The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3466: Qinglian Sword Master

"What does the host mean?"

The woman in black said.

"Let's find her before her strength is restored, and dispose of it !!!"

"I want no Empress Yaochi to exist in this world !!!"

The woman drank coldly.

"Yes, master, the subordinates must complete the task !!!"

The woman in black nodded, and then her figure disappeared before her eyes.

"Master, I'm sorry, don't you blame me !!!"

Then the woman muttered to herself, her eyes were cold and cold.

In the ancient world, Xiao Yifeng wiped out the entire angel family in the Western Regions, and determined that there were no future troubles.

He re-invited people to form the Fengmeng Division here, and then returned to the Holy Mountain.

Boom boom! !! !!

When Xiao Yifeng returned to the sacred mountain, there were deafening sounds in the sacred mountain.

A voluptuous sword sentiment swept the sky, countless invisible sword qi burst towards the whole sky, tearing the void apart.

"Did Jianyun break through?"

Seeing this situation, Xiao Yifeng could not help guessing.

Just then, a figure rose to the sky, that Li Bai.

Rumble! !! !!

At the moment the sky was filled with rumbling sounds.

"It is a condemnation, Li Bai is about to break through the pseudo-return !!"

Xiao Yifeng glanced at the sky and vomited.

The strength of this condemnation came, and it came directly to Li Bai.

"Huh, the power of condemnation !!!"

Li Bai looked up at the power of condemnation in the void, and there was a look of disdain in his eyes.

With a wave of his right hand, a green sword appeared in his hand.

boom! !! !!

Li Bai Yijian chopped out into the void, and the blue sword-mang burst out, tearing the void directly.

The terrible sword turned out to destroy the condemnation power that day.

Even the thundercloud above the sky was destroyed by the sword of Li Bai.

In a blink of an eye, the terrible condemnation force that came down to the state of pseudo-reincarnation was destroyed by Li Bai Yijian.

It gives a feeling of horror! !! !!

At this moment Li Bai was standing in the void, and the blue sword in front of him was suspended in front of him.

A horrible sword-likeness was released from it.

Li Bai also exploded with terror.

There was something awakening in his body.

Soon the breath of Li Bai became more and more terrifying.

A violent sword intention erupted from Li Bai.

The terrible sword intention makes people feel asphyxiated.

The surrounding air was destroyed by this substantive sword.

Everyone on the sacred mountain and in the temple of the stars emerged, staring at the sword cloud in the void.

"Qing Lian Jian Jue, a sword on the sky !!!"

I don't know how long after that, when the power in Li Bai's body reached a very horrible level.

With his eyes open, he drank directly, and shot two sword lights in his eyes.

He held the green sword in one hand, soared into the sky, and one sword was chopped towards the sky.

Rumble! !! !!

With Li Bai's sword cut out.

Suddenly, a long blue sword-mangling burst out, directly destroying all the white clouds over nine days.

People across Dongzhou saw a bright cyan rainbow above the sky across the sky.

Then bursts of sky explosion sounded.

The entire sky was divided into two by this cyan rainbow.

The scene seemed extremely spectacular.

"A strong sword !!!"

Everyone on this sacred mountain saw the sword exhibited by Li Baishi with a shocking look in his eyes, and his heart was inexplicable.

The power of this sword is very scary. Even the ten pseudo-reincarnation might not be able to carry it.

"Qing Lian Jian Ju, is he the famous Qing Lian sword master in ancient times?"

At this time, the sound of Sky Warcraft sounded suddenly.

"Qinglian Sword Master?"

Xiao Yifeng heard the name, and a curious look flashed in his eyes.

"The Qinglian sword respect is a famous generation of sword respect in ancient times. It is the super power of the supreme state and is known as the invincible hand under the emperor."

"This Qinglian Sword Master is basically invincible in the Supreme Realm. Holding a Qinglian sword, practice a set of Qinglian sword tactics, crosswise."

"It is said that this Qinglian sword respected the power of the Supreme Realm to kill a great emperor !!!!"

Devouring World of Warcraft vomited.

"Extreme Realm Kills the Emperor Realm?"

Xiao Yifeng was startled.

"Yes, although the other party is just a strong man who has just stepped into the realm of the emperor, but after all, he is also an emperor, but was beheaded and killed by Qinglian Sword Emperor and the power of the supreme realm, shaking the entire primitive world."

"And at the time, Qinglian Sword Master was only five thousand years old, and his talents were horrible. Everyone felt that this Qinglian Sword Master would have entered the realm of the Great Emperor within a very long time."

"In ancient times, it was absolutely rare to be able to step into the realm of the emperor within ten thousand years."

"It's just a pity that the aura of this primitive world has since faded away, and the primitive world hasn't fallen. There is no news about this Qinglian sword lord."

Said World of Warcraft.

"Is this Li Bai the reincarnation of Qinglian Jianzun?"

Xiao Yifeng stared at Li Bai with a sharp gaze.

"Yes, I am Qinglian Sword Master !!!"

At this moment Li Bai looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"Your memory is restored?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Li Bai and was surprised.

"Part of my past life's memory has been restored !!!"

Li Bai said.

Then he knelt down to Xiao Yifeng and said,

"Meet the Emperor of the Starry Sky under the worship of Qinglian Sword !!!"

"Did you recognize me?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Li Bai and said in surprise.

Not much is known about the identity of his star emperor.

"This world can control the power of the stars. In the name of the starry sky, there will be no second person except the starry emperor !!!"

Li Bai looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"Yes, I am indeed the Emperor of the Sky, and I am reincarnated like you !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said lightly.

"I didn't expect that I could stay with the Emperor of the Starry in this life, it was really my honor to be Qinglian Sword Master !!!"

Li Bai said with a smile ~ ~ I didn't expect that your past life was so brilliant. !! !! "

Xiao Yifeng said.

"These are nothing compared to your No. 1 star in the world!"

Li Bai shook his head.

"Why did you reincarnate?"

Xiao Yifeng said looking at Li Bai.

"At the beginning, the aura of the primitive world was dying, and I left for other worlds. Later, I encountered some things and I was seriously injured."

"You have to choose reincarnation to rebuild, but also to take this opportunity to impact the realm of the emperor !!!"

Qinglian Jianzun said.

"In your own strength, you will also be seriously injured. It seems that you have encountered a lot of things !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said.

"It should be, but my memory has not fully recovered."

"I don't know exactly what happened to me at the beginning !!!"

Li Bai said.

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