The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3612: Step outside

"how is this possible?"

Watching the saint calling out to himself be destroyed.

This day, Yang Yang had an incredible look.

The whole person was completely stagnation and did not respond for a long time.

"You can die too !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Tianyang Cold Road.

The palm of the sky was urged, and the fourth flame of fire broke out, which instantly wiped out the sun.

This time, Tianyang is dead and there is no possibility of surviving.


Xiao Yifeng glanced at the rest of the Celestials and gave a cold drink.

Suddenly Xuan Jun and others all shot and directly killed the entire Heavenly Clan.

At the same time, the starry sky, among the sky-class ancient people.

In one room, an old man's eyes suddenly opened, and a blood spurted out.

He was exactly the saint that Tianyang summoned.

"The Great Emperor of the Starry Sky has indeed recovered, and even the dignified white emperor has appeared. It seems that the Temple of Stars will be born again.

The saint muttered to himself.

Then his body suddenly disappeared in place.

In the ancient world, the Tian clan was destroyed, and Xiao Yifeng returned to the holy mountain and repaired it for a day.

The next day he was going to take the magical girl outside the territory.

This time to travel outside the domain, one is to rescue the magic Ji's father, the other is to explore the real and false outside the domain.

"Master, extraterritorial is not easy, let me go with you !!!"

Bai Lang looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.


Xiao Yifeng nodded.

Since the strongest in the realm of reincarnation had been sent from outside the region, it proved that this region was not easy.

There must be a strong person who is beyond the cycle.

Bringing Bailang, a super master, is naturally more secure.

In this way, Xiao Yifeng took Bai Lang and Mo Ji directly to the extraterritorial passage, and was ready to go outside the domain.

As for the others, they all stayed in the Star Hall of this holy mountain.

Step into this out-of-domain channel.

Xiao Yifeng appeared in a new world after a vertigo.

"Is this extraterritorial?"

Xiao Yifeng looked around with a curious expression in his eyes.

Apparently they are now outside the domain.

The whole extraterrestrial feels extremely depressing.

There was a faint bleed of blood in the air.

It was the same as when Xiao Yifeng entered Shura Purgatory.

Outside this area is like a land of purgatory Shura, even the air is full of killing and blood.

"What shall we do now?"

The magic girl said.

"We don't know where the outer demons are, go find a place first and inquire !!!"

"At the same time, I also want to see what kind of place outside this realm !!!"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes glowed with faintness, and he said lightly.

"it is good!!!"

Maggie nodded.

"Master, I feel a mysterious and special atmosphere outside this domain, this world is not simple !!!"

Bai Lang sank, his eyes glowed with brilliance.


Xiao Yifeng nodded, he also felt an appalling breath when he came here.

Obviously there is an extremely powerful strongman hidden in this domain.

Then Xiao Yifeng walked all the way out of this domain, and met many people in the middle.

However, when these people saw Xiao Yifeng, they were going to do something to them without saying a word.

The results were all killed by Bailang.

"People outside of this domain are really going to work just because they don't agree!"

Xiao Yifeng sighed.

"Everyone gathered outside this realm is of various demons."

"Their nature is extremely brutal existence. There is no human nature. The killing is only between their thoughts."

Bai Lang said lightly.

After a few hours, Xiao Yifeng finally saw the first city outside this domain.

Xiao Yifeng immediately stepped into the city.


Xiao Yifeng had just stepped into the city, but several figures were blocked in front of them.

All of them are stronger than life and death.


Xiao Yi wind coldly.

"Boy, give me all the training resources you have, and this woman, give me too !!!"

One of these people who dominated the realm looked at Xiao Yifeng and yelled.

There was a flash of evil light in his eyes, staring at the magical girl.

"court death!!!"

The magic girl sighed coldly and shot out, punching out with a punch.

Rumble! !! !!

Suddenly, this group of people was strongly destroyed by a single punch from all the magic girls.

One by one can't die anymore.

"This area is really messy !!!"

Xiao Yifeng sighed, standing and robbing at the gate of the city, it was really great.

The three of them stepped in immediately.

Walking into the city, a sound of announcements and a sound of fighting sounded.

There was a thick **** air in the air.

Many people are fighting around.

A large crowd of people watched with interest.

All the people in the city are exuding all kinds of evil spirits.

Fierce one by one, exude evil spirits.

Xiao Yifeng three went directly to a restaurant and walked in.

"What are you going to eat?"

A small second came to Xiao Yifeng and said.

"You guys have something special here !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said lightly, the three found a place to sit down.

Soon the dish and wine were served, and Xiao Yifeng and the other three ate and drank leisurely.

However, among them, the magic girl has attracted the attention of many people in this restaurant.

After all, this magic girl looks like a peerless beauty, which is naturally attractive in this kind of place.

It is the so-called warm thought, and these people in the restaurant have enough to eat.

When I saw Mo Ji again, I naturally had an idea.

Ten minutes later, someone finally couldn't help but came to Xiao Yifeng and looked at this magic girl;

"Chick, have a few drinks with Grandpa !!!"

Xiao Yifeng and Bai Lang looked indifferent.

As for Mo Ji's eyes, a flash of cold cold mang ~ ~ is about to shoot.

As a result another sound suddenly sounded.

"What did you say?"

A cold voice sounded behind the man who talked.

"Who? So ..."

There was a look of dissatisfaction in the man's eyes, and he turned to scold.

But when he saw the man who spoke, the whole man looked stagnant and stiffened.

The speaker was a young man in a gray robe.

There is a vertical gap at the center of his eyebrows, and a pair of eyes are glowing with coldness and coldness.

There is a terrible breath all over his body, and his strength has reached the peak of reincarnation.

As for the people behind him, most of them are reincarnation.

"Evil Eye Master!"

The man looked at the young man and shouted.

"She is the woman I fancy !!!"

The young man spat coldly, and he was the new young master of the Xiemu tribe outside the territory.

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