The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3527: Meet father and son

"Xiao Lei, I ..."

Su Yan looked at what Xiaolei wanted to say, but was interrupted by it.

"Xiao Fan, I want you to be my son, and I will protect you in the future."

"With me, no one in the world will bully Xiaofan, do you say OK?"

Xiao Lei squatted and looked at Xiao Fan.

"Xiao Lei, what did you say !!!"

Su Yan's face changed when she heard what Xiao Lei said to Xiao Fan.

"Xiao Yan, I really want to take care of you and Xiao Fan, and I also believe that Xiao Fan will be willing to let me be his father."

"I will protect you then and let no one hurt you."

"I can do whatever you want."

This little Lei said in a deep voice, his eyes looked at Xiao Fan:

"Will you let me be your father, Xiaofan?"

"No !!!!"

But this Xiao Fan refused without hesitation.

The man named Xiao Lei changed his face and stared at Xiao Fan:

"Xiao Fan, why don't you want me to be your father? Am I not good to you?"

"Uncle Xiaolei is good to me, but you are not my father, my father is in Tianhai."

"I don't want other men to be my dad, and my dad will protect me and my mom !!!"

Xiao Fan said directly.


Hearing Xiao Fan's words, Xiao Lei's face looked very ugly.

As for Su Yan's look changed.

"Xiao Fan, your father has abandoned you and your mother. He doesn't want you anymore."

"So starting today, I'm your father !!!"

Xiaolei said watching Xiao Fan word by word.

"No, my dad won't abandon me, he won't, I don't want others to be my dad !!!"

Xiao Fan also said with a firm look on his face.

At a young age, his expression was extremely determined.


This Xiao Lei's face was gloomy and dark, and his eyes were cold and cold.

"Xiao Lei, calm down first, I'll take Xiaofan back !!!"

At this time, Su Yan looked at this Xiaolei and said she was going to take Xiao Fan back.

"No, I must resolve this matter today, I want you to be my woman."

"You belong to me and no one can take it away !!!"

Xiao Lei suddenly grabbed Su Yan's hand and sulked in a dark look.

A twisted, cold look flashed in his eyes, staring at Su Yan.

The expressions seemed a little perverted and crazy.

"Xiao Lei, let go of me, you hurt me, we will talk about this later !!!"

Su Yan tried hard to pull the hand of Xiaolei, but couldn't pull it at all.

"I don't want to, I want you to be my woman today !!!"

This little thunder sulked.

He grabbed Su Yan directly and was about to get started.

"No, no, Xiao Lei, let go of me !!!"

Su Yan was struggling.

"Don't bully my mother !!!"

At that moment, Xiao Fan glared at Xiao Lei and smashed out with a punch.

Lightning flashed from his fist, and a terrible force burst out.

This little Lei did not notice for a while, and was even backed by Xiao Xiao's punch.

"You ... you dare to hit me, you **** !!!"

Seeing this Xiao Fan attacked himself.

The anger and anger in Xiao Lei's heart broke out completely.

He waved the palm of his hand directly, and with the power of thunder and lightning, he blasted towards Xiao Fan.

"No !!!!"

At that moment, Su Yan saw this scene and shouted in a loss.

She madly rushed towards this Xiao Fan, blocking her.

boom! !! 1

This Xiao Lei's palm banged directly on Su Yan.

Su Yan suddenly blew blood, and she knelt on the ground, her face pale.


At this time, Xiao Fan looked at Su Yan lying on her body, also called again and again.

"Xiao Fan !!!"

Su Yan's trembling hands stroked Xiao Fan's face, and the corner of her mouth called blood.


At this moment, Xiao Lei saw that his face was changing, and he rushed over.

"Su Yan !!!"

Just then, a shout sounded.

Xiao Yifeng's figure appeared directly here.

His eyes stared at Su Yan, her face changed, and she immediately appeared beside her.

"Yi ... Yifeng !!!"

"You came!!!"

"Take care of Xiaofan !!!"

Su Yan looked at Xiao Yifeng with a pale smile on her face, and said extremely weakly.

She reached out and tried to touch Xiao Yifeng, but her eyes closed.

"Su Yan !!!"

Xiao Yifeng's face changed and he called immediately.

He rushed to run the endless power into Su Yan's body.

He took out an elixir and took it with his hands.

Make a mark of stars to enter Su Yan's body.

Forcibly hold back the vitality in Su Yan's body.

At this moment, both Xiao Lei and Xiao Fan's eyes are staring at Xiao Yifeng, their eyes glowing with light.

"Dad, are you my dad?"

Xiao Fan looked at Xiao Yifeng and said directly.

Xiao Yifeng looked at Xiao Fan with a startled look.

"You are Su Yan's child?"

Xiao Yifeng said.

"Well, my name is Xiao Fan, Dad, can you save your mother, don't let your mother die !!!"

Xiao Fan begged, watching Xiao Yifeng.

"Xiao Fan ..."

Xiao Yifeng muttered to himself, at this point he finally understood.

His fourth son is Xiao Fan, the child that Su Yan gave him.

At first, Su Yan, as Ye Yaxin's secretary, was a spy. Later, the other side dedicated her body to Xiao Yifeng and disappeared mysteriously.

Later Xiao Yifeng also saw the other party again, at that time Su Yan was pregnant.

At that time, he suspected that the child in Su Yan's belly was his.

It was only then that Su Yan disappeared mysteriously again, and he had never found each other, and naturally he could not confirm whether the child was his.

Later he went to the ancient world and completely forgot about it.

So much so that when he recalled who would help him give birth to his fourth child, he did not think of Su Yan at all.

This Su Yan's belly is really his! !! !!

If it weren't for Chu Youmeng who helped him figure it out ~ ~ I'm afraid Xiao Yifeng didn't know that he still had a son in Huaxia.

"Xiao Fan, don't worry, I won't let your mother do anything, my father promised you !!!"

Xiao Yifeng stroked Xiao Fan's head and said firmly, his eyes were full of love.


Xiao Fan nodded.

This Xiao Yifeng and Xiao Fan are reunited.

Xiao Lei's face was very ugly, his eyes stared at Xiao Yifeng:

"It turns out that you are the unforgettable unforgettable man in Xiaoyan !!!"

"Did you hurt her?"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes also turned to this man, and he spit indifferently.

"Dad, that's him. He's going to be my dad. I don't agree."

"He started to do something to his mother, and he hurt his mother !!!"

Xiao Fan shouted at his father, pointing to this little thunder.

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