The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3450: Tianji 1

"Since Qi Tiandao has escaped, I will use your blood to vent my anger !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the people of Tianji Xuan and sang directly.

"No, please let them go !!!"

At this time Qi Ruxue kneeled in front of Xiao Yifeng and said with a scratched head.

"Give me a reason to let them go !!!"

Xiao Yi wind coldly.

"As long as you are willing to let them go, I can make you a slave, a bull and a horse !!!"

Qi Ruxue looked up at Xiao Yifeng and said.

Xiao Yifeng came to Qi Ruxue and reached out to lift the other's chin.

Gaze was staring at the other person's fair and delicate face.

This face is no worse than those women around Xiao Yifeng.

The tear marks in Qi Ruxue's eyes made people feel a sense of pity.

"Sorry, I'm not interested !!!"

The next second, Xiao Yifeng let go of Qi Ruxue and spit indifferently.

Qi Ruxue trembled, and there was a look of pain and despair in her eyes.

"Father, grandpa, I'm here for you !!!"

Qi Ruxue murmured to himself.

Then she patted her head with one palm.

Snapped! !! !!

At this moment Xiao Yifeng waved his hand fiercely, grasping Qi Ruxue's palm.


Qi Ruxue looked at Xiao Yifeng.

"You will die at a young age, isn't it !!!!"

Xiao Yifeng released Qi Ruxue's hand and vomited.

"Don't you say that you want to destroy the Tianji Xuan tribe, I am the daughter of the Tianji Xuan tribe, and naturally will die."

"Dead in your hands, I'd better do it myself !!!"

Qi Ruxue said indifferently.

"Who said I was going to kill you?"

Xiao Yi wind coldly.

"You don't kill me? Don't you let the heavenly Xuan tribe pass?"

Qi Ru looked at Xiao Yifeng with a look of joy.

"I have no intention of letting the heavenly Xuan tribe do, chopping the grass without removing the roots, the spring breeze is blowing again !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.

Then he waved his hand, and the Big Eight exploded.

Bang Bang! !! !!

In a blink of an eye, those who lived and died in this heavenly Xuan tribe, who dominated the realm, semi-reincarnation, and quasi-reincarnation, all died in the hands of the eight major corpses.

In the end, there were only a bunch of women and a dozen children left in the Xuanji Xuan, and the rest were all dead.

Xiao Yifeng urges the power of the Star Soul to perform his secret method.

Erase all the rest of the group's memories of Tianji Xuan.

Seeing the tragic death of Tianji Xuanzu, Qi Ruxue flashed a look of pain and helplessness.

But when he looked at the last group of people, he looked at Xiao Yifeng and said:

"Thank you for leaving a glimmer of life for Tianji Xuan."

"In your face, I spare them !!!!"

"But from this moment on, you are my slave, you must obey my orders !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.


Qi Ruxue nodded.

Facing such a huge gap that the young lady from the celestial genius Xuan tribe has become a slave to others.

Qi Ruxue's expression seemed very calm and calm like water.

There was absolutely nothing unacceptable.

"This woman's tolerance is indeed extraordinary!"

Xiao Yifeng said secretly in his heart.

"I felt a different breath from this woman."

"In my instinct, she is definitely not easy !!!"

Eaten World of Warcraft Shen channel.

It was also because of the words that consumed the World of Warcraft, Xiao Yifeng decided to take Qi Ruxue as a slave.

He wanted to see what was not easy about Qi Ruxue.

Xiao Yifeng then planned to leave here, but just when he was leaving.

His eyes glanced into the depths of this heavenly Xuan tribe.

He faintly felt that something seemed to exist in the heavenly Xuan clans, and this feeling was very mysterious.

Hold the idea that Ning believes that they have no credibility.

Xiao Yifeng rushed into this heavenly Xuan tribe, and came to the hall where the heavenly old man cultivated.

There is a word of heaven on the wall.

There is a yin and yang pattern in the center of the ground.

Xiao Yifeng walked slowly towards this yin and yang pattern.

Soon when his legs stepped on this yin and yang pattern.

The word Tianji on the wall burst into a ray of light, and rows of fonts appeared in the void.

Together with the heavenly machine, born in the sky, take control of the heaven and earth, test the mystery of all things! !! !!

Born to the sky, die against the sky! !! !!

Heavenly secret map, blood of yin and yang! !! !!

Blend in it before you can open it! !! !!

Looking at the rows of words, Xiao Yifeng's eyes glowed with light.

He couldn't understand it in the front, but he could understand the four words of the secret map at the end.

Did he get the secret map from the Tianji Pavilion, but he couldn't crack it.

But now it says that the blood of yin and yang is melted in it before it can be opened.

Does this mean that the secret map of heaven needs the blood of yin and yang to open, but what is the blood of yin and yang, Xiao Yifeng does not know.

"The world of stars, who is up and down, there is only one above the sky !!!"

Just then, the sound of a twilight morning bell echoed in Xiao Yifeng's ears, shaking his mind.


Xiao Yifeng glanced around, but saw nothing.

Then the font in the void disappeared, and everything was calm again.

Immediately after that, the word “Tianji” on the wall shot a light again into Xiao Yifeng's mind.

Xiao Yifeng had a message in his head.

"Tianji Temple?"

When he digested the message, he mumbled to himself.

From this information, Xiao Yifeng learned that both Tianji Pavilion and Tianji Xuan Clan were inherited from the ancient times.

The Temple of Heavenly Machine is the inheritor of the mysterious Heavenly Machine. It belongs to the most mysterious existence in ancient times.

They can break the sky, and calculate the luck and future of all things in the world, which is very terrible.

But this heavenly palace has disappeared in ancient times.

Only this Tianji Pavilion and Tianji Xuan tribe are passed down.

The secret map of this day is the inheritance of the Tianji Temple.

Xiao Yifeng did not expect that the secret map of this day turned out to be so big.

It turned out to be the treasure of the Tianji Hall, a successor of that machine.

"But this machine can really break it, can you predict the future of all things?"

Xiao Yifeng had some doubts in his heart ~ ~ It is true. I heard about Tianji Dian at the beginning. It is said that they are a very special group of people who have insight into the heavens and calculate their future power. "

"But they rarely help people make calculations, and very few of them make no mistakes."

Devouring World of Warcraft vomited.

"So stupid !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said in surprise.

"But your kid is the most stingy with the time and space of the legendary taboo."

"If you can control the pupils of time and space, control the power of time and space."


"You can see the future as well as the past, even more embarrassing than them !!!"

Said World of Warcraft.

PS: If you have n’t read the main article of the Starry Sky, you have gone to WeChat to pay attention to the broken bone WeChat public account “Broken Bone”. Attention, and I hope everyone can support the new book "Best of Demon Sinner", the main character of the new book, Chu Feng, will start a life that is even more explosive than Xiao Yifeng!

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