it for yourself, I hope you will not die halfway, or when you want to be my apprentice, you can directly crush this piece of jade!"

The old man said, throwing a jade card to Xiao Yifeng.

Immediately the old man turned around and left here, chic to come, chic to go! !! !!

Looking at the jade card in his hand, the three words Tianyangzong were written on it.

Xiao Yifeng directly put away the jade card, and his eyes turned to the seriously damaged Chen Guo.

At this moment, Chen Guo still stared at Xiao Yifeng coldly, and wanted to continue to kill this child, but was unable to do so for a while because of heavy damage.

Huh! !! !!

Just when Xiao Yifeng was going to completely resolve the father and son.

In the distant void, several figures flew in again, all of them were powerful men above the kingdom of God.

This group of people stood here. They were wearing uniforms with the word Tianhong on them.

Headed by a powerful man with a late stage of the emperor's realm, his gaze was directed at Ren Tianxing and Ren Xuanxuan.

"Ren Tianxing !!!"

The God Emperor Realm looked at Ren Tianxing and drank directly.

"Are you from Tianhong Chamber of Commerce?"

"What's the matter?"

Ren Tianxing stepped forward and watched the group yell.

"Ren Tianxing, your identity is deeply hidden. I didn't expect your Ren family to be the blood of one of the five families under your influence !!!"

The God Emperor Realm looked at Ren Tianxing's cold road.

Hearing the other person's words, Ren Tianxing's face changed immediately, his expression was condensed, his pupils shrank, and his expression seemed a little ugly.

"what are you saying?"

Ren Tianxing said in a deep voice.

"Don't hide it, we have already confirmed the identity of your father and daughter, obediently go with us, several elders of the Chamber of Commerce are still waiting for you !!!"

The God Emperor Realm shouted coldly.


Ren Tianxing said, turned to face Ren Xuanxuan, took out a ring to bring it on.

"With this ring, leave here immediately !!!"

Ren Tianxing said directly to Ren Xuanxuan.

Then he brought Ren Xuanxuan to Xiao Yifeng and whispered:

"Son Xiao, leave immediately with my daughter, I hope you can take good care of him !!!"


Xiao Yifeng looked startled when he heard Ren Tianxing's words.

"Want to escape?"

"Uncontrollably, take this father and daughter away, as for the kid, kill it !!!"

The God Emperor Realm coldly glanced at Xiao Yifeng and issued a killing order directly.

"Go away !!!"

Ren Tianxing screamed, he directly urged a secret magic forbidden technique, his strength soared madly, and instantly reached the realm of the emperor, and then attacked this group of people.

Boom boom! !! !!

Immediately, a terrible force broke out between them, and a series of roaring explosions sounded.


Xiao Yifeng's eyes flickered, he took Ren Xuanxuan's hand directly, put away the icy chill, called out Gangan, and quickly got out of riding Gangan.


Seeing this Jinlong ~ ~ everyone else in the room was shocked, showing a look of surprise.

Huh! !! !!

At this moment, a figure flew out, hit the ground, and vomited blood. This is Ren Renxing.

Although he urged the mysterious law forbidden skill to upgrade to the power of God's realm.

But in the face of this powerful man in the late emperor's realm, he still couldn't resist and was hit hard.

"damn it!!!"

At this moment, the God Emperor Realm screamed coldly.

"Sir, that Ren Xuan Xuan ran away, and the other party seemed to leave on a dragon."

At this time, a subordinate king of God said to the strong man.

The God Emperor Realm blinked his eyes and vowed:

"Take this guy back for a business trip first, and then check the Hongkong Chamber of Commerce this day to see if there are any clues and useful things left."

The God Emperor Realm was cold.

"You don't want to get that thing !!!"

Ren Tianxing lay on the ground, humming with a firm expression on his face.

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