The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3587: Blood Emperor Possession

"Let's go !!!"

Xiao Yifeng watched Fei Xuelin and Aiya and Sophia say something, and the four returned to the Rock family.

At night, Xiao Yifeng took Sophia, Alice and Fischering all to a room, and began a fierce battle.

Crunch! !! !!

"What are you doing? Why are you so loud?"

As a result, Aya, who lives next door, was so noisy that they couldn't sleep.

Directly came to Xiao Yifeng's room.

And the door of his room was just unlocked, and Aiya came in.

Suddenly, Xiao Yifeng's eyes were opposite, all of them froze.

Space seemed to stand still for a few seconds.

what! !! !!

Aiya responded and screamed quickly, and ran out, covering her eyes.

"Don't you guys lock the door?"

Fei Xuelin lay under Xiao Yifeng and gave him a white look.

"Maybe I was too excited just now and forgot !!!!!!"

Xiao Yifeng said awkwardly.

"It's okay. Anyway, Aiya is an adult. It doesn't matter if you see it, my dear, or you'll find Aiya.

"The four of us are waiting for you together. You are too strong. The three of us are not opponents at all !!!"

Sophia flushed and looked at Xiao Yifeng breathlessly.

"Forget it, she and I have only known each other for a day, they are not familiar !!!"

Xiao Yifeng swaggered.

Evil smile looked at the three women: "It's still hard for you three, to accompany your husband to fight."

This battle did not end until the next day.

The three women were completely paralyzed on the bed and couldn't move.

Xiao Yifeng came to this manor with spirit.

Aiya happened to be here, looking at Xiao Yifeng, her face was red.

"You guy is so fancy, even with three sisters ..."

Aiya looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"How can I be called Huaxin, they all love me, and I love them too !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said in disapproval.

"Cut, you're just flowery !!!"

Aiya froze.

boom! !! !!

Suddenly, the door of the manor was suddenly smashed open.

The two old men in blood robes came in slowly, exuding a breath of terror.

A strong blood evil spirit permeated.

"You blood are really endless. Is a blood emperor so important to you?"

Xiao Yifeng looked coldly at the two old men in blood robes.

"The blood emperor is the most important person in my blood family and must return to the blood family."

"If you really want to be my enemy, then don't blame us for being rude, Lord Blood Emperor will punish you !!!"

The two old men in blood robes came to Xiao Yifeng and vomited coldly.

"Well, what about Blood Emperor?"

"It provokes me too !!!!"

Xiao Yifeng hummed disdainfully.

"Arrogant !!!"

The old men in blood robes hummed coldly.

Immediately, they twiddled a mysterious seal with their hands, and two terrible **** rays burst out from them.

The two blood-rays merged in the void under their control.

Then a terrifying breath erupted.

A dazzling light shone out.

The blood disappeared, and a blood-colored sword about seven inches long appeared before his eyes.

The blood-colored sword was mixed with golden light, exuding a terrifying coercion.

"The blood of slaves, the sword of blood emperor !!!"

The two drank directly, waving their hands.

Immediately from their index fingers, blood began to pour into the **** sword.

The **** light of this **** sword is more dazzling, and the coercion released is even more terrifying.

boom! !! !!

Under this terrible coercion.

All trees, stones and everything around the estate were turned into powder.

The blood-colored sword was suspended in the air, and the pressure released was stronger and stronger, and there was a faint power of the emperor.

Seeing this, Xiao Yifeng's eyes flickered and the exercises were performed.

The strength in his body broke out, resisting this coercion.

call out! !! !!

Just then, the blood emperor sword suddenly turned into a **** light burst out.

Xiao Yifeng, who is fast, did not see clearly.

what! !! !!

Suddenly Ai Ya screamed.

This blood emperor sword even stabbed directly into his chest.

Seeing this, Xiao Yifeng's face changed, his expression looked very ugly, and rushed towards Aiya.

boom! !! !!

However, at this time, there was a roar in Aiya's body.

A terrible blood burst out, directly backing Xiao Yifeng to the shock.

With this blood emperor sword pierced into Aiya's body.

The blood in his body began to boil quickly.

A terrible force burst from him.

Aiya's eyes became blood red instantly.

The breath diffused from his body became more and more terrifying.

boom! !! !!

Another deafening roar came from this Aiya's body.

A bright **** light burst out on him.

She reached out and pulled out the Blood Emperor Sword from her chest.

The wound on his chest recovered instantly.

"You dare to kill my bloodline !!!"

Aiya gazed coldly at Xiao Yifeng and sighed.


Xiao Yifeng looked at what Aiya wanted to say.

As a result, the opponent waved the blood emperor sword and blasted towards him.

boom! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng's body flickered, and the light released by the blood emperor sword exploded on the ground.

Cut the ground into a gap of tens of meters.

The entire ground exploded.

"Hello, your brain is confused?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at this Aiya with a blank expression.

"Boy, there is a will of the emperor on that sword, it should be left by the emperor."

"She should have been consciously controlled by the will of the blood emperor, so she will fight you."

Said World of Warcraft.

At that moment, Ai Ya rushed towards Xiao Yifeng again.

boom! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng directly urged the ancient seal of the starry sky to blast out fiercely.

And the blood emperor sword in Aiya's hands severely collided.

With the boom, Xiao Yifeng stepped back two steps ~ ~ Aiya's body stepped back seven or eight steps.

boom! boom! boom!

Xiao Yifeng rushed up again, re-energizing the astral force in the nine big points in the body, and then urged the ancient seal of the starry sky to continuously bombard.

Faced with a series of violent attacks by Xiao Yifeng, plus the power of the nine great tricks and the ancient seal of the starry sky.

This Aiya couldn't resist even holding the blood emperor sword, and the whole person was blasted back and forth.

Including the two old men in blood robes, they were backed up by this terrible power, and blood was spitting in their mouths.

"Starry crackdown !!!"

Xiao Yifeng waved his hands to urge the secret method.

Stimulate the power of this ancient starry sky and blast out fiercely.

With the sound of an explosion.

Aiya was blasted and flew out, and she landed on the ground, spitting blood in her mouth.


This Aiya cold glance glanced at Xiao Yifeng before turning around and leaving here.

The two old men in blood robes followed.

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