The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3634: Starkiller

In an instant, time flies and the world changes.

After thousands of years, an emperor was born.

On the day of the birth of the Emperor, he pointed at the stars and vowed:

"From now on, I will be the King of Stars. In this life, I will kill the King of Stars in my hands and let you pay for your shame and disdain for me !!!"

This emperor was exactly the young man who wanted to worship the starry emperor as a teacher but was rejected.

From then on, the Emperor Cut Star became famous in the sky and defeated countless Emperors.

It is to kill a large number of people related to the Temple of Stars.

Star-cutting Emperor set off countless killings in the entire starry sky.

In the end, the Star-cutting Emperor stood on top of the countless powerful men in the starry sky.

Become countless saints, supreme, the presence of worship worshiped by the emperor.

And this star-cutting emperor became a taboo in the universe of stars.

It was only then that the Great Emperor of the Starry Sky had reincarnate and no longer existed! !! !!

And this star-cutting emperor had no chance to wash away the previous humiliation and resentment.

Huh! !! !!

Sit in the mysterious place of this mysterious world.

The youth's gaze narrowed, and the memories in his mind disappeared.

And he was the young man who was rejected by the Star Emperor as an apprentice.

After the Emperor of the Starry Sky, Megatron is a powerful man who can be called taboo.

After becoming the Emperor, after learning that the Star Emperor had died, he did not believe this fact.

He has been searching for the trace of Star Emperor, and later found the reincarnation body of Star Emperor.

For some special reasons, he was unable to deal with the reincarnation of Star Emperor himself.

So there is a person in a white robe.

This man in white robes is exactly his avatar.

"Xingkong Emperor, at the beginning you said that I was too obsessed with killing and said that I would be a disaster for the world. It won't be long before I take down this starry sky and show you.

"In the beginning you said that my talents were not enough to be your apprentice, but now I want you to see if I am enough to be your apprentice."

"It didn't take long for the damage you caused, and I will give it back to you a hundred times !!!"

In the eyes of Emperor Xing Xing, he shot out the cold cold mang, drinking coldly.

He was surging with murderous intentions.

The word "Zhou Xing Xing" represents the hatred of Xing Xing Xing in the heart of the young man who was rejected by Xing Xing Xing as an apprentice.

It was also because of the refusal of the Great Emperor Xingkong that he achieved the Great Star-cutting Emperor today.

"Tell me to order, and dispatch all the powerful men, including the Temple of Stars, the Holy Land of Stars, and the Kingdom of Stars, to find a young man named Xiao Yifeng."

"Find him, take it down at any cost."

"Everyone who catches the other person enters the Hall of Chopping Stars, becoming my disciple of Star Chopping Emperor !!!"

The star-cutting emperor shouted violently.

And his voice echoed directly into all his forces.

All the members of His Majesty the Great Star-King have heard the declaration of the Great King-King.

All of them heard the declaration from their master, Star-cutting Emperor.

The expressions were shocked one by one, and the heart suddenly became extremely excited.

Becoming a disciple of the Great Star-cutting Emperor, this is the dream of countless talented disciples in the world.

The star-cutting emperor is now one of the top emperors in the starry sky, equivalent to one of the masters of this starry sky.

To become his disciple, Liyu Yuelongmen stepped into the sky and directly became the top genius in this starry sky.

This opportunity is naturally wanted by countless days.

Now as long as a young man named Xiao Yifeng is caught, he can get this opportunity.

This naturally excites all the staff who belong to His Majesty the Great.

All of them, be they emperors, deities, emperors, emperors, or saints, or even powerful men in the supreme state, are all dispatched.

Began searching for a young man named Xiao Yifeng.

In the endless universe, a figure in a silver mask and a robe stood here.

It was the man in the empty temple who took the mysterious man who went to the primitive world to help Xiao Yifeng inspire the blade of space.

"It's cruel enough to sacrifice 10,000 years of life."

"But I didn't expect that you really inspired the clock of time."

"And there are people who help you master the book of time and space. It seems that all of this is already doomed.

"Waiting for so long, the new guardian of time and space is finally born !!!"

The figure in the silver mask whispered.

"I just didn't expect that someone in this universe would use you for layout. This is a test for you."

"If you can't pass it, you are not worthy of being the guardian of time and space."

The shadow of the silver mask's shadow glowed strangely.

Then his figure disappeared into this boundless space and time.

On the holy mountain in the ancient world, several days passed before Xiao Yifeng came out of the room.


"the host!!!"

The girls and Bai Lang and others watched Xiao Yifeng yell.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said.

"Master, how did your hair turn white?"

At this time Xuan Jun looked at Xiao Yifeng's hair and said suddenly.

Xiao Yifeng took a look.

The black hair was mixed with half of the white hair, and it has become black and white.

This is exactly the price Xiao Xiaofeng has spent for 10,000 years of life.

In order to deal with the man in the white robe, Xiao Yifeng urged a secret method in the Book of Time and Space to force the clock of time.

Xiao Yifeng paid 10,000 years of life for this.

The half-whitening of this hair is naturally a loss of 10,000 years of life.

Fortunately, Xiao Yifeng is now strong, otherwise he lost 10,000 years of life.

If his strength is almost, I'm afraid he will be farted.

"Master, is this because of the ten thousand years of life you urged the mysterious bell to sacrifice?"

Bai Lang's eyes flickered ~ ~ soon understood and looked at Xiao Yifeng said.


Xiao Yifeng nodded.

"Sacrifice 10,000 years of life? Are you crazy?"

The Lanyi people looked at Xiao Yifeng with a grudge.

The other girls, Xuan Jun and others all looked worried Xiao Xiaofeng.

"It's okay, my life is very big, only 10,000 years. When I become stronger, my life will naturally increase. By then, 10,000 years will be nothing."

"How could I watch you die in front of me alive, then I don't have to live."

"Of course we have to fight together, and now we are all right."

Xiao Yifeng said with a smile.

"Master, who is that white robe man?"

Han Qianluo looked puzzled.

The rest were also curious about this white-robed man.

PS: It took a day to extract new teeth and hang anti-inflammatory water today. I went home at night and wrote three chapters to endure toothache.

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