The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3640: Reaching the Flame World

"Since the end of ancient times, the entire universe of stars and sky has become very chaotic, and the existence of this interstellar robber was born."

Tianhai Youruo said.

"So what do we do now?"

Everyone looked at Xiao Yifeng.

"The strength of these interstellar robbers is not low. At least one strong man in the realm of the emperor guards it."

"Now we don't have Starships and we can't deal with them."

"And once their warships launch an attack on our space boat, the space boat will be destroyed instantly."

"I'm afraid we will have a lot of casualties by then."

Tian Hai Youru looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"All the people in the space boat roll out !!!"

The ship made a cold voice.

And a group of people standing in the battleship was a group of interstellar robbers.

"Boss, looking at this space boat is so big, the people inside are definitely not easy !!!"

In the control room of this battleship.

An interstellar robber said to a middle-aged man with a beard.

This bearded man is the boss of this group of interstellar robbers.

"Take it !!!"

The middle-aged man shouted coldly.

"Watch the changes, don't conflict with them first, there is indeed a strong person in the kingdom of God."

In this space boat, Bai Lang said to everyone.

Soon Xiao Yifeng and others were taken to these Star Trek ships.

"There are so many people, and so many beautiful women !!!"

The eyes of these gangsters are staring brightly at the girls.

Xiao Yifeng noticed their eyes, and there was a cold flash in his eyes.

"Boy, don't be impulsive !!!"

Devouring World of Warcraft reminded.

"Who are you?"

The bearded man with the power of the imperial realm looked at Xiao Yifeng and drank.

"passing by!!!"

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.

"Boy, how did you talk to our boss?"

Immediately a **** king realm looked at Xiao Yifeng and yelled.

Xiao Si's eyes flashed a cold Hanmang staring at the other side, and he was about to make a shot, but was stopped by Xiao Yifeng.

"Boy, you are brave enough, but I heard that the flame lord in the flames world likes women most, and likes to collect all kinds of beautiful women."

"If you have so many beautiful women, if you sell them to the owner of Firemen, you will make a lot of money."

"But give all your storage rings before that."

This bearded man with the power of the imperial realm watched Xiao Yifeng and others drinking.

But Xiao Yifeng and others were indifferent.

"No pay?"

The man's face sank, and the terrible divine coercion erupted.

Suppressed directly towards Xiao Yifeng and others.

Xuan Jun and others spit blood in their mouths, kneeling on the ground under pressure.

"give them!!!"

Xiao Yifeng said.

All the storage rings on them were given to these gangsters.

"Boss, so many chicks, would you like to play a few?"

One of these star robbers spoke to their boss.

"Forget it, after playing it will be worthless, and immediately go to the Yan world !!!"

The bearded **** empire man chuckled coldly.

A dozen hours later, this star battleship entered a new world.

The whole world looks like a crimson, like a sea of ​​fire.

The temperature throughout the world is very high.

This is the Yan Realm, one of the eight realms of the Divine Realm.

Among the eight realms of the Divine Realm, the status and strength of the Yan Realm are the worst.

The **** realm of the eight realms of the realm is the strongest world in the realm.

As for the strength of this celestial realm in the realm of gods is second only to the virtual **** realm.

This star battleship stopped directly on a mountain peak in the Fire World.

All of them then left the star battleship and stood on top of the mountain.

This is where the fire door is.

"Who are you?"

The Yanmen guard watched the group of interstellar robbers and yelled.

"Looking for you Master Yanmen, I said that a large number of beautiful women appeared and asked him if he wanted to, I would sell it to others.

The bearded man looked at the Yanmen coldly.

The Yanmen glanced at the girls.

Immediately they went to inform.

Soon the party walked out, headed by a young man wearing a scarlet robe with a stubborn look.

At first glance, it looks like the uncle of the primitive world, and he is the master of the fire door.

"Hello Master Firegate !!!"

The bearded man looked at the fire door master and said lightly.

"Beautiful lady !!!"

At this moment, the master of the fire door saw the women, such as Fairy Water Fairy and Princess Suzaku.

In his eyes there was an evil light.

"Young Master Huomen, are you satisfied with these beautiful women?"

Bearded man said with a smile.

"That's right, that's right, so many beautiful women you've found from there."

The master of the fire door praised.

"They should have come from a certain family, and they just happened to be hit by me."

"I heard that Master Huomen has always liked to collect beautiful women, so I brought them, and I want to sell them to Huohuo!

Said the bearded man.

"Just say the price !!!"

The fire door is a little cold.

"One Thousand Needs God Crystals !!!"

The man spoke directly.

"What? Ten thousand superb **** crystals, do you eat people?"

Immediately the fire door master changed his look.

A gloomy look stared at the bearded man.

"They are absolutely worth the price to you, Master of Fire Door. If you don't want to, then forget it !!!"

Bearded man coldly.

"You're asking me, do you know who I am?"

Master Huomen watched the man drink.

"Of course I know, but you should know the Pirates of God, I'm the one there."

Bearded man sneered.

Hearing the other person's words, the master of the fire door changed his face, his eyes flickered.

"It turned out to be the man of the Pirates of the Gods, what did you say? In this case, 10,000 Superb Shenjing has been sold !!!"

The master of the fire door immediately changed his attitude ~ ~ promised immediately, apparently this **** pirate would be very powerful, so the master of the fire door yielded.

"Thanks a lot !!!"

The bearded man got 10,000 pieces of superb crystals, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Are you totally when we don't exist?"

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng's cold voice sounded directly, and he finally couldn't stand it.

After all, this group of people is going to attack his woman, how can he bear it, he is not the star emperor, let alone Xiao Yifeng.

At this time, the eyes of the young master of the fire door and the man in that god's realm turned to Xiao Yifeng.

"Boy, you don't want to shut up if you die now !!!"

The man looked at Xiao Yifeng and said politely.

"Shut up should be you !!!"

Xiao Si's cold voice sounded suddenly.

His body burst out,

The terrible nine poisonous gas erupted directly.

PS: The teeth have recovered a little. Tomorrow will begin to recover.

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