The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3437: Star Warframe

A strength breakthrough after the title dominated.

Xiao Yifeng also felt that his body's strength had been greatly improved.

Then Xiao Yifeng stood up, sweeping his eyes toward the secret place of the star, and waved his hand.

Huh! !! !!

The next second, a battle armor shining with the light of stars appeared in front of Xiao Yifeng.

"Star Battlegear !!!"

Xiao Yifeng reached out and stroked the armor, with a look of memories in his eyes.

This armor is called the Star Warframe, and it is with the ancient seal of the starry sky.

Crafted from nine hundred and ninety-nine stars, the defense is terrible.

And it also has the role of restoring the power of the stars, which can be described as very powerful.

It is said that wearing this star battle armor, even if the world is destroyed, can survive.

In the last life, Xiao Yifeng was wearing the Star Warrior and holding the ancient seal of the starry sky, becoming the first strongest in the ancient world.

Before he reincarnated, he placed the Star Warframe here.

Now see the Star Warframe again.

Xiao Yifeng also recalled the fierce scenes of the original battles.

Then Xiao Yifeng surged into the power of a star into the star armor.

Immediately the Star Warframe was worn on Xiao Yifeng.

boom! !! !!

When Xiao Yifeng put on the star battle armor again.

A terrible force broke out on him, and a powerful and horrifying defense was released.

Xiao Yifeng did not feel any burden when he put on the Star Warframe.

Instead, it feels that the power in the body is greatly enhanced.

This Star Warrior also has the effect of enhancing its 30% combat effectiveness.

Even with the increase in strength, the increase in combat effectiveness of this Star Warframe will increase.

In short, this star armor is a supreme treasure.

"This Star Warrior is really awesome. It is estimated that even the strongest in the spirit realm now don't want to hurt you !!!"

Devouring World of Warcraft vomited.

"The treasures made by my starry sky emperor are naturally great !!!"

Xiao Yifeng smiled slightly.

This Star Warframe was made by the first Emperor of the Sky.

In the entire universe, the starry sky has the power.

With so many stars, you can make the heavenly armor, such a treasure.

boom! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng blasted out with a punch.

In line with the increase in power of this Star Warframe.

His punch power soared by almost half.

Huh! !! !!

In the next second, the Star Warframe disappeared and disappeared into its body.

"Just the Star Sword !!!"

Xiao Yifeng murmured to himself.

"Xing Chen Sword, is it the Star Sword that the Great Emperor of the Sky originally split one side of the planet world?"

Devouring World of Warcraft said suddenly.

"You know the Star Sword, too !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said lightly.

"Of course I know that this star sword is known as the first sword in the universe."

"It is said to be a terrible weapon that transcends the innate treasures and has the terrifying power to destroy a starry sky."

"In the beginning, the Star Emperor held this star sword, and one sword killed eight Supreme Masters. The three Emperors shocked the entire universe, and became famous in the First World War. Megatron was the universe.

Devouring World of Warcraft said, his voice was full of wonder.

"Yes, that is the Star Sword, and now it is sealed on the top of the God Realm !!!"

Xiao Yi Feng Shen Chen.

"On top of Divine Realm, where is that?"

Devouring World of Warcraft exclaimed.

"I don't know, although my previous life awakened some of the memories of the first life, but not many."

"I only know that the Star Sword is sealed on the top of Divine Realm. As for the top of Divine Realm, I don't know."

"I can only wait for me to awaken the memory of the First Life again or to ask the talents of Divine Realm to know that the top of Divine Realm is there."

"But since it is the place where the Star Sword is sealed, the top of this **** realm is definitely not a simple place, it is definitely the most special place in the eight realms of **** realm."

Xiao Yifeng said lightly, and then he thought of Xiaohuang and asked fiercely:

"Xiaohuanghuang, do you know the top of Divine Realm?"

"The top of the God Realm? It should be the most pinnacle of the virtual **** world !!!"

Xiaohuanghuang said.

"Ethereal world?"

Xiao Yifeng looked for a moment.

"The virtual realm is the first world and the main realm of the eight realms of the divine realm."

"It is the world with the most powerful and powerful people in the entire god."

"Ethereal world belongs to the top existence in countless worlds of the starry sky !!!"

Xiaohuanghuang said.

"It seems that the star sword is sealed in the virtual world, but I don't know where it is?"

Xiao Yifeng murmured to himself, for such a transcendence of innate treasures, can wipe out three great emperors, eight supreme swords, Xiao Yifeng naturally wanted.

Then Xiao Yifeng's eyes continued to sweep towards the secret place of the stars.

"With the blood of my stars, call three thousand stars inflammation !!!"

Xiao Yifeng waved his hands.

The blood on his index finger suddenly flew out and turned into a spell in the air.

boom! !! !!

The next second, a harsh roar rang out in the entire mystery of the stars.

Then in the void appeared a dazzling star-blue light.

Even Xiao Yifeng couldn't help blinking his eyes.

When he looked away, he saw the blue flames of stars floating in the secret place of the star.

The flame looked like the stars were burning with flames.

There are three thousand stars of blue flame.

It is the flame that Xiao Yifeng had in his previous life, and the first three thousand stars in the sky fire list.

As soon as the three thousand star flames appeared, Xiao Yifeng felt a breath of suffocation.

The terrible breath filled the mystery of the stars.

"Three thousand stars inflammation !!!"

Xiao Yifeng stared at the three thousand stars inflammation, his eyes flashed with brilliance.

With Xiao Yifeng's feeling, the power of these three thousand stars flames is terrible.

Each celestial flame has at least a half flame level power.

These three thousand Dao Xingyan gathered here.

The energy power contained in it is almost unimaginable ~ ~ But this is three thousand stars.

But with the strength of Xiao Yifeng, he also controlled a maximum of twenty stars.

Wait until his strength continues to improve.

He can fully control the three thousand stars.

Xiao Yifeng then waved his hands.

All three thousand star flames entered Xiao Yifeng's body.

As these three thousand star flames entered Xiao Yifeng's Dantian, his Dantian suddenly struck.

At this moment, even the golden flame, which had not changed in any way, was trembling fiercely in the face of the three thousand star flames.

For the first time, this golden flame flickered to the side.

As if avoiding these three thousand stars flame.

Seeing this, Xiao Yifeng's eyes flashed a look of surprise.

It was the first time he had seen something scared in a golden flame.

In the past, no matter what kind of flame the golden flame encountered, it was the shape of a boss.

Now when encountering the three thousand stars inflammation, it has become a younger brother, showing the horrors of the three thousand stars inflammation.

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