The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3457: Undead Emperor

"A vein of the undead !!!"

Xiao Yifeng whispered softly.

"This statue turned out to be the statue of the ancestor of the undead ancestors !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said in surprise.

According to the information given to him in that jade block.

Xiao Yifeng learned that the statue was the legendary ancestor of the undead family.

And the monster around it is called the beast of death, but it is the descendant of the beast of the dead domain town.

"I did not expect this statue to be the statue of the Undead Emperor, but that is a super emperor in ancient times !!!"

Devouring World of Warcraft sighed.

"In ancient times, the undead were very scarce, and all belonged to a very lowly existence. However, after the birth of the undead emperor, the undead tribe has appeared and become more powerful and dominates the dead domain.

"Even the dead overlords in this dead domain are terrified by three points. The Undead Emperor has become a well-known emperor in the world of stars !!"

Sky Devils Warcraft introduced.

Just then, the statue burst into a roar.

A terrifying power was released from the statue.

As this momentum erupted, a terrible death permeated.

Then the statue of this undead emperor's eyes suddenly shot two faint rays of light.

The terror burst out, as if coming alive.

Seeing this, Xiao Yifeng looked intently, and looked at the statue with a dignified look in his eyes.

"I feel a familiar and powerful breath from you. Who are you?"

A hoarse and cold voice came from this statue, and it was thunderous.

People feel a sense of suffocation and despair, as if facing a **** of **** at this time.

"You are the Undead King?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the statue coldly and spat out.

"Yes, but what remains here is just a consciousness of mine, who are you?"

The undead king drank indifferently.

"Star Emperor !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.

"What? Are you the Great Emperor?"

A shock sounded.

Then a light burst from the statue.

In the void turned into a man in armor, eyes gloomy, exudes terrible death, is the undead king.

At this moment the other person's face stared at Xiao Yifeng with an incredible expression.

"Are you the Great Emperor?"

The undead emperor cried again.

boom! !! !!

All the power of the stars in Xiao Yifeng erupted, and the whole body was surrounded by the lights of the stars.

The starry sky surfaced above the void, and the terrifying star power burst out,

Suppressed towards the hall.

"You turned out to be the Great Emperor of the Sky? It turned out that you weren't dead, but reborn again !!!"

The immortal emperor looked at Xiao Yifeng with a shocked expression, his eyes revealing an incredible look.

"I am the first person in the starry sky. Under the starry sky, I have exclusive respect. I don't want to die. Who can make me die !!!"

There was a look of disdain in Xiao Yifeng's eyes, and he shouted coldly.

"It's worthy of being the Emperor of the Starry Sky, and she's domineering !!!"

The Undead Emperor looked at Xiao Yifeng and sighed.

Just then, the figure transformed by the consciousness of the undead king suddenly knelt before Xiao Yifeng.

"What are you doing?"

Xiao Yifeng was shocked when he saw this scene.

"I want to ask the Emperor Xingkong to help me and save my undead family !!!"

The Undead Emperor directly said.

"Rescued your undead?"

Xiao Yifeng was surprised.

"At first, the death clan of the dead domain wanted me to surrender them to the undead. I naturally did not agree. Later, the death emperor and the traitors of the undead clan killed me.

"And suppressed my undead in the abyss of death, and asked the Emperor of the Sky to rescue my undead."

The Undead Emperor looked at Xiao Yifeng and bowed.

"What benefit can I get?"

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.

"As long as the Starry Emperor can rescue my undead people, my undead people will submit to the starry emperor."

"And the Death King and the Star King were enemies."

"My undead can help the starry sky emperor to kill the dead and take down the realm of death."

The Undead Emperor looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"Boy, this trade is okay. The fighting force of this undead is very powerful. If you can win the undead, it will be of great help to you in the future.

"And your first life was indeed hostile to the Emperor of Death. At the time, the people of the death had also entered the primitive world."

"The Emperor of Death has been wounded by you. The enemy of the enemy is a friend. You can try to agree."

Said World of Warcraft.

"How can I let the undead tribe submit to me?"

Xiao Yi Feng Shen Chen.

At this moment the undead king waved.

A ray of light burst out from this statue and fell into Xiao Yifeng's hands, but a dark ring.

"This ring is called the Undead Ring. It is a token of my undead family. Seeing this ring is like seeing me !!!"

"With this precept, the entire family of undead will submit to you."

"And this precept contains all mysteries of the undead."

The Undead Emperor said.

Xiao Yifeng stared at the ring, and Xinghun checked the ring directly.

This ring does contain the secret ban of many undead people.

Including a variety of undead stunts and a large number of treasures.

These mysterious bans all turned into a scroll suspended in the air.

In the center is a scroll with a terrifying atmosphere, which reads Undead Spell.

Xiao Yifeng took a look and found that this undead ban is a very special ban of the undead.

People who are not of the undead type can also unfold it once it is displayed.

Can be directly transformed into undead, fighting power increased by a hundred times.

This forbidden technique has the greatest appeal to Xiao Yifeng ~ ~ he wrote it down.

"Okay, I promise you, but I can't guarantee the rescue of your undead, and I'm not sure if I will go to the dead domain."

"If I go, I will go to the abyss of death to rescue your undead."

Xiao Yifeng said watching the Undead Emperor.

"Thank you !!!"

The Undead King thanked.

"This beast of death is the son of a beast of death, a beast of the town of death, and inherits the blood of the beast of death."

"There is huge room for growth in the future, so let it follow you !!!"

The Undead King looked at the beast and said.

"Death beast !!!"

Xiao Yifeng glanced at this beast, who also looked at Xiao Yifeng all the time.

I saw the Undead Emperor saying something to the beast of death.

The other party came to Xiao Yifeng and knelt down on the ground.

Xiao Yifeng immediately carried out a spirit beast contract on the death beast.

Since it is the descendant of the dead domain town and the beast, it must be extraordinary, and Xiao Yifeng will naturally not let it go.

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