The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3594: Chu Dynasty

"I'll know when you get there !!!"

Yang Xueqing said mysteriously.

boom! !! !!

boom! !! !!

At this moment two more roars sounded in the Star Hall.

"Someone broke through again?"

There was a look of surprise in Xiao Yifeng's eyes.

In another room of the Star Hall.

Chu Yu and sister Chu Mo sat here in a cross, with a terrible breath.

Both men's strengths have stepped into reincarnation.

And the blood in their bodies boiled quickly.

A mysterious and appalling energy was born.

Even if Xiao Yifeng felt the energy breath born from the blood of the two men, he also had an inexplicable feeling of palpitations.

"What is this power? So powerful?"

There was a shock in Xiao Yifeng's eyes, and the curious look looked at the sisters.

"The two of them are not easy !!!"

At this time, Yang Xueqing appeared here, watching Chu Yu Chu Mo said.

"Mom, what do you see?"

Xiao Yifeng asked.

"The blood of both of them contains a terrible and powerful blood power."

"This blood power is something I have never seen before, even if it is more terrifying than the blood power of the emperor."

"And there is a mysterious power hidden in their sisters and brothers, and this power should be left in them."

"I am afraid that the strength of the master who left this power may not even be equal to the peak strength of my past life."

Yang Xueqing said solemnly.

"Is it so strong?"

There was a shocked look in Xiao Yifeng's eyes.

This past life of Yang Xueqing was a super powerhouse in the flood and famine era, and was called the Holy Mother of Flood and Famine.

Although Xiao Yifeng did not know how strong his mother was in the previous life.

However, Madam Honghuang is definitely better than the general Great Emperor, and it is definitely the most powerful Emperor, and may even be stronger.

But this is the existence, it is said that the strength of his previous life is not as good as the person who left power in the sister and brother.

How strong should this person be?

"Is this power protecting them?"

Xiao Yifeng curious.

"It should be, or it may be the inheritance of power. In short, the owner who left this power is absolutely terrible."

"I don't know which power is it, is it some power left over from the flood era?"

Yang Xueqing guessed.

"It seems that the identity of the sister and brother is very unusual !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the two sisters, Chu Yuchu Mo, with light in his eyes.

The younger brothers and sisters also showed strong talents at young age.

And with powerful mysterious blood power.

There is still power left in the body by a stronger man than his mother's previous life.

It can be seen that the sister and brother are extremely difficult.

"What the **** is this sister and brother?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the two with a curious expression in his eyes.

Soon the terrible breath emanating from the sisters and brothers converged.

Their eyes opened, looking at Xiao Yifeng, a flash of joy flashed in their eyes.

"Big brother!!!"

Chu Yu shouted at Xiao Yifeng.

"Congratulations, you two have become masters of reincarnation !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the two women and smiled.

"Big brother, when my strength reaches the level of God, I can know who my brother and mother are."

"And what is said to be inherited !!!!!"

Chu Yu said holding Xiao Yifeng's hand.

"Then work hard to reach the kingdom of God, and then you will know who your parents are?"

Xiao Yifeng said with a smile.

What happened to him then suddenly asked: "Xiaohuanghuang, I seem to remember you mentioned the lives of the sisters and brothers before, do you know the lives of the two?"

"The two of them should be the Chu dynasty from Divine Realm !!!"

Xiaohuanghuang said.

"Chu Dynasty !!!"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flickered, and there was no such Chu dynasty in his first memory.

"What kind of power is that?"

Xiao Yifeng curious.

"The Chu dynasty, the largest force in the realm of the realm of the gods, dominates the entire virtual gods."

"Effective power spreads to the whole **** realm, it can be said that it is the most powerful force in the **** realm."

Xiaohuanghuang said.

"The First Force in the Divine Realm?"

Xiao Yifeng was surprised, and did not expect the origins of this sister and brother.

"Yes, this Chu dynasty is very mysterious and powerful, but it is a super top force born in the universe of stars and stars after the end of ancient times."

"Especially the lord of the Chu dynasty is a mysterious superpower."

"At that time, my ninth master, Long Yuan, had played against him, but was defeated by the opponent with a wave of his hands.

"Neither the emperor Longyuan nor I saw the true face of the Chu dynasty master from beginning to end, and they were defeated."

"And the entire Chu dynasty has not risen for more than two decades. As a result, in the past 20 years, the Chu dynasty has become the most powerful force in the Divine Realm."

"It is said that this Chu dynasty's lord first entered the world of virtual gods shortly afterwards, and one person suppressed the three main powers of the virtual gods."

"It is the super strong who strangled dozens of great emperors, which can be said to shake all circles."

"A lot of people compare it to the Emperor of the Sky."

Xiaohuanghuang said one by one.

"The Lord of the Chu Dynasty is so strong !!!"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes glowed with light.

"Did Chu Yu Chu Mo be the child of the lord of the Chu dynasty?"

Xiao Yifeng glanced at the sister and brother, guessing.

"It's possible."

Little wasteland vomited.

"If that's the case, why send their children to the ancient world with their strength?"

Xiao Yifeng was puzzled.

"I don't know about this !!!"

Little wasteland vomited.

In an instant, the night enveloped the earth.

At night, Xiao Yifeng was keeping warm with Hongmei, and suddenly the door of the room was opened.

An enchantment swept out, and the demon queen walked in directly.

"Are you the Great Emperor?"

The demon later came to the bed and looked at Xiao Yifeng, who was lying on the bed with a red fruit on his body.

At this moment Xiao Yifeng looked at the expression of the queen with a speechless face ~ ~ As for Hongmei, she had been shyly hid in the quilt.

"What kind of wind does your woman draw at night?"

Xiao Yifeng looked coldly at the Queen.

"I didn't expect Star King to be like you."

The queen looked at Xiao Yifeng and spit out coldly, and there was a look of disdain and disappointment in her eyes.

As if seeing his idol disillusioned.

"Hey, what do you mean? Am I not like the Emperor of the Sky?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the demon and frowned.

"You are like star litter !!!"

The queen vomited coldly and turned to leave.

"I'm going to insult this great emperor !!!"

Xiao Yifeng twitched at the corner of his mouth.

He exhibited the realm of stars, suppressing the queen strongly.

Then he waved his hands again and again to urge the Star Seal.

Immediately sealed the power of this devil,

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