The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3636: Get another woman

"I worship the Emperor of the Starry Sky !!!"

At this moment the sky star called directly.

Immediately, the ten people of Jianyun paid homage to Xiao Yifeng.

Obviously they did not worship the sky, but directly worshiped Xiao Yifeng.

In their hearts, Xiao Yifeng is bigger than the sky.

"Thank you Gaotang !!!"

Tian Xingzi said.

The ten people went directly to their respective loved ones.

"Wife and wife worship !!!"

Sky star cried again.

The five new couples worship each other.

"It's really lively today !!!"

A cold, thunderous voice abruptly echoed above the holy mountain.

A terrifying coercion came upon this holy mountain.

At this moment, all the people on the holy mountain shivered fiercely, and there was a look of fear in their eyes.

All their eyes swept away in one direction of the holy mountain.

A figure flew from a distance and landed on this holy mountain.

The other party is the ancient emperor who controlled the scene behind the rising dragon palace.

In ancient times, it was severely damaged by the Star Emperor, and later survived on a spiritual tree.

Later, Xiao Yifeng chased into the valley and found the other party, hit it again, and finally the other party took the opportunity to escape.

Now the other party appears here again, and his strength has reached the point of God's kingdom.

At this time, Xiao Yifeng and others all walked out of the hall and went outside to meet this ancient emperor.

"Star Emperor, I didn't expect it, I appeared again !!!"

The man looked at Xiao Yifeng's eyes with a cold cold mang.

"You're here to die !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.

"It's up to you, but the strength of the real divine realm, the divine realm, I am now the real power of the divine king realm, and you are my ants-like existence now."

The cold emperor in the eyes of this ancient emperor looked at Xiao Yifeng.

Hearing the man's words, there was a flash of cold mang in Bai Lang's eyes beside Xiao Yifeng's eyes.

As a result, a cold stabbing sound suddenly sounded.

"Who wants to kill Brother Xiao, who will die !!!"

A icy, cold voice blew from the void.

A cold piercing bone, the coldness deep into the bone marrow swept all the people in the holy mountain.

They were all inexplicable inside, with a deep sense of fear.

As if something terrible had appeared.

Huh! !! !!

The next second, in the eyes of everyone's doubts.

A figure appeared here.

This figure is a woman whose lips are black and her eyebrows are a little gloomy.

The whole body exudes a terrible sense of coldness, which makes people have a sense of dare not approach.

As if the other party was terrifying, like a time bomb.

This woman was just thinking about going to retreat for the second Nine Detox transformation.

"Think !!!!"

Seeing Xiaosi appear, Xiao Yifeng shouted helplessly.

"who are you?"

At this time, the ancient emperor stared at Xiao Sichen's voice.

"You want to kill Brother Xiao?"

Xiao Si stared coldly at the cold road of this ancient emperor.

"That's right, little girl film, you better not worry about it !!!"

The ancient emperor's cold eyes glanced at Xiao Si, and he scorned.


Xiao Si spit out a word immediately.

The eyes were directly filled with black light.

With a wave of his hands, the monstrous Jiedeqi broke out from him.

The ancient emperor's body restored to the strength of the **** king's realm was enveloped in an instant.

In a blink of an eye, these nine poisonous gases disappeared.

The ancient emperor who sought Xiao Yifeng's revenge has disappeared.

Apparently, it was completely killed by Xiaosi's nine venomous bodies.

An ancient emperor disappeared in such an instant.

Although the other party has only recovered to the strength of God's Realm.

But this scene still feels very shocking and incredible.

Even Xiao Yifeng and others were startled.

"The poison on this woman is so strong !!!"

Tian Hai Youru looked at Xiaosi, her eyes full of shocking look.

"It was horrible, even I felt a hint of palpitations from this woman."

"I am afraid that the only people who can possess such terrible poisonous gas in the sky are the legendary poison emperor !!!

This day Haiyouruo's maid looked at Xiaosi and said solemnly.

"The poison gas in her body has not yet been fully aroused, or it is even more terrifying !!!"

Tianhai murmured quietly.

At this time Xiao Yifeng looked at Xiao Si's strength now, and also looked with emotion.

These nine venomous bodies are really horrible, and now this little thought can only carry out the second transformation.

It has the strength to kill the King of the King Realm.

It is indeed one of the most powerful physiques in the starry sky, and it is truly terrible.

"Boy, there is such a strong cow in your side, luck !!!!"

Said World of Warcraft.

"Brother Xiao !!!"

Then Xiao Si came to Xiao Yifeng and shouted.

"Small thoughts, have you performed the second Nine Detox transformation?"

Xiao Yifeng said.

"Well, I have become very strong now !!!"

Xiao Si looked at Xiao Yifeng and showed a hint.

Only in the face of Xiao Yifeng, this little thought will show the same smile as ordinary girls.

In front of outsiders, especially in front of Xiao Yifeng's enemies.

She is the cold and ruthless Nine Venom Master.

"Yes, congratulations !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said with a smile.

"Brother Xiao, are you going to get married?"

Xiao Si said.

"Well, give Jianyun a few of them to hold a wedding. You came very soon !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said lightly.

Next, the wedding was held as usual, and it took a full day to conclude.

In the middle of the night, Xiao Yifeng came to the Lanyi people's room.

I am planning to be gentle with it.

As a result, the Ranyi told him a message.

"I have a baby !!!"

The Lanyi people looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"Really? I'm going to be a dad again?"

Xiao Yifeng said excitedly ~ ~ Of course, don't believe it! !! !! "

The Lanyi people gave Xiao Yifeng a white look.

Xiao Yifeng then glanced through the eyes.

This Lanyi man really has a child, but also a baby girl.

"Haha, I have a son again !!!"

Xiao Yifeng excitedly picked up the Lanyi people and turned.

"You guys, lightly, don't throw our kids up !!!"

Ryan said quickly.


Xiao Yifeng nodded and let the Lanyi people down.

"Will you be unable to sleep tonight?"

Then Xiao Yifeng looked helplessly at the Lanyi people.

"You guys know these things every day !!!"

The Lanyi people gave Xiao Yifeng an unhappy look.

"Well, take a good rest. I am here tonight to accompany you and talk to my daughter by the way !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said.

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