The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3487: Reincarnation

boom! !! !!

Just then, a terrible force suddenly broke out from Yang Xueqing.

This terrible power broke out and directly backed Xiao Yifeng to the shock.

A horrible power swept out of Yang Xueqing's body, and instantly spread throughout the secret room.

At this moment, the air in this closet seemed to instantly become nothing.

The whole space seemed to be oppressed by this terrible power, with a feeling of collapse.

what! !! !!

Yang Xueqing shouted even more, her expression a little bit painful.


Xiao Yifeng looked at Yang Xueqing and cried, and the whole person wanted to rush over.

Only in an instant he was backed up by the power and power that erupted from the opponent.

It was impossible to get close to this Yang Xueqing.

boom! !! !!

The ice coffin where Yang Xueqing was was turned into powder.

The whole secret room was booming.

Then Yang Xueqing levitated in the air, shining an extremely bright light.

A mysterious aperture appeared behind Yang Xueqing.

Gives a sacred and terrifying breath.

A desolate, wild atmosphere permeated from Yang Xueqing's body.

"How is this going?"

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yifeng's eyes flashed with light.

He felt the horror that erupted from his mother.

Make him have an inexplicable feeling.

The power that erupted in the opponent's body was something he had never seen before.

"I'm afraid your mother is not easy !!!"

Eaten World of Warcraft Shen channel.

"What do you mean?"

Xiao Yifeng said.

"Your mother is obviously doing some kind of power awakening. Her origins are extraordinary, or she is a reincarnation."

"Now that I wake up, I also accidentally awakened the power of the previous life, so it will become what it is today."

"At this moment, the power of her previous life should be inspired."

Devouring the World of Warcraft uttered a voice.

"My mother is also a reincarnation?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at his mother with a shocked look.

Now Yang Xueqing is wrapped in a mysterious and terrifying force.

The terrible power oppressed Xiao Yifeng has a feeling of surrendering on his knees.

The sacred power released from his body gives people a sense of inviolability, like the spirit of heaven and earth.

"Yes, and looking at her posture, the past life is definitely not simple. The power that burst out of her was neither divine nor Tao."

"It should be a terrible existence than these two forces, so her past life is definitely not simple !!!"

Said World of Warcraft.

After listening to the words of Demon Warcraft, Xiao Yifeng was also stunned.

He had no idea that his mother was not an ordinary person, but also a reincarnated body.

It really made him think of it.

Rumble! !! !!

Just then, there was a roar from Yang Xueqing's body.

The power and might of terror erupted from it.

Suddenly, the whole mountain was shaking violently.

A desolate, desolate, sacred, and terrible power burst directly out of this back room, and then swept the entire mountain.

At this moment, all the revived strong men and disciples in the Sanqing Hall in this mountain shivered fiercely.

There was a sense of panic and oppression in their hearts.

噗通! !! !!

噗通! !! !!

噗通! !! !!

At this moment, the strong men and disciples resurrected throughout the Sanqing Hall, no matter how strong.

All kneeled on the ground by this terrible power.

This change also shocked everyone in Sanqingdian.

They have no idea what happened.

Where does this terrible power come from?

Boom boom! !! !!

At the same time, there was a roar of roar above the sky of the primitive world.

The whole void exploded completely, and an invisible power spread to everyone in the primitive world.

The whole body of the primitive world is inexplicable, and feels an invisible pressure.

This change has alarmed those who are strong throughout the world.

They all want to know what happened.

Above this void, a huge vortex was born.

With a desolate breath spread.

A mysterious force from this vortex was released and rushed directly into the mountain's closet, into Yang Xueqing's body.

At this moment, countless powerful people in the primitive world were shocked.

They want to know what power was just now, which they have never seen before.

And this power makes them feel a sense of fear.

"Are there any mysterious strongmen born?"

In the eight islands of Penglai, an ancient voice sounded suddenly.

And in the Kunlun Mountains, at the top of the Kunlun Palace.

An old man with a mysterious breath opened his eyes.

In his eyes there was a glimmer of deepness that contained endless years of gaze.

"Is this ..."

The old man said that he had stopped halfway, but his eyes had a very shocking look.

"What power is this?"

Toyo, the top of Mount Fuji, the mysterious man in a black robe stands here.

His eyes looked up at the sky, and there was a shock in his eyes.

"No matter who was born, as long as the sunshine recovers, the world will completely surrender to my hands !!!"

The man in the black robe drank coldly in the eyes.

In the secret room of the big mountain of Huaxia.

The sacred power released by Yang Xueqing is now very scary.

Even Xiao Yifeng had to run all the power to resist.

As for Yang Xueqing's strength, she has surpassed reincarnation for a long time.

Even Xiao Yifeng didn't know, like Xiao Xiao.

He can't even see through the realm of his mother.

This Yang Xueqing's body seemed to be filled with an extremely mysterious power, which made people unable to detect.

Huh! !! !!

At this time ~ ~ Yang Xueqing opened her eyes, and her eyes were released with two striking rays.

At first glance, there was a kind of shuddering, wanting to surrender kneeling.

Yang Xueqing's clothes have changed even more.

She is now wearing a golden yellow dress with a golden crown on her head.

Cooperate with that sacred momentum on him.

Today's Yang Xueqing is like the mother of this world, possessing the power to dominate this world.

Noble and dignified, sacred and powerful! !! !!

Had it not been for Yang Xueqing's face to have changed and he had witnessed it all.

He might not even believe that the woman in front of him was his mother.

This is almost like Pan Ruo before.

Soon the terrible power of Yang Xueqing disappeared.

All strength converges into its body.

Yang Xueqing's body fell to the ground.

The golden yellow dress of the palace dress mopped the ground, giving people a feeling of self-importance.

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