The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3653: Best friend

This memory is the memory of Xiao Yifeng's first life.

There was no recovery before, but now it suddenly popped up.

After Xiao Yifeng digested this memory, there was a faint flash in his eyes.

He also knew why he had a familiar feeling about this Yan Temple.

The Lord of the Yan Temple was the Emperor Chiyan, the Lord of the Yan World in ancient times.

In the ancient times, this Yan Temple was the largest force in the Yan world.

It is a well-known super force in the sky.

The Great Emperor Xingkong and the Great Emperor Chiyan are close friends.

Before the Star Emperor had grown up to be truly invincible to the sky, he had been hit hard and almost died.

At that time, Emperor Chiyan rescued him.

Therefore, the two forged a great fate.

Later, the two often drank tea together, and it can be said that they are like old friends.

It's just two lives apart.

Millions of years have passed, and everything seems to be wrong.

The Yan world has long since fallen, and the Great Emperor Chi Yan has long since disappeared.

As for how the Yan Temple is now, Xiao Yifeng has no idea at all.

I just didn't expect that this deity of Yuanyuan is the person of Yan Dian.

Just now, Tian Yuanzun said that he should follow the map to look for the children of the descendants of Yandian to take care of them.

From this remark, Xiao Yifeng understands that this Yan Temple is completely different from the first forces in the Yan world in ancient times.

Otherwise, with the strength of Yan Dian's original strength, why don't its people need other people to take care of it.

No one in the entire Yan world dared to provoke the people in the Yan Temple.

"Old friend Chi Yan, where are you now?"

Xiao Yifeng murmured to himself.

There was a complex reflection in his eyes.

Immediately, Xiao Yifeng's eyes swept towards the altar, and there was a ring on it.

Xiao Yifeng stepped forward and picked up the ring, directly confessed the blood and controlled it.

There are a lot of **** stones and **** crystals in this ring, and they pile up into a small hill.

In addition, there are many other cultivation resources, such as Shenguo and elixir.

There is also a pile of precious and rare herbs.

Huh! !! !!

A flash of light flashed, and a map of sheepskin appeared in Xiao Yifeng's hand.

"Is this the map that God of Heaven said that he can find the descendants of the bloodline of the Yan Temple."

Xiao Yifeng glanced at the map.

The above record should be somewhere in the Yan world.

However, although Xiao Yifeng was the friend of Emperor Chiyan, he was not very familiar with the inflammation world.

It is not known where the place marked above is.

"What's the big thing that Yuan Yuanzun said this day? Is it related to Emperor Chiyan?"

Then Xiao Yifeng thought of Tian Yuanzun before saying that because of a major event, he would leave Xiyan Realm.

Xiao Yifeng was very curious about what this major event was.

Maybe it has something to do with the disappearance of Emperor Chiyan.

Everyone in the inflammation world said that the Great Emperor Chiyan fell, but as his best friend.

Xiao Yifeng knew that it was not so easy to fall down with the strength of the Great Emperor Chi Yan.

The other party must have disappeared.

As a close friend, Xiao Yifeng now comes to the world of flames.

It can also be regarded as a fate between him and the Great Emperor Chiyan.

He naturally wanted to investigate all this.

However, Xiao Yifeng's strength is still very low now, and all of this has to be taken slowly.

There is nothing else in this closet except the Tian Yuanzhu and the ring.

Xiao Yifeng and Bai Lang left the back room.

Then he entered the Temple of Stars.

"Take these cultivation resources, and return to the Kingdom of God as soon as possible, otherwise you will continue to return to the barren sky tower."

Xiao Yifeng watched the sixteen strong men that he brought out from the barren sky tower and voiced.

They gave them a bunch of cultivation resources left by Tian Yuanzun.

Now Xiao Yifeng urgently needs masters, if all the sixteen people return to the kingdom of God.

It was a great help to him.

"Yes, master, I'll be back to my peak strength as soon as possible !!!"

The sixteen people quickly bowed and said.

After explaining these things, Xiao Yifeng and Bai Lang returned from the original path of this passage and returned to this mountain stream.

But at this time outside the mountain stream there was a sound of fierce fighting.

A large crowd gathered here.

Six strong and powerful warriors were besieging Luo You and Li Bai.

Huh! !! !!

Soon, Li Bai was beheaded by two masters who had a great success in Shenwu Realm, and another was severely wounded by Li Bai.

As for the remaining three powerful martial arts fighters, they attacked Luo You and injured them.

He directly transformed into the body of Sen Luo, and continued to shoot.

Luo You's combat power, which turned into a body, skyrocketed.

After a while, all three Shenwu Realm were torn apart by their claws.

This **** scene changed the look of the people around him, looking very ugly.

This group of people is divided into two groups, headed by two young people in the early days of Shenwu Realm.

Both of them looked at Luo You and Li Bai's strength and fierceness, their eyes flashed with shock.

But when they saw Xiao Yifeng and others coming out of this passage, their looks changed.

"What's going on?"

Xiao Yifeng saw this and said.

"Master, they want to break into this passage and take the treasure inside."

Luo You said to the department.

Both groups were attracted by the light that erupted here just now.

Apart from them, there are still many people of all sizes.

However, none of them shot and just watched silently hidden in the dark.

"Boy, surrender the treasure you got from it."

"Yes, hand it over, otherwise don't blame us for being welcome !!!"

The two youths looked at Xiao Yifeng and shouted sharply.

"Give it up? Why?"

Xiao Yifeng's cold eyes glanced at the two guys, and there was a look of disdain in his eyes.

"Why? Just because there is a Tianyi case behind me !!!"

"Behind me is the Sunray Sect !!!"

The two youths looked at Xiao Yifeng and yelled.

"Tianyizong? Lizongzong? What the **** !!!"

Xiao Yifeng swaggered his mouth ~ ~ with a disdainful expression.

"Boy, you are so brave, our two cases are the second-rate ancestors of this Xiyan domain."

"You dare to be so arrogant and disrespectful to my two great gates !!!"

The two youths looked at Xiao Yifeng coldly and shouted, his eyes flashed with cold mang.


Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.

Immediately Li Bai and others were about to start.

"At a young age, I'm not too brave, even the disciples of the second-rate Zongmen dare to offend !!!"

A cold voice sounded.

A young man in a white robe and a hairband came over.

The young man had a handsome face and looked extraordinary.

His strength also reached Shenwu Realm, followed by several masters.

The eyes of those who were present at the two big second-rate schools and those around him were all directed towards this person.

"Who are you again?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the youth coldly.

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