A sense of coldness and solitude permeated through it.

There is a chilling feeling when people stand outside, and they dare not approach.

Xiao Yifeng stepped directly into the forbidden area of ​​death.

As soon as he entered the forbidden area, a cold and soak breath spread all over Xiao Yifeng's body.

Xiao Yifeng couldn't help but shudder.

And the baby pig in his arms was stunned.

"Master, it's terrible here, let's go !!!"

Said the baby pig.

"Shut up and quickly find the soulstone !!!"

Xiao Yifeng snorted coldly and walked towards it.

It was dark and cold throughout the forbidden area, like the abyss of death.

Xiao Yifeng mobilized the strength of his whole body, with a look of vigilance, walking along the road.

Just after a few hours, Xiao Yifeng felt something was wrong.

He was walking, and everything around him seemed to be unchanged.

It was as if he was walking in place, into a dead end.

"There seems to be a formation and the like here !!!"

Said World of Warcraft.


Xiao Yifeng muttered to himself, directly urging the attack to kill him all around.

But to no avail, his attack was like a sinking sea.

Xiao Yifeng then stopped attacking, his eyes glowed with light.

At this time, Xiao Yifeng's mind was shivering.

His pupils of time and space are open.

The power of time and the power of space erupt together.

boom! !! !!

An invisible force of time and space swept across Xiao Yifeng in all directions.

Click! Click! !! !!

In an instant, it seemed as if something had broken around him.

"At this time, the pupil is really amazing !!!"

Xiao Yifeng was secretly surprised.

But not waiting for Xiao Yifeng to be happy for a few seconds.

Suddenly a large amount of gray gas suddenly rushed towards Xiao Yi wind, as if to swallow it.

"No, master, it's the breath of death !!!"

"Escape !!!!"

Cried the baby pig.

In an instant, this endless death gas completely enveloped Xiao Yifeng and wanted to invade his body.

boom! !! !!

At this moment, the star inflammation in Xiao Yifeng's body erupted.

Stars of flames hovered around Xiao Yifeng, turning them into a starry fire that enveloped Xiao Yifeng.

As soon as this death gas came into contact with Xingyan, it squeaked into nothingness.

Xiao Yifeng held the baby pig step by step towards the front.

"Master, turn right 300 meters ahead, there are treasures !!!"

After a while, the baby pig said suddenly.

Xiao Yifeng immediately went to the front as the baby pig said.

Soon Xiao Yifeng found a secret room.

"Is the Soul Stone in this back room?"

Xiao Yifeng guessed secretly, a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes, and headed for this secret room.

"Master, be careful !!!"

Cried the baby pig suddenly.

In the dark, a spear swept towards Xiao Yifeng, containing terrible power.

Xiao Yifeng smashed it and smashed it with the spear, both of them backed away.

Xiao Yifeng then saw who had used the spear to attack him.

In front of him stood a figure in armor, but his face was black.

His eyes were empty and he was holding a spear.

There is no vitality in the whole body, and it looks like a dead person.

"What is it? Is it a corpse?"

Xiao Yifeng was shocked when he saw this scene.

"This is the spirit of death !!!"

Devouring World of Warcraft said suddenly.

"Dead Spirit?"

Xiao Yifeng froze.

"It's the undead. It's almost the same as the corpse, but the undead is much more powerful than the corpse. They have the horror of death on them.

"And some undead have consciousness and are terrible."

"But even in ancient times, the undead were very rare, and I did not expect it to appear here !!!"

Eaten World of Warcraft Shen channel.

boom! !! !!

At this moment, the undead came to Xiao Yifeng again with a spear.

The strength of this undead is also very horrible, much stronger than the pseudo-reincarnation powerhouse.

Rumble! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng wields Minghong sword and fights with each other.

Terrible power erupted, and the undead, tireless, attacked Xiao Yifeng madly.


Xiao Yifeng seized an opportunity to urge the strength of the whole body into Minghong sword.

Severely bombarded towards the undead.

With a bang, the undead was directly destroyed by Xiao Yifeng's horrific sword.

call! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng was relieved immediately.

But don't wait for Xiao Yifeng to relax.

The endless death gas came together, and the undead appeared again.

"I'm going to die !!!!"

Xiao Yifeng exclaimed.

"You have to destroy this death gas, otherwise this undead can be resurrected !!!"

Said World of Warcraft.

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flickered. He waved his hands and Wudaoxingyan appeared in front of him.

Buddha angry fire lotus! !! !!

Seventh! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng urged the Buddha's Fury and Fire Lotus to be seventh, and merged the five stars into one.

Then directly turned into the seventh heavy fire lotus bombarded.

Rumble! !! !!

As the fire lotus composed of five-way starburst blasted out.

A terrifying roar exploded, and the terrible star inflamed into a monstrous flame.

All the surrounding air of death was destroyed by oblivion.

A devastating atmosphere erupted.

Wait until this terrible blow energy has dissipated.

The undead and the dying breath around him were destroyed.

"Hum, see how you live this time !!!"

Xiao Yifeng hummed coldly, and walked towards this secret room.

Before coming to the closet, Xiao Yifeng searched and found the institution, and opened the door of the closet directly.

The door to the secret room opened, and a breathtaking coldness flew towards Xiao Yifeng.

The baby pig was choking for a while ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ and Xiao Yifeng walked in.

In this secret room is filled with more terrible death.

Xiao Yifeng urged Astral Guard to prevent the death gas from invading.

This secret room is a hall, with a seat in front of it.

Above it sits a man in armor.

His eyes were tightly closed, without any breath, apparently dead.

Huh! !! !!

Suddenly, the man's eyes opened suddenly.

His eyes were also empty, and a terrible undead breath erupted. Obviously this man was also an undead.

A terrifying power broke out from the undead.

The terrible gas of death erupted from him and swept repression towards Xiao Yifeng.

Even Xing Yan, who was on Xiao Yifeng's body, was trembling fiercely in the face of this death gas attack. There was a feeling of being extinguished at any time.

The breath released from the opponent was terrifying.

Obviously the opponent's strength has reached a very high level.

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