The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3496: Fangjia accident

"Of course I believe my wife."

Xiao Yifeng smiled evilly.

Then he picked up Lu Xueqing and sat on his lap.

"What are you guys doing?"

Lu Xueqing looked at Xiao Yifeng.

"I want to try the feeling here!"

Xiao Yifeng laughed.

"You gangster!"

Lu Xueqing gave Xiao Yifeng a white look.

Then there was a strange noise in this office.

Near noon, Xiao Yifeng walked out of Lu Xueqing's office.

At this time, a group of students in Tianhai University ran towards a place crazy.

Xiao Yifeng was very curious and followed the past.

Ten limited-edition sports cars stop here on the playground of Tianhai University.

There is a heart-shaped pattern made of roses in front of the hood.

The ten luxury cars surrounded one man and one woman directly.

The woman is Shen Yuting, and the man is a handsome young man in a white suit.

Holding a bouquet of roses in his hand, kneeling in front of Shen Yuting, a posture of proposing marriage.

There were a group of students around, all of them were discussing enthusiastically.

"So romantic !!!"

"The first school grass of Tianhai University, the proposal of the male **** of Tianhai University, the first beauty teacher of Tianhai University, is too romantic !!!

At this moment, a group of female students looked at this scene with an envious look.

"Yuting, be my girlfriend, I will be good to you forever !!!"

At this moment the young man kneeled in front of Shen Yuting and said holding flowers.

"Sorry, I don't like you !!!"

Shen Yuting said.

"I like you enough, and I believe that with my charm, you will like me !!!"

This youth is self-confident.

"Yang Chao, I already have a boyfriend."

Shen Yuting continued.

"How is that possible? In the past two years, you have been alone, and there are no other men around, how can you have a boyfriend."

"If you really have a boyfriend, where is he? Let him out, I'll see if he deserves you!"

This young man named Yang Chao hummed coldly.

boom! !! !!

Just then, Xiao Yifeng's figure suddenly stood on the sports car, jumped down, and walked to Shen Yuting.

Holding each other, watching this Yang Chao coldly:

"Her boyfriend is me !!"


Yang Chao looked at Xiao Yifeng, his expression sank, his eyes flashed with cold coldness.

The students around me looked shocked.

"Boy, what qualifications do you have to have Yu Ting, I advise you to leave Yu Ting right away, otherwise don't blame me for being polite to you !!!"

This Yang Chao looked at Xiao Yi and said coldly.

A terrible momentum broke out in him.

The power of heaven and humanity was released.

"Boy, I'm the president of the Budo Club of Tianhai University. If you don't want to be beaten, you better leave Yuting immediately."

Yang Chao looked at Xiao Yifeng's disdainful cold hum.

Xiao Yifeng did not speak, and waved his hand.

This Yang Chao flew out and hit him severely on this sports car.

The entire body was sunk.

This scene directly shocked everyone present.

"Wife, let me take you to dinner !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Shen Yuting and said.

The two left here directly, leaving a group of stunned students.

Tian Hai, in a restaurant, Xiao Yifeng and Shen Yuting are sitting here, eating.


But half-eaten, a woman wearing an orange dress walked into the restaurant and caught Xiao Yifeng's attention.

Because the other party is not someone else, it is Fang Siqi.

The girl who was his best neighbor friend when he was in his teens.

In an instant, he hadn't seen Fang Siqi for more than three years.

Now the opponent is more generous.

At this moment Fang Siqi sat down in front of a man in his forties who had a bald belly.

Seeing this, Xiao Yifeng's eyes flickered.

"Ms. Fang, right? She looks better than the picture !!!"

The bald man looked at Fang Siqi with a grimace.

"Du ... Du Boss !!!"

Fang Siqi looked at the bald man nervously and called.

"There are 500,000 in this card, and you will be my woman in the future !!!"

The bald man smiled evilly and reached out to touch Fang Siqi's smooth hand.

Immediately, Fang Siqi pulled his hand back.

"Boss Du, forget it, I'll go first."

Fang Siqi said, he was about to get up and leave, but was caught by the other side.

"You want to leave when you come. I have already given the money, and you are mine."

The bald man grunted coldly.

boom! !! !!

Just then, a dull thunder sounded suddenly.

Then the bald man flew out, hitting a wall more than ten meters away.

The whole person lay on the ground and a blood spurted out.

Fang Siqi's look was also shocked.

Immediately, his gaze swept away, and he saw a figure in her mind haunting her dreams, which appeared to Xiao Yifeng.

"Brother Xiao !!!"

Looking at the long-lost Xiao Yifeng, Fang Siqi burst into tears.

The whole person hugged Xiao Yifeng tightly, sobbing.

After seeing Xiao Yifeng, Fang Siqi's inner grievance broke out suddenly,

The inner strength broke down.

"Siqi, what happened?"

"You tell me, I help you decide !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said looking at Fang Siqi.

"Brother Xiao, I finally saw you, great !!!"

Fang Siqi's eyes flashed with tears, and she looked at Xiao Yifeng with an excited expression.

Xiao Yifeng then calmed Fang Siqi's emotions, and the latter also told some things in his family.

It turned out that there was a major change in this Fang family.

Fang Siqi's sister-in-law, his brother's wife, was insulted by the master of a large family in Tianhai.

His sister-in-law jumped into the river with humiliation, and Fang Siqi's brother went to the other party desperately, but was beaten to death by the other party.

Because of this change ~ ~ Fang Siqi's mother had a serious illness and it was not enough to spend all the savings in the family.

Now he has to return home to recuperate in order to save his mother.

Fang Siqi had no choice but to sell her medical expenses.

After listening to Fang Siqi's narration, Xiao Yifeng also sighed.

Unexpectedly, so many things happened to this girl.

Xiao Yifeng personally helped his elder brother marry his sister-in-law and held a wedding for them, but now it's a yin and yang gap.

"I go home with you and help you heal your aunt !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said.

He talked with Shen Yuting and came to Fang's house with Fang Siqi.


This father Fang looked very surprised when Xiao Yifeng appeared.

Today, this father has experienced this major change, and the whole person is also very embarrassed.

"Uncle, are you okay?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Fang's father and said.


Father Fang sighed heavily.

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